A T&M-bred mixture of Potentillas, which are easy, unfussy, long-lasting perennial plants awash with colour all summer. This blend features some unique and exciting doubles, in a range of fiery colours. Will grow in any ordinary, well-drained soil in full sun
Trailing. A famous French heirloom, the name of Squash Potimarron derives from potiron (pumpkin) and marron (chestnut). Squash Potimarron is one of the very best for baking and roasting, fruits reach 125-175 kilos (3-4lbs) in weight with an aromatic chestnut like taste. Good for storage.
Second earlyDistinctive pear shaped tubers with firm creamy flesh and waxy, yellow skin. This popular second early variety makes an excellent salad potato; delicious eaten hot or cold.
Create a stylish and relaxing space in your home or garden with this stunning decorative water feature from Serenity.
Create a stylish and relaxing space in your home or garden with this stunning decorative water feature from Serenity.