Search found 137 items

Fuchsia 'Marbled Orange King'
  • £9.99

The coral coloured sepals and pink petals of Fuchsia 'Orange King' are decorated with orange flame-like marbling. These extravagant, large double blooms trail in abundance, covering your container in a sea of exquisite marbled colour all summer long.

Rose Oranges and Lemons, Papagena
  • £9.99

Treat yourself to something rather special and grow this dazzling bi-coloured rose. An eye-catching floribunda rose, producing masses of crazy, striped flowers which definitely pack a visual punch. This novel variety has yellow blooms that are boldly splashed and striped with bright orange. 'Oranges and Lemons' is a repeat flowering rose, producing clusters of large, slightly fragrant blooms throughout the summer and into the autumn, contrasting beautifully with the dark green glossy foliage. Superb as a cut flower and striking in mixed flower borders. When not in flower, you're still rewarded with colour as the new growth emerges a glossy maroon-red before transforming to a deep green - so if you're looking for something with some garden 'wow factor' then this is the rose for you. Being a floribunda, this rose bush has good disease resistance, is hardy and easy to grow, reaching around 1m in height. Even if you've not got a garden, you can grow 'Oranges and lemons' as it's quite happy in a large pot on the patio or balcony. The incredible colour is caused by what is known as a 'jumping gene' which creates instability in the colour genes of each flower, so it can be either of two colours. This makes each petal and each flower 100% unique, giving a lovely contrasting mix. Floribunda Roses are often repeat flowering, produce large clusters of blooms over such a long season, making them ideal in the garden. Floribundas are hardy and robust with more disease resistant than Hybrid Teas and making them easier to grow., and the best type of rose if you're new to gardening. Supplied as a bare-root plant, ready to plant out.

Rose Oranges & Lemons (Papagena)
  • £9.99

Treat yourself to something rather special and grow this dazzling bi-coloured rose. An eye-catching floribunda rose, producing masses of crazy, striped flowers which definitely pack a visual punch. This novel variety has yellow blooms that are boldly splashed and striped with bright orange. 'Oranges and Lemons' is a repeat flowering rose, producing clusters of large, slightly fragrant blooms throughout the summer and into the autumn, contrasting beautifully with the dark green glossy foliage. Superb as a cut flower and striking in mixed flower borders. When not in flower, you're still rewarded with colour as the new growth emerges a glossy maroon-red before transforming to a deep green - so if you're looking for something with some garden 'wow factor' then this is the rose for you. Being a floribunda, this rose bush has good disease resistance, is hardy and easy to grow, reaching around 1m in height. Even if you've not got a garden, you can grow 'Oranges and lemons' as it's quite happy in a large pot on the patio or balcony. The incredible colour is caused by what is known as a 'jumping gene' which creates instability in the colour genes of each flower, so it can be either of two colours. This makes each petal and each flower 100% unique, giving a lovely contrasting mix. Floribunda Roses are often repeat flowering, produce large clusters of blooms over such a long season, making them ideal in the garden. Floribundas are hardy and robust with more disease resistant than Hybrid Teas and making them easier to grow., and the best type of rose if you're new to gardening. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot.

Acer 'Orange Beauty'
  • £14.99

The fiery foliage of Acer ?Orange Beauty? creates a riotous explosion of orange-yellow leaves in spring that change to a bright, lime green during the summer and then colour to shades of red and gold in autumn. Japanese maples make magnificent focal points for shaded, sheltered spots in the garden where their delicate foliage is protected from strong sunlight and drying winds.

Lampranthus aureus, Red and Orange
  • £14.99

Also known as the perennial mesembryanthemum or 'Vygie', Lampranthus is a vibrant succulent which has spectacular displays of unbelievably bright, shining flowers all through the summer. One of the most striking plants for the garden and undoubtedly one of the easiest, its large, daisy-like flowers open when the sun shines, and often cover the plants entirely forming a carpet of colour. Lampranthus make ideal plants for window boxes and baskets and are reliable performers both as a container plant and a garden ground cover, so everyone can have a go at growing them. Low maintenance and simple to care for, they're tolerant of poor soil and drought conditions so don't mind if you forget about them occasionally! A neatly rounded, compact plant that grows to around 30 x 50cm we supply 6 x 9cm plants, 3 of each colour, red and orange.

Apple Coxs Orange Pippin Tree
  • £24.99

This delicious variety is widely regarded as being the tastiest of all apples! It is perfect for growing in the UK and produces fabulous crops of its medium-sized, golden-red fruits that can be picked from September onwards. The fruits will look great on the tree as well as in your fruit bowl, and each one is tantalisingly crisp to bite into, with complex, sweet and tangy juice - yummy! Perfect for eating straight from the tree, 'Cox's Orange Pippin' is highly versatile, so you can make your own excellent cider and juice or use your harvest to make preserves and chutneys. First grown in the 1820s, this brilliant all-round winner is nearly 200 years old and still as popular as ever. Best of all, you will save tons of money by growing your own instead of buying them from the shops, and, of course, they will taste so much better! Supplied as an established plant, approx. 90-110cm tall in a 5L pot, ready to plant out.

Begonia 'Sunpleasures® Choco Orange'
  • £12.99

Dazzling orange blooms smother this compact, spherical plant to create a mound of colour throughout the summer months.

Begonia Belleconia Soft Orange
  • £11.99

Begonia ?Belleconia Soft Orange? produces a glorious display of cascading peachy-orange double blooms from May all the way through to September.

Begonia 'Prima Donna Orange'
  • £11.99

This prima donna certainly takes centre stage with massive, frilly blooms which can reach up to 20cm/8 inches in diameter.

Geranium 'Tall Dark & Handsome Orange'
  • £12.99

Geranium ?Tall Dark & Handsome Orange? is a striking pelargonium with intense orange flowers which give bright pops of colour against complementary dark foliage with a brighter green margin.

Dahlia 'Orange/Salmon Mix'
  • £19.99

Dahlia ?Orange/Salmon Mix? contains a varied mixture of cactus, decorative and pompon dahlias, creating a warm palette of coral red to peachy yellow shades.

Tomato 'Dora Orange'
  • £9.99

?Dora Orange? is a cute little cherry tomato with fruits shaped like a heart.
