Sweep them off their feet with this luxury Appleyard bouquet of classic velvet red, long stemmed Naomi roses, the ultimate luxury gift to say 'I love you'.Please n ote the vase is not included.
A luxury gift hamper of a beautiful gift-wrapped white rose plant, box of luxury handmade chocolates and a 75cl bottle of Dal Bello Don Gallo Prosecco presented in a woven basket.Please note the basket may vary depending on season.Please see 'more info' tab for chocolate ingredient list. May contain nut traces.
FREE UPGRADE - 50% EXTRA ROSESA simply stunning bouquet of chic vintage two-toned roses of soft pink and peach.Please note the bouquet pictured is the two dozen size and the vase is not included.
Impress someone with this bouquet of unusual black Naimo roses. If you're looking for a gift that's a little different, these black roses are perfect.
A classic combination of deep red roses with red carnations beautifully complemented by hypericum berries and assorted foliage.
This delightful bouquet of luxury flowers is a unique selection of gorgeous antique carnations with heavenly scented white oriental lilies, avalanche roses and finished with vibrant green bell and paired with the delicious, award winning Dal Bello Prosecco. Why not add a box of chocolates to make a truly unforgettable gift?Please note the bouquet pictured is the chic size and the vase is not included.
This beautiful bouquet of hand-tied flowers is a floral delight of pretty pink sweet avalanche roses, heavenly scented white lilies and vibrant eucalyptus with green bell and award winning Dal Bello Prosecco
Description for Gift Basket with Rose Petal Hand Cream not available
Ideal for a low-key celebration or as a congratulatory present, we’ve designed this bouquet to evoke feelings of friendship and unity. The pink, white and peach roses are accompanied by fragrant eucalyptus, a symbol of peace and harmony.