Masses of cool blue and white blooms from May until the first frosts makes Salvia Seascape the perfect choice for a relaxing display in your beds and containers this year. An all weather tolerant variety, it will perform well in dry conditions making it perfect for sunny borders.
Masses of cool blue and white blooms from May until the first frosts makes Salvia Seascape the perfect choice for a relaxing display in your beds and containers this year. An all weather tolerant variety, it will perform well in dry conditions making it perfect for sunny borders.
One of the most famous summer annual bedding plants, long flowering, early flowering, compact and neat. It is a frost tender annual. Ideal for bedding and edging. Other excellent sites are windowboxes and tubs. Flowers summer. Height 30cm (12in)
Reliable, brilliant red flowers make this a long-standing summer favourite. Compact plants make them ideal in bedding schemes, containers and borders. Height and spread: 30cm (12).
An excellent all-rounder. Red Arrow produces lots of vivid red flowers set-off against deep green foliage and its excellent lateral branching habit makes it very effective in mass displays in beds, borders etc. Recommended also for window boxes, patio tubs, containers etc. Flowers summer. Height 28cm (11 in)