Search found 183 items

Chrysanthemums and Orchids in a Glass Vase
  • £51.74

This is an exotic yellow flowers arrangement with cymbidium orchids and lush foilages straight out of our beautiful London florist centre. A perfect flower table arrangement that will put a smile on any recipients face....

Sanseveria Pot
  • £26.99

Description for Sanseveria Pot not available

  • £99.99

Description for Casanova not available

  • £39.99

Description for Alessandra not available

Sweet Sanctuary
  • £28.99

A fiery creation from our studio florists, this mix of orange gerberas, wax flower and thorow wax is highlighted with sprigs of dashing asclepia. Celebrate an anniversary or birthday with this magnificent arrangement and create memories to last a lifetime

One Thousand and One Nights
  • £319.99

A captivating combination of Italian ruscus and rich, cream roses, this bouquet is full of life and lustre. It’s the ideal gift for an important anniversary or as a year-round token of appreciation. Enjoy the best of all things floral with Flowers and Plants Co.

Renaissance Rose
  • £79.99

A laid-back and luxurious bouquet with Columbian roses, eucalyptus and seasonal foliage. It’s the perfect way to say Thank You or let a loved one know you’re thinking of them.

Calathea Sanderiana
  • £23.99

Native to Columbia and Venezuela Calathea are known also known as prayer plants as they open their leaves at sunrise and fold their leaves at night, like praying hands. A stunning plant variety has dark glossy green leaves with pinstriped pink overtone patterning to their purple undersides. This plant is also a great for air purifying. Light and Water As with most variegated plants, Calathea need plenty of diffused light however direct sunlight will cause the leaves to fade and lose their markings. They can tolerate some degree of shade, but the better the light con-ditions, the more you will be rewarded by fine foliage. Experiment in your home to find the perfect spot for your plant. To keep a prayer plant happy, make sure you don’t let its soil dry out. Check it at least once a week and wa-ter it when the top two inches of soil feel dry. It will also benefit from feeding once a month in spring and summer. High humidity levels are a must. Stand on a wet pebble tray to improve humidity and mist frequent-ly. Pop it in the shower room or kitchen from time to time to give an extra boost.

Renaissance Rose
  • £70.00

A bouquet that calls to mind summer days and clear blue skies. It's evocative and redolent, a design which transports the viewer and brings into focus the magnificent power of flowers. With fresh daisies and pale pink roses, our favourite carnations and strong stems of alstroemeria, it's an explosion of colour to rival any fireworks display

Chrysanthemum Garden Mums Collection
  • £14.99

Nothing heralds the arrival of Autumn in the garden than good old-fashioned Chrysanths - and these amazing Hardy Garden 'Mums are just the ticket to fill your garden with colour late on in the season and on into Winter. Naturally dome forming and compact, they will make fabulous potted plants for outdoors, or neat little domes in beds and borders. They will be smothered in literally hundreds and hundreds of flowers in deep, rich Autumnal shades, their filled centres joining together to create a carpet of colour. You will get 3 plugs each of 6 colours from the Gigi series - Orange, Coral, Pink, Dark Pink, Snow and Yellow - all flowering their socks off from late August well into November. Perfection for the Autumn garden!

Chrysanthemum Garden Spray Collection
  • £12.99

If you would like to grow your own tall, strong stems of cut flowers, for harvest late this summer and in to the autumn months these are the perfect plants to grow. They will flower from August and into October,  with each plant giving you approximately 5-6 stems for cut  flowers. They are ready to pick as soon as the first few flowers Break Bud, which means start to show some colour when they get to this stage, cut the stems quite low down, around 15cm (6') from the ground level, and remove the lower leaves from the cut stems prior to plunging them in to a tall vase of cold water. As an indoor display, they will last at least 2 weeks, but do change the water every few days as this keeps them in the best possible condition. When grown exclusively as a border plant, give them some support with a bamboo cane and position them towards the back of a border where they will brighten your garden just when so many other plants are coming to the end of their season.

Chrysanthemum Garden Bloom Collection
  • £12.99

Garden Bloom Chrysanthemums bear a single large flower rather than the multiple flowers that Spray types produce. These are really fashionable with top florists and command very high prices per stem, so if you grow your own you can have a magnificent display indoors and out and also save a small fortune! Throughout the growing season, remove the side shoots on a fortnightly basis (these are the little growths between the leaves and the stem) as this directs all of the energy in to the single large top flower. They bloom from September to October, so they make a perfect companion to the spray chrysanthemums, with each plant giving you approximately 3-4 stems of cut-able flowers. They are ready to cut as soon as you see the first sign of colour appearing and when they get to this stage, cut the stems quite low down, around 15cm (6') from the ground level, and remove the lower leaves from the cut stems prior to plunging them in to a tall vase of cold water. As an indoor display, they will last at least 2 weeks, but do change the water every few days as this keeps them in the best possible condition. Support them throughout the growing season with a strong bamboo cane per plant. Although a little more work is involved in growing Bloom Chrysanthemums, the quality and impact of the flowers will more than repay you for your effort!
