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Basil 'Classico' - Vita Sementi® Italian Seeds
  • £2.99

Essential for authentic Italian cuisine, this sweet basil is one of the most popular varieties, with a strong scent and distinctive fresh flavour. Try growing Basil on the kitchen windowsill or in convenient containers outside the back door. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 30cm (12)

Cucumber 'Cetriolo Marketer' - Vita Sementi® Italian Seeds
  • £1.99

Outdoor typeCucumber 'Cetriolo Marketer' produces prolific crops of medium length, dark green cucumbers with short, white spines. The climbing variety is best grown outdoors against a support. Height: 3m (9'). Spread: 45cm (18)

Kale 'Cavolo Palmizio Senza Testa' - Vita Sementi® Italian Seeds
  • £1.99

Increasingly popular, Cavolo Palmizio Senza Testa can be used as a 'baby salad leafto add colour, texture and taste to mixed salads. The mature plant of Kale Cavolo Palmizio Senza Testa can also be used as a winter hardy vegetable when fresh produce is in short supply.

Lettuce 'Bionda Lenta a Montare' (Romaine) - Vita Sementi® Italian Seeds
  • £1.99

Lattuga Bionda Lenta a Montare is a delicious, crisp, dark green, classic 'Romainetype with solid hearts which stand in good condition during hot weather. Traditionally used in Caesar salads. Lettuce is very suitable for inter-cropping between taller, long-standing vegetables, such as beans, tomatoes, peppers, etc. Lettuces require rich, moisture retentive soil free of weeds

Salad Leaves Mixture 'Misticanza D'Insalate' - Vita Sementi® Italian Seeds
  • £2.99

A delicious blend of lettuce which, from regular sowings give tasty salad leaves all the year round and is a well-balanced mixture of young, fresh and tender leaves. It will provide a continuous harvest of salad leaves all the year round if successionally sown in pots on the windowsill, or sown outdoors from March to September. It is easy to grow with minimum maintenance. Salad Leaves Mixture Misticanza D'Insalate contains: Lettuce Bionda a Foglia Liscia, Bionda a Foglia Riccia, Verde a Foglia Riccia, Meraviglia Delle 4 Stagioni and Biscia Rossa.

Parsley 'Prezzemolo Gigante d'Italia' -Vita Sementi® Italian Seeds
  • £2.99

A strong growing flat-leaved or Italian parsley, with good winter hardiness and dark green leaves that stand well, in good condition, without yellowing. Like all flat leaved varieties this hardy biennial has a stronger flavour than curled leaved varieties making it indispensible in for a wide range of culinary uses. Try growing parsley indoors on a bright kitchen windowsill, where Parsley 'Prezzemolo Gigante d'Italia' will produce fresh leaves virtually all year round. Height and spread: 30cm (12)

Salsify 'Scorzobianca' - Vita Sementi® Italian Seeds
  • £1.99

Often called the 'vegetable oysterbecause of its flavour. Salsify Scorzobianca produces slender, parsnip-like roots, white skinned and fleshed. Ideal for lifting in the autumn for storing, or can be left in the ground and lifted as required. In the spring the tender shoots of Salsify Scorzobianca make an appetising green vegetable

Carrot 'Caracas' - Kew Collection Seeds
  • £2.49

With its short conical roots, Carrot 'Caracas' is a good choice for growing on heavier soils, and ideal for sowing in containers as 'baby' carrots. 'Chantenay' types are increasingly popular in the supermarket but have been a gardeners' favourite for years. The rich orange flesh of these coreless roots have an outstanding flavour, whether they are eaten fresh or stored for later in the year. Height: 30cm (12). Spread: 15cm (6).

Pea 'Bingo' (Early Maincrop) - Kew Collection Seeds
  • £2.99

Dark green, semi leafless plant habit producing pods in pairs, averaging 8 dark green peas per pod. A heavy cropper even in poor growing conditions. Strong root rot tolerance and good powdery mildew resistance. Early maincrop maturity. Ideal for growing in containers. Height 80cm (32in)

Cauliflower 'Goodman' (Summer) - Organic Seeds
  • £3.99

This high yielding organic cauliflower produces reliable, top quality, uniform curds that can be cut from midsummer onwards. The well protected, firm, pure white heads of Cauliflower 'Goodman' are quick to mature on vigorous plants that can be cropped just 80 to 90 days from transplanting. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 60cm (24)

Lettuce 'Little Gem Delight' (Cos) - Organic Seeds
  • £2.29

Compact, 'Little Gemproducing a crisp, dense heart. Lettuce Little Gem Delight has a delicious sweet flavour. Some downy mildew tolerance

Runner Bean 'White Emergo' - Organic Seeds
  • £1.00

This heavy yielding variety produces delicate white flowers that make a particularly attractive addition to the vegetable garden. Awarded an RHS AGM, Runner Bean 'White Emergo' forms long, smooth pods with a superb flavour when picked while they are young and tender. This vigorous variety copes well even under adverse weather conditions. Height: 3m (10'). Spread: 30cm (12)
