Indulge someone with this stunning bouquet of Mozart calla lilies, Miss Piggy roses, textured pink carnations with glossy hypericum berries and delicate scented alstroemeria.Please note the bouquet pictured is the Chicsize and the vase is not included.
Bouquets inspired by the British garden rose, heavenly scented sweet vuvuzela roses with white eustoma and white veronica. Bringing the garden inside.Please note the bouquet pictured is the extra large size and the vase is not included.
Bouquets inspired by the British garden roses, heavenly scented sweet vuzuela roses with lilac memory lane roses and blue veronica. Bringing the garden inside.Please note the bouquet pictured is the extra large size and the vase is not included.
A beautiful gift for the avid gardener to plant in their garden. Commemorate that special occasion with this delightful peach garden rose plant.
Bouquets inspired by the British garden roses, heavenly scented sweet vuzuela roses with lilac memory lane roses, blue veronica and Cuna de la Poesia Rose (75cl). Bringing the garden inside.Please note the bouquet pictured is the extra large size and the vase is not included.
Indulge someone with this stunning bouquet of Mozart calla lilies, Miss Piggy roses, textured pink carnations with glossy hypericum berries and delicate scented alstroemeria, paired with a box of delicious Appleyard Dark Chocolate & Orange Truffles.Please note the bouquet pictured is the extra large size and the vase is not included. Please see 'more info' tab for chocolate ingredient list. May contain nut traces.
Description for 50 Long Stem Peaches and Cream Roses not available
The innovative Fruit Me® series offers a range of self-fertile fruit and nut trees, grafted onto a brand new dwarf rootstock. These compact mini fruit trees are specially adapted for growing in patio containers over a long period, producing good crops from an early age. Perfect for balconies, terraces, conservatories and small gardens ? in fact, anywhere that space is at a premium.
You?ll be amazed at just how long Helenium ?Peach Sundae? is in flower! The blooms begin in early summer and, with regular deadheading, continue right through to Autumn.