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Sweet Pepper 'Thor' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.49

Long fruits of up to 25cm (10in) in length are produced in large quantities throughout the summer when grown in the greenhouse. Peppers turn a bright red colour as they ripen - try cutting them lengthways and grilling them on the barbeque.

Chilli Pepper 'Paper Lantern'
  • £2.09

More productive and earlier ripening than a standard habenero - you can expect fruits ready to pick up to a fortnight quicker. The fiery fruits (scoville rating of 250,000!) are 5-7cm long, mid green in colour turning an orangey red and finally a rosy red on full maturity. Paper Lantern is best grown in large pots or with two plants per growbag in the greenhouse for the earliest fruits, or in a sunny sheltered spot outdoors if you don't mind waiting a little longer. Renowned for being blisteringly hot, Paper Lantern makes a tasty addition to hot sauces, salsas and soups - but it's not for the faint hearted!

Chilli Pepper 'Fresno Mix' F1
  • £2.99

Awarded an RHS AGM, Chilli Pepper 'Fresno' bears conical dark green fruits which ripen to red, orange and yellow. This popular variety is easy to grow, with a moderate heat that makes it particularly useful in the kitchen. Height: 75cm (30). Spread: 50cm (20).

Chilli Pepper 'Hot Lemon'
  • £1.99

With their sharp lemon flavour these hot chillies will certainly spice things up in the kitchen. Chilli Pepper 'Hot Lemon' produces plenty of 5cm (2) yellow chillies with tender skins and a flavour that is hotter than Cayenne. Easy to grow on a sunny patio or in the greenhouse. Height: 75cm (30). Spread: 50cm (20).

Chilli Pepper 'Jalapeno M'
  • £1.99

Widely used for TexMex cooking, Chilli Pepper 'Jalapeno M' produces large dark green fruits that ripen to a fiery scarlet red. The 10cm (8) long peppers are thick-walled with a typical tapering Jalapeno shape. Perfect for adding a mild heat to dishes. Height: 75cm (30). Spread: 50cm (20).

Chilli Pepper 'Big Bomb' F1
  • £3.59

An earlier ripening 'Cherry Bomb' type, large 5cm x 5cm flatter, round dark green to red fruits. Mild pungency with some heat at base. Mid height plant will need cane support if on a windowsill.

Broad Bean 'Perla'
  • £2.99

Broad Bean 'Perla? is an RHS AGM variety with healthy, dark foliage. This neat little Bean is slightly taller than the well known variety 'The Sutton? but equally good for growing in patio containers. An early setting of white flowers produces a good crop of pods, each containing up to 6 bright green beans. Having been bred as a gourmet crop, the beans are delicately flavoured, and provide an excellent source of folate, fibre and vitamin B. Make successional sowings for a continuous harvest from June to August. Height: 90cm (36). Spread: 45cm (18).

Sweet Pepper 'Boneta'
  • £2.99

Set this compact, early-flowering pepper on a sunny patio or border after the last frost, to enjoy an abundance of successional flowers, leading to a big crop of creamy-lime coloured fruits. The thick-fleshed fruits ripen to red and each weigh around 100g on maturity.

Sweet Pepper 'Summer Salad Improved Mix'
  • £2.99

We didn't think we could do any better than Summer Salad, but we've re-assessed this selection of hybrids for even better greenhouse and garden performance. 'Summer Salad Improved Mix' retains all your favourite colourful varieties, but promises even better yields of both thick and thin walled fruits to suit stuffing, roasting, stir-frying and salad use.

Chilli Pepper 'Numex Twilight'
  • £2.99

Simply stunning as an 'ornamental edible'; fruits ripen from purple to yellow to orange to red, providing colour as well as hundreds of small, upright 20mm (0.75in) peppers. Superb in a container on the patio, the attractive dark leaves will show off the vivid colours of the fruits

Carrot 'Sweet Imperator Mix' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.99

Carrot 'Sweet Imperator Mix' is the perfect choice for growing in a deep patio container. These colourful F1 hybrids produce slender, tapering roots up to 25cm (10) long if sown quite thickly. The sweet, flavoursome roots are crisp and juicy in a fabulous array of colours that will really liven up your dinner plate. This striking mix will also provide a wide range of nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxidants produced by the different colour variations. Height: 30cm (12). Spread: 15cm (6).

Leek 'Nipper'
  • £1.00

Fast-growing 'baby' leeks specially bred to be ready to pick in just 10 weeks from sowing. Pull them at 'spring onion size' for fresh and tasty leeks out of season; with a flavour that's milder than spring onions, they are delicious in stir fries and salads
