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Premium Seed Potato Albert Bartlett Rooster - maincrop
  • £9.99

You'll no doubt have seen the famously delicious Albert Bartlett Rooster potatoes on TV and in your local supermarket - and now you can grow your own! Rooster is an award-winning, super-tasty potato variety which is loved by everyone from professional chefs to mums with hungry kids - its excellent flavour and texture make it a great all-round potato for boiling, mashing, baking, roasting - and even chips. The large, oval shaped spuds have a distinctive red colour, so they'll even look great on your plate! Best of all, Rooster is incredibly easy to grow and perfect for allotment growing - or even for topping up our Potato Growing Kits. A unique, all-round winner!

Seed Potato Albert Bartlett Apache
  • £9.99

This stunning new variety has only just been released more widely onto the market, following it's launch in supermarkets. It's appearance of red tubers, randomly blotched with cream, belies it's amazing soft, nutty almost sweet taste, from it's small, but high yielding tubers. Perfect baked whole to brighten all roasts, something really different.

Table Grape Superior Seedless White standard
  • £24.99

Grow you own fabulous and juicy seedless Dessert Grapes (often called Table Grapes), right here at home in the UK. 'Superior Seedless' is one of the most popular varieties beings eedless, and can be grown successfully outdoors here, producing good crops of medium sized fruit in Autumn. Delicious picked fresh from the tree over several weeks, they also keep well too. Great for juicing as well.

Herb Seed Collection
  • £13.96

The flavours and aromas of freshly picked herbs is amazing, and this collection of the most popular culinary varieties is perfect for you to grow at home, either indoors where they can be sown and harvested all year round, or outside in the garden in pots. They keep well for months if dried, which also intensifies the flavours. Coriander 'Calypso' grow either seasonally outdoors in a container, border or herb garden, or indoors on a light windowsill to ensure a continuous supply of aromatic leaves throughout the year. Popular in Asian cooking, this versatile herb will add distinctive flavour to a wide variety of savoury dishes as well as being an interesting garnish or addition to salads. 150 Seeds. Oregano 'Greek' great flavour with hot and peppery notes, a wonderful addition to tomato based dishes, pizzas, sauces, soups or marinades. Good for drying and it stores well and the dried leaves have a more intense flavour. 900 Seeds. Basil 'Sweet' a large-leaved variety that is most popularly used in cuisines all over the world. A favourite herb particularly for Italian cooking, its sweet, aromatic leaves are a characteristic ingredient for many dishes from salads and garnishes to soups, casseroles, ragu, pizza, and pasta dishes - and superb for making fresh pesto. Best when eaten raw or added to hot dishes at the last minute. 450 Seeds. Parsley 'Giant of Italy' one of the very best flat-leaf parsley varieties, producing robust plants with sturdy upright stems bearing large, dark green leaves. Having a terrific sweet and pungent taste when used raw, it also retains its rich, strong flavour in cooked dishes. 500 Seeds.

Salad Seed Collection
  • £13.96

Grow the most popular salad crops with this fantastic seed collection - everything you need for a delicious, super-fresh and tasty salad. These are all easy to grow varieties that produce bumper harvests month after month. Tomato 'Gardener's Delight' this heavy cropping, super-sweet, large cherry tomato is a top choice for both the beginner and experienced vegetable grower. It can be reliably grown in a greenhouse or outdoors, producing and abundance of long trailing vines with 10-14 fruits per truss all summer long and into October - quite literally, a gardener's delight! 75 Seeds. Radish 'Scarlet Globe' a classic salad radish with crisp round roots of bright scarlet with moist, white flesh and a superbly sweet and mild flavour. Not only do they taste good, these nutritious beauties are an excellent source of vitamin C and potassium. Easy to grow, 'Scarlet Globe' can be harvested within 4-6 weeks of sowing direct into their cropping position. Suitable for container growing as well as beds and borders. 700 Seeds. Mixed Lettuce Leaves this mix of quality seeds gives fast results - either sown in the ground or in containers. It's an easy way of ensuring a constant supply of fresh, tasty salad leaves all through the summer. The packet includes equal seed quantities of: Catalogna, Cocarde, Curled Red American, Grand Rapids, Red salad bowl, Rossa di Trento. Varieties grow at different rates, giving a different salad mix at every cut. 775 Seeds. Cucumber 'La Diva' Fast-growing and vigorous, 'La Diva' produces plentiful crops of cigar-shaped, bitter-free mini cucumbers. The ridged, smooth-skinned fruits are seedless, tender and crisp. Deliciously sweet and juicy, they are superb for salads or for slicing lengthways for crudités and dips and a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as minerals and antioxidants. Crops well inside a cold greenhouse or tunnel - or equally well outdoors in your garden. 20 Seeds.

Bean Seed Collection
  • £13.96

Our scrumptious collection of beans will provide you with all the pods you could need over a long cropping season from June to August, included some stringless varieties!A great source of vitamins and fibre and easy to grow in pots or the vegetable garden, and because they all have attractive flowers, an interesting addition to beds and borders too. Broad Bean 'Masterpiece Green Longpod' considered by many to be the best broad bean you can grow. The seeds are quick to germinate, either indoors in pots or outdoors planted directly into their cropping position, generating vigorous plants that will provide plenty of fresh, tasty beans for your plate - and plenty more for the freezer. 45 Seeds. Runner Bean 'Polestar' produces high yields of smooth runner bean pods that have a sweet flavour and crisp, fleshy texture. If not left too long on the vine, these beans are stringless. Versatile and nutritious, they are a classic cooked veg, but the young beans also taste great raw. 50 Seeds. Climbing Bean 'Blue Lake' wonderful flavour and heavy crops of round, stringless pods. With consistently good results over a long cropping season, this prolific climbing French bean produces clusters of fleshy pods that have a superior texture and taste and are rich in vitamins and fibre and are great when grown up a trellis or 'wigwam' of canes. 100 Seeds. Dwarf French Bean 'Ferrari' a rich green colour and flavour, these stringless beans are a great source of fibre and vitamins A and C. Being a dwarf type bean, it is ideal for growing in containers, as well as in beds and borders, producing compact, bushy plants that don't need staking. Fast growing, with pods ready for picking around 12 weeks after sowing. 100 Seeds.

Greens Vegetable Seed Collection
  • £13.96

A selection of great garden vegetables to give you a bountiful harvest of healthy, fresh greens.All easy to grow proven performers that'll give you the immense pleasure of growing your own vegetables. Courgette 'All Green Bush' a reliable, quick-growing and high-yielding variety that will crop all summer long with regular harvesting. One plant will typically produce 6-10 fruits. Its compact habit makes it ideal for growing in pots or containers, or the seeds can be planted directly in the ground where they are to crop. For the best flavour, harvest as baby courgettes at about 10-15cm (4-6in) long from July to October. 20 Seeds. Brussles Sprout 'Brodie F1' one of the best varieties of Brussels sprouts you can grow. Exceptionally mild, and sweeter than most other varieties, there isn't a hint of bitterness or peppery flavour and they stay fresh on the plant for months. The buttons can be picked long into January or even February in optimal weather conditions. An excellent source of vitamins A, B and C. 40 Seeds. Broccoli (Autumn) Green Calabrese crops from late summer right through autumn, producing densely packed clusters of deep bluish-green buds of up to 15cm (6in) diameter atop thick, tender stems and rich green leaves that are jus.t as good to eat. Great raw for salads or dips, or steamed, boiled or stir-fried. 200 Seeds Leek 'Musselburgh' a heritage variety, great for picking from late autumn to early spring when little else is available, this shorter variety of leek has densely packed, sturdy stems with creamy white bases and lovely sweet flavour and a firm but tender texture when cooked. Packed with nutrients, including vitamins A, B6, C and K, iron and magnesium, as well as being a good source of fibre and folate. 500 Seeds.

Root Vegetable Seed Collection
  • £13.96

There is something deliciously hearty about root vegetables, and we've assembled a collection of the best for you to grow yourself. All of these varieties hold a coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, so you can be sure that these are proven garden performers, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. Full of flavour and so fresh! Beetroot 'Boltardy' fabulously sweet and tender roots, this delicious variety is perfect for cooking - whether roasting or pickling, or for soups and salads. Not only tasty, it is good for you, too, being an excellent source of folate, with good levels of potassium and vitamin C. The green leaves and stems also make good, nutritious eating when harvested young, at about 5-8cm tall. Rich in iron and vitamins, they have a similar flavour to leafy veg such as spinach. 180 Seeds. Carrot 'Flyaway F1' an early cropping variety producing sturdy, blunt-ended roots, typically 12-15cm long, with a smooth skin and deep orange colour. Its deliciously sweet flavour is balanced with a tender but crunchy texture - great for eating raw or in stir-fries, or conventionally boiled, steamed or roasted to make the most of its superior flavour. 350 Seeds. Onion 'White Lisbon' a superb spring onion with a mild flavour and crisp bite when harvested young. Left to mature for a while longer, it will develop a stronger, more pungent flavour - equally delicious whether eaten raw in salads, slaws or potato salads, or added to stir-fries or other savoury dishes during the final stages of cooking. 650 Seeds. Parsnip 'Gladiator F1' a top-quality variety that produces long, wedge-shaped roots with smooth skin and clean white flesh, so they are easy to wash and require minimum peeling. They keep well in the ground to harvest over the growing season as required for the kitchen. Indeed, their fabulously sweet flavour is even better after the first frosts, which turn some of the starch into sugar. 200 Seeds.

Leek Musselburgh Seeds
  • £3.99

A superb all-rounder for reliability, hardiness and flavour, this heritage variety was first cultivated by Victorian gardeners in the Scottish town of Musselburgh after being brought over from France in the 1830s. Since then it has become a firm favourite all around the UK, particularly in colder regions where other vegetables may not thrive - great for picking from late autumn to early spring when little else is available to bring in from the plot to the plate. A shorter variety of leek, it has densely packed, sturdy stems with creamy white bases rising to dark green leaves at the top. You won't find Musselburgh leeks in the supermarket as their growing span is too long commercial production, but this variety will reward the home gardener many times over with plentiful crops of superb quality. These leeks are easy to grow, with good resistance to pests and extremes of heat and cold. They can be left in the ground until needed, although once picked they will keep for up to 3 weeks in the fridge. Musselburgh is a great choice for allotments, where the plants will happily fend for themselves right through winter, requiring little attention over a long season. Whether picked early or left to mature, this versatile veg has a lovely sweet flavour and a firm but tender texture when cooked. Use young baby stems in salads and stir-fries and mature leeks for a great variety of dishes including soups, stews and quiches - and indeed in any dish where you would normally use onion. Having a ready supply of garden-fresh leeks will benefit your health as well as your palate - they are packed with nutrients, including vitamins A, B6, C and K, iron and magnesium, as well as being a good source of fibre and folate. The seeds can be planted directly into their cropping position or started indoors for establishing early - providing baby leeks from as early as late summer. They germinate easily and establish well, with minimum maintenance required. Their compact habit makes them a great choice for small gardens where space is a premium. Choose a sunny, sheltered position, with fertile, well-drained soil. They can make an unusual feature in an herbaceous border, with attractive flowers and seed heads if left to grow. Supplied as a packet of 500 (approx.) seeds ready for sowing indoors from January to February, or outdoors from March to April directly into a seed bed. Harvest from October to March, or even earlier for baby leeks. Grows to 45cm (18in) by 30cm (12in) spread.

Cucumber La Diva Seeds
  • £3.99

Fast-growing and vigorous, 'La Diva' produces plentiful crops of cigar-shaped, bitter-free mini cucumbers. The ridged, smooth-skinned fruits are best picked young - about 15cm (6in) long - and are seedless, tender and crisp. Deliciously sweet and juicy, they are superb for salads or for slicing lengthways for crudités and dips. Pick often to encourage further fruiting and any surplus will be great for pickling. These little beauties are packed with nutrients and antioxidants - low in calories and a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as minerals and antioxidants. This easy-to-grow variety is a long-standing favourite of the gardening press and consumer groups and is suitable for gardeners of any experience. An 'all-female', climbing variety, 'La Diva' does not need to be pollinated to produce fruit so will crop well inside a cold greenhouse or tunnel - or equally well outdoors in your garden beds or patio pots. For best results, support them with netting or a trellis, although they can be grown successfully at ground level. Sow indoors from February to April; they will germinate within 7-21 days on a warm windowsill out of direct sunlight and draughts. After being grown on in cooler conditions and then gradually hardened off, they will thrive in pots, growbags or planted directly into the soil in a cool greenhouse or outdoors. They are also an ideal choice for planting in large containers - great for small space gardening, on a patio or even a balcony or courtyard. They just require a sunny, sheltered position and fertile, moist but well-drained soil or compost. Supplied as a packet of 20 (approx.) seeds ready for sowing indoors or outdoors. Fruits will be ready 8-10 weeks from sowing. Feed, water and harvest regularly for good-quality, prolific cropping from June to October.

Broccoli (Autumn) Green Calabrese Seeds
  • £3.99

One of the most rewarding and economical vegetables you can grow, Green Calabrese will crop from late summer right through autumn, producing densely packed clusters of deep bluish-green buds of up to 15cm (6in) diameter atop thick, tender stems and rich green leaves that are just as good to eat. Harvesting the broccoli heads will encourage further florets to grow lower down the stem - a great cut-and-come-again vegetable! With a milder, more subtle flavour than sprouting broccoli, 'Green Calabrese' makes a colourful and tasty ingredient whether prepared raw for salads or dips, or steamed, boiled or stir-fried. It makes great soup, too - an ideal way of using up any leftover stems and leaves. Excess crops will freeze well, so you can enjoy this versatile veg through the winter, long after its generous season has finished. Commonly regarded as a 'superfood', all parts of the plant are highly nutritious - a great source of fibre and protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. The leaves hold the highest levels of antioxidants and vitamins, and the stalks contain the most fibre - far too good to waste! Easy to grow, broccoli will thrive in an open, sunny position in fertile, well draining, moisture-retentive soil. Ideally, dig in some well-rotted manure into the growing site in the autumn before sowing. There is no need to dig over the soil too much immediately before planting as undisturbed soil offers a firm roothold for brassicas and will help them establish quickly and well. Successive sowing will extend the cropping season. Fast-growing, they will reach a mature height of up to 60cm (24in). Supplied as a packet of 200 (approx.) seeds ready to sow either indoors from March to May (for planting out May-June), or outdoors from March to May directly into their growing position. Harvest from September to November.

Cabbage Offenham 2 Seeds
  • £3.99

One of the most versatile cabbages you can grow, 'Offenham 2' is a favourite old variety that is guaranteed to give you plentiful supplies of super quality, tasty green heads over several months of the year. With two main cropping seasons, it can be picked young and tender as 'spring' greens or left to mature into larger, more compact cabbages, with pointed hearts set on a short, thick stalk. Sowing in the spring will yield young 'greens' from September onwards, maturing to 'hearted' cabbages into November. Summer sowings will produce 'greens' from early spring, leaving others to grow to 'hearted' cabbages that are ready from April to May. At whatever time you choose to harvest, the dark green leaves have a fabulously rich flavour, whether used raw in salads and coleslaw or traditionally steamed, boiled or braised. Hearty and healthy, they are packed full of vitamin C and antioxidants. There is little or no wastage - the outer leaves are as good to eat as those further in, and contain even greater concentrations of nutrients. These hardy cabbages will thrive in a sunny position in well-cultivated, moisture-retentive soil with good drainage, although are best not planted in soil that has been manured in the preceding 12 months. Supplied as a packet of 350 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors in a seed tray or outdoors in a seed bed. Grows to 25cm (10in) height and spread.
