Search found 183 items

Hand Sanitiser 5L
  • £69.99

This anti-bacterial hand gel is perfect for cleaning your hands in times when it is not possible to use water and soap. This solution also has the added benefit of being enriched with Squalene sugar beet moisturiser to ensure skin protection. Presented in a bulk container, this is a cost-effective way of buying in volume and using to top-up smaller dispensers.   Contents: 5 Litre bottle Registered as EU cosmetic with CPNP (CPNP stands for Cosmetic Products Notification Portal and is the online notification system made mandatory by the EU Cosmetics Regulation No 1223/2009)

Magnolia Susan
  • £14.99

A perfect specimen for a small garden, this medium-sized magnolia boasts narrow, goblet shaped flowers that appear from near purple buds in April. Measuring almost 15cm (6') across, each deep pink bloom packs a heady scent. It does best in slightly acidic soil or can be planted in containers of ericaceous compost. This upright shrub will grow to 4m (12ft) high by 3m (10ft) across. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, ready to pot on or plant out.

Magnolia Susan Standard Shrub
  • £19.99

A plant to add to your garden must-have list, Magnolia 'Susan' produces delicately-fragranced, burgundy-pink flowers from mid-spring. This absolute stunner of a plant is ideal for smaller gardens, where its fragrant flowers will attract early pollinators - (as well as comments from your neighbours). The slightly twisted, six-petalled, flowers open up to form a goblet shape, and cover the tree from tip to trunk in gorgeous colour before the mid-green leaves emerge. Grow in moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil in sun or partial shade with shelter from cold winds. Late frosts may damage flower buds, so keep some fleece handy to throw over it in case cold nights threaten. Supplied as a 3L standard plant 80-90cm tall.

Chrysanthemum Garden Mums Collection
  • £14.99

Nothing heralds the arrival of Autumn in the garden than good old-fashioned Chrysanths - and these amazing Hardy Garden 'Mums are just the ticket to fill your garden with colour late on in the season and on into Winter. Naturally dome forming and compact, they will make fabulous potted plants for outdoors, or neat little domes in beds and borders. They will be smothered in literally hundreds and hundreds of flowers in deep, rich Autumnal shades, their filled centres joining together to create a carpet of colour. You will get 3 plugs each of 6 colours from the Gigi series - Orange, Coral, Pink, Dark Pink, Snow and Yellow - all flowering their socks off from late August well into November. Perfection for the Autumn garden!

Chrysanthemum Garden Spray Collection
  • £12.99

If you would like to grow your own tall, strong stems of cut flowers, for harvest late this summer and in to the autumn months these are the perfect plants to grow. They will flower from August and into October,  with each plant giving you approximately 5-6 stems for cut  flowers. They are ready to pick as soon as the first few flowers Break Bud, which means start to show some colour when they get to this stage, cut the stems quite low down, around 15cm (6') from the ground level, and remove the lower leaves from the cut stems prior to plunging them in to a tall vase of cold water. As an indoor display, they will last at least 2 weeks, but do change the water every few days as this keeps them in the best possible condition. When grown exclusively as a border plant, give them some support with a bamboo cane and position them towards the back of a border where they will brighten your garden just when so many other plants are coming to the end of their season.

Chrysanthemum Garden Bloom Collection
  • £12.99

Garden Bloom Chrysanthemums bear a single large flower rather than the multiple flowers that Spray types produce. These are really fashionable with top florists and command very high prices per stem, so if you grow your own you can have a magnificent display indoors and out and also save a small fortune! Throughout the growing season, remove the side shoots on a fortnightly basis (these are the little growths between the leaves and the stem) as this directs all of the energy in to the single large top flower. They bloom from September to October, so they make a perfect companion to the spray chrysanthemums, with each plant giving you approximately 3-4 stems of cut-able flowers. They are ready to cut as soon as you see the first sign of colour appearing and when they get to this stage, cut the stems quite low down, around 15cm (6') from the ground level, and remove the lower leaves from the cut stems prior to plunging them in to a tall vase of cold water. As an indoor display, they will last at least 2 weeks, but do change the water every few days as this keeps them in the best possible condition. Support them throughout the growing season with a strong bamboo cane per plant. Although a little more work is involved in growing Bloom Chrysanthemums, the quality and impact of the flowers will more than repay you for your effort!

Garden Chrysanthemum Collection
  • £25.98

This is the ultimate chrysanthemum collection - 24 of the biggest and best varieties guaranteed to make a massive impact in your garden!Chrysanthemums are a much loved, classic cottage garden favourite, due to their beautiful clusters of ball-shaped flowers. Nothing heralds the arrival of autumn in the garden than a garden flushed with their gorgeous blooms.'Spray' and 'Bloom' Chrysanthemums are the beautiful classic old-fashioned types, with glorious 8-10 inch blooms in a mix of orange, pink, yellow and purple. Planted in a mixture these will create simply stunning features!Chrysanthemums have a long flowering period, so you can enjoy their huge, impressive displays all summer long, typically from the end of July through to December.Often used to create impact in florist's bouquets where they come at a price, this collection is incredible value for money and you'll be able to cut them from your own garden and create your very own unique displays in vases indoors.These are hardy, shrubby perennials that will return every year to delight with their showy blooms.   They are so easy to care for and they thrive when well-watered but require very little pruning. They produce their tight, balls of colour naturally, and don't need any help achieving or maintaining this shape.

Edgeworthia chrysantha Grandiflora Paperbush
  • £12.99

An absolute gem of a winter flowering plant, little seen but a really good winter garden plant, not grown widely enough. In late winter and early spring, before there's much colour about at all, even before daffodils, it produces intriguing yellow and cream flowers, lightly scented, smothered over bare stems, as flowers are produced before the leaves. It is a relative of the Daphne, sharing it's preference for cool, lightly shaded spots. Martin distinctly remembers being blown away by the first sight and smell of this plant, a large specimen on a remote Dutch Nursery, on a wet, windy and grey February afternoon, but finding much stock has been a challenge. Now we have some, it deserves a space in many gardens.

Cornus sanguinea Annys Winter Orange
  • £14.99

Also known as the Bloody dogwood or bloodtwig on account of its glowing winter colour, Cornus 'Anny's Winter Orange', is one of the best for colour, being much prized for its vibrant, orange-flushed red stems. Widely grown as ornamental plants, dogwoods are a subtle, underestimated garden staple which come into their own when their leaves change colour in a glorious display in autumn, falling to reveal the flame-coloured branches so popular with gardeners. Fully winter hardy, dogwoods are a popular shrub for any garden or even a large container as they are unfussy and are both easy to grow and low maintenance, with a long season of interest - all year round! In spring, dogwoods bust into bloom with heads of dainty white flowers that are a magnet to butterflies and bees. These are followed in late summer by black berries that will attract all manner of birds into your garden. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Grow in sun or partial shade but be aware that dogwood produces the best stem colour when grown in full sun.

Chrysanthemum Garden Mums Mix
  • £14.99

Nothing heralds the arrival of Autumn in the garden more than good old-fashioned Chrysanths - and these amazing Hardy 'Garden Mums' are just the ticket to fill your garden with colour late on in the season and on into Winter. Naturally dome forming and compact, they will make fabulous potted plants for outdoors, or neat little domes in beds and borders. They will be smothered in literally hundreds and hundreds of flowers in deep, rich Autumnal shades, their filled centres joining together to create a carpet of colour. They will make simply stunning and long-lasting cut flowers to be enjoyed in your favourite vase.Supplied as a pack of 10 Garden Ready Plants, ready to plant out.

Cornus sanguinea Midwinter Fire
  • £14.97

'Midwinter Fire', is stunning with its vibrant flame-coloured stems. It's great for bees and butterflies too, which are attracted to the dainty white flowers. Widely grown as ornamental plants, dogwoods are a subtle, underestimated garden staple which come into their own when their leaves change colour in a glorious display in autumn, falling to reveal the glowing branches so prized by gardeners. Fully winter hardy, dogwoods are a popular shrub for any garden or even a large container as they are fairly unfussy and are both easy to grow and low maintenance, with a long season of interest - all year round! Supplied as 3 x established plants in 9cm pots, ready to plant out. Growing to a height and spread of 2m (6ft), flowering white May - June

Rhubarb Sanvitos Red
  • £2.99

The delicious sweet flavour of 'Sanvitos Red' and its thick, deep red stalks make this an outstanding rhubarb! A superb early variety, cropping from April and without the need for forcing. The stems look fantastic and their wonderful sweetness and low acidity makes them perfect for cooking. Rhubarb is very easy and incredibly rewarding to grow perfect for gardeners of all abilities. Pick sparingly in the first year to allow your plants to establish, and you'll be rewarded with armfuls of delicious rhubarb to harvest each year for many, many years to come! Perfect for planting in the vegetable garden but also ideal for a large container. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready to plant out for cropping next season.
