Aubergine F1 Scorpio produces delicious deep purple crops and it may very well produce this crop two months earlier than the normal.
Cucumber 'Carmen' is a unique variety with resistance to all known strains of powdery mildew, scab and leaf-spot, making it ideal for organic gardeners.
There?s no need for blight to threaten your crops, with Tomato 'Crimson Plum'. This is the first blight resistant variety developed specifically for outdoor cropping.
Sweet Pepper Grafted Plants Collection provides a choice of three vibrant, thick-walled peppers in orange, red and yellow to make colourful salads and cooked dishes.
Tomato ?Premio? is a vigorous tomato showing good resistance to blight, mosaic virus, Verticillium and Fusarium Wilt.
As their name suggests, Tomato ?Sugar Plum Raisin? are absolutely packed with sweetness.
Suitable for both outdoor and greenhouse growing, this is a very popular seedless variety producing large bunches.
Grape ?Perlette? is a vigorous and heavy cropping white dessert grape which is excellent for eating straight off the vine but also good for making raisins and used for wine.
Aubergine ?Emerald Isle? produces plump, oval fruit which are an unusual pale green colour with darker veining.
Cucumber ?Socrates? is an RHS award-winning, all female variety.
Large, bright red fruits with a sun-warmed, old fashioned flavour and rich, meaty flesh - Tomato ?Buffalo Steak? has it all! This vigorous variety starts producing crops earlier than other beefsteak tomatoes. Cropping continues for months on end, keeping