Search found 27 items

Magnolia 'Princess Margaret'
  • £24.99

An elegant variety with rounded buds that form on bare branches, opening to wide, upward facing blooms. The petals are deep pink on the outside and almost white on the inside, creating a refined, two-tone effect. Magnolia 'Princess Margaret' has a tall, upright habit that forms a regal, deciduous tree with maturity.

Clematis 'Princess Diana'
  • £39.99

Such an unusually shaped flower with Clematis 'Princess Diana'. Instead of the more common large open-faced blooms this attractive variety of clematis has trumpet shaped magenta pink flowers that are narrow at the base then flaring as a star shape that gives a view of the contrasting stamens. The overall effect is as beautiful as it's namesake. Clematis 'Princess Diana' is a late flowering texensis cultivar which will be in flower from mid-summer through to autumn. The maintenance is minimal as all that is required is that it's cut back to almost ground level to ensure yearly displays. Height: 4m (12'). Spread 1m (3'). Pruning group 3.

Syringa 'Princess Sturdza'
  • £19.99

Bears large panicles of single, pink flowers in abundance during May and June.
