Aubergine F1 Scorpio produces delicious deep purple crops and it may very well produce this crop two months earlier than the normal.
Cucumber 'Carmen' is a unique variety with resistance to all known strains of powdery mildew, scab and leaf-spot, making it ideal for organic gardeners.
There?s no need for blight to threaten your crops, with Tomato 'Crimson Plum'. This is the first blight resistant variety developed specifically for outdoor cropping.
Sweet Pepper ?Beluga Lilac? bears high yields of delicious peppers which are a gorgeous deep purple when young maturing to deep red.
Tomato ?Premio? is a vigorous tomato showing good resistance to blight, mosaic virus, Verticillium and Fusarium Wilt.
Reap the benefits of grafted vegetables! Top fruiting varieties are grafted onto more vigorous rootstocks to produce the best possible crops. These vigorous plants produce a huge increase in yields over a longer cropping season, with better tolerance to p
Tomato 'Crimson Cherry' has been bred with outdoor growing in mind. This early cropping variety begins producing fruit before the worst risk of blight arrives, and after that, it tends to outgrow any infection, minimising any risk to your crop.
Sweet Pepper ?Cleor? (Grafted) is a vigorous and compact plant producing long, bright yellow peppers.
A ready-to-use herbicide for total weed control. Kills a wide range of garden weeds, moss, algae and liverwort. Ideal for use under and around flowers, vegetables, shrubs and fruit trees. Can also be used on permeable gravel paths and drives, outdoor walls, fences, roofs and more.1 litre bottle.CAUTION: Please read all instructions carefully before handling, storing or opening, and take care when lifting heavy objects.
A superb variety for outdoor cultivation, Pepper 'Felipe' is robust with good resistance to pepper mosaic virus. With plenty of F1 vigour, this productive variety produces good yields of sweet peppers throughout the summer. The fruits are green, ripenin
Just imagine a Brussels Sprout which you can serve at the dinner table, and the children come back for seconds! Thanks to the work of the breeder, continuously striving for a better, sweeter flavour, your wish can now come true with Brussels Sprout Trafalgar. This modern hybrid produces a heavy crop of medium sized, firm button sprouts from mid December to late March and they keep their excellent quality over a long period of time. Andrew Tokely says: For the past 10 years this has been the only variety of Brussels Sprout that I have grown on my plots. The strong plants produce good size buttons and will stand well though all weathers well past ChristmasTheir sweet flavour means sprouts can now be enjoyed by all the family