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Oregano (Greek) Seeds
  • £3.99

What better way to add flavour to your cooking than picking herbs fresh from the plant? Growing your own - whether on your kitchen windowsill, balcony, patio or in your herb garden, beds or borders - is much more satisfying than buying successive pots of herbs from the supermarket that last only a couple of weeks. This hardy perennial is a member of the mint family, with its origins in the warm countries of Western and Southwestern Eurasia and the Mediterranean. Ancient Greeks called it 'Joy of the Mountain' and it was commonly woven into bridal bouquets and used in traditional remedies for its digestive and antiseptic properties. Its bright green, aromatic leaves and small white or purplish summer flowers make a lovely addition to any windowsill or garden. Considered the 'true oregano' by generations of cooks and gardeners, Greek oregano is the best of the bunch as far as flavour is concerned as it is has a stronger, more earthy character than other varieties, with hot and peppery notes. The warmer the weather, the more intense the flavour of the leaves will become - a great addition to tomato based dishes, pizzas, sauces, soups or marinades, or even added to salads. It's a good herb for drying and it stores well; dried leaves have a more intense flavour so can be used more sparingly than the fresh. Although more commonly grown in pots, if planted in the ground it provides great ground cover, forming slow-spreading clumps that can be trimmed back easily to maintain size and shape. Whether grown in the ground or in a pot, it makes a great companion plant as its strong aroma will repel ants and other insect pests whilst its summer flowers are particularly attractive to bees and other pollinators. Supplied as a packet of approx. 900 seeds ready to sow indoors year-round or outdoors from April to May. Grows to 40cm (16in) high. Plant in warm, light, well-drained soil or compost, 20cm (8in) apart, in a sunny position directly into a border or herb garden, or in pots or containers.

Coriander Calypso Seeds
  • £3.99

Otherwise known as cilantro, or Chinese parsley, this half-hardy annual is great to grow either seasonally outdoors in a container, border or herb garden, or indoors on a light windowsill to ensure a continuous supply of aromatic leaves throughout the year. Popular in Asian cooking, this versatile and piquant herb will add distinctive flavour to a wide variety of savoury dishes as well as being an interesting garnish or addition to salads. British-bred and vigorous, this coriander is slow bolting, with a low growing point, creating uniform, bushy plants that are perfectly suited to 'cut and come again' cropping and will replenish themselves well at least 3-4 times after cutting. So the real magic of this little packet of seeds is that it will allow you to say goodbye to those frustrating supermarket pot herbs that barely last 2-3 weeks and are reluctant to grow back when cut. Removing flower stems will prolong the production of young, tender leaves - or you can leave the flowers on if you want to harvest and dry the seeds for culinary use. Supplied as a packet of approx. 150 seeds ready to sow indoors or outdoors. Grows up to 40cm (16in) height and 25cm (10in) spread, depending on planting position. Harvest outdoors from mid-spring to the end of August, or indoors all year round.

Beetroot Boltardy Seeds
  • £3.99

A popular and reliable variety of beetroot, 'Boltardy' is an award-winning, proven gardener's favourite that produces plentiful crops of deep red, globe-shaped roots with a superbly sweet flavour. With fabulously sweet and tender roots, this delicious variety is perfect for cooking - whether roasting or pickling, or for soups and salads. Not only tasty, it is good for you, too, being an excellent source of folate, with good levels of potassium and vitamin C. The green leaves and stems also make good, nutritious eating when harvested young, at about 5-8cm tall. Rich in iron and vitamins, they have a similar flavour to leafy veg such as spinach, kale or Swish chard - delicious when steamed, sautéed or added to soups or stews, or even raw in a salad. Holding the RHS Award of Garden Merit, 'Boltardy' is guaranteed to give high-yielding, high-quality crops that are bolt-resistant, so can be sown for early to late harvesting. The roots' smooth skin, vibrant colour and ring-free flesh also make it a top choice for showing - and popular for organic gardening. Sow outdoors from March to July where they are to crop. They will thrive in a sunny position in fertile, light soil that is moist but well-drained. For maximum yields, sow every 2 to 3 weeks from February to June to ensure a constant supply through the season. Lift young roots to use as 'baby beets', leaving every other in a row to mature to a larger size, if desired. The larger beets can then be stored in dry sand, soil or peat in a cool position to ensure supplies through the winter. Supplied as a packet of approx. 180 seeds ready to sow outdoors March to July, 30cm (12in) apart, directly in their growing position, for harvesting June to October.

Tomato Alicante Seeds
  • £3.99

This superb all-rounder will produce plentiful crops of medium-sized, bright red, juicy fruits whether placed outdoors or in a greenhouse. Easy to grow and having good resistance to disease, it is a great choice for beginners or experienced gardeners who want a harvest to be proud of. An indeterminate, or cordon type tomato, it will fruit most prolifically when side shoots are pinched out to encourage an upright central stem that requires a support. Each plant will then produce a succession of fruit-laden trusses that ripen from July onwards to give a continuous crop. If left unpruned they will still fruit well, although these will be smaller than those of pruned plants and will ripen later in the season. Being a winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, 'Alicante' is a dependable variety that rewards with super quality fruits full of that traditional rich tomato flavour. Their natural sweetness makes them a delicious component in salads and sandwiches and also ideal as a cooking ingredient. Green or immature fruits picked at the end of the season will ripen well on the windowsill - or even make a tasty green tomato chutney. Supplied as a packet of approx. 75 seeds ready to sow indoors from January to April for transplanting into larger pots when 10-15cm (4-6in) tall. Plant on into pots, growbags or a greenhouse border, or place in a container outdoors in sunny position in humus-rich, moisture-retentive soil or compost. Harvest from July to October.

Onion White Lisbon Seeds
  • £3.99

This superb 'spring' onion - a winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit - is a tried-and-tested heritage variety that has been a firm favourite with beginner and experienced gardeners alike for more than 300 years. With tall, pure white-skinned stems progressing to bright green tops, its mild flavour nevertheless has a distinctive, crisp and piquant 'bite' when harvested young. Left to mature for a while longer, it will develop a stronger, more pungent flavour - equally delicious whether eaten raw in salads, slaws or potato salads, or added to stir-fries or other savoury dishes during the final stages of cooking. The definitive traditional 'spring' onion, it is fast-growing, compact and sturdy - ideal for patio containers or gardens with limited space. It is an ideal choice for growing in between other crops such as slow-growing brassicas to make maximum use of space, as well as a great plant for encouraging children to garden as they will quickly see the results of their efforts. Being a hardy annual, you can be sure of achieving successful early crops. Sow in succession every 2-3 weeks to ensure a continuous harvest from May to October. These onions will thrive in full sun; plant them 15cm (6in) apart in well-dug, fertile soil after the danger of frosts has passed. Supplied as a packet of approx. 650 seeds ready to sow outdoors directly in their cropping position.

Carrot Flyaway F1 Seeds
  • £3.99

A long-standing favourite for beginner and experienced gardeners alike, this British-bred, early cropping variety is proven to have the best resistance to the dreaded carrot fly, whose larvae like to burrow into carrot roots and make them vulnerable to rot. In addition to its excellent pest-resistant properties, 'Flyaway F1' is deserving of its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit because it is just such a good all-rounder, being easy to grow and producing plenty of tasty roots to harvest over a long growing season. One of the best-tasting carrot varieties you can grow, it produces sturdy, blunt-ended roots, typically 12-15cm (5-6in) or longer, with a smooth skin and deep orange colour. Its deliciously sweet flavour is balanced with a tender but crunchy texture - great for eating raw or in stir-fries, or conventionally boiled, steamed or roasted to make the most of its superior flavour. This reliable, trusted variety is a great companion plant to grow alongside onions, leeks or mint as their aroma will repel carrot fly, providing an extra line of deterrence to ensure good cropping. Supplied as a packet of approx. 350 seeds. Sow from March to July, directly where they are to crop in well-drained, light but fertile soil in a position that will enjoy full sun. Harvest from June to November. Early crops can be lifted from 9 weeks after sowing with main crops maturing up to 12 weeks and beyond. Successive sowings will provide continuous crops over the growing season.

Tomato Gardeners Delight Seeds
  • £3.99

This heavy cropping, super-sweet, large cherry tomato is a top choice for both the beginner and experienced vegetable grower. An indeterminate variety (needs support), it can be reliably grown in a greenhouse or outdoors, producing and abundance of long trailing vines with 10-14 fruits per truss all summer long - quite literally, a gardener's delight! Cropping from early summer right into October, 'Gardener's Delight' will reward with super-sweet, richly flavoured fruits with red, glossy skins - perfect for salads and sandwiches as well as for cooking. Try roasting whole trusses with fruit still attached for an attractive addition to pizzas and other savoury dishes - the deliciously sweet flavour will intensify as they cook. Easy to grow, all you need is a warm windowsill for the seeds to germinate and seedlings usually appear within 7-14 days. When large enough to grow on, they can be transplanted into moist but well-drained, fertile soil or compost in large pots, growbags or border in the greenhouse, or positioned outside in a sunny, sheltered position once the frosts are over. All they need is a sturdy support and some pinching out of sets to encourage a tall, upright central stem. Sow indoors into a pot of compost, January to April to plant out April to June, 45cm (18in) apart into warm, well-drained, fertile soil or compost in a sunny, sheltered position outdoors or in a greenhouse. Harvest from June to October, depending on position. Supplied as a packet of approx. 75 seeds ready to sow indoors.

Wildflower Ragged Robin Lychnis flos-cuculi Seeds
  • £2.99

A native of damp meadows, grassland and roadsides, Ragged Robin is enjoying a comeback thanks to its popularity with garden designers. Seen at all of the major flower shows, this little native plant has become a garden must-have almost overnight! Recommended by the RHS as a plant that attracts wildlife pollinators, Lychnis is quick and easy to grow, and is ideal for naturalising - attracting bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects into your garden. With its clusters of star-shaped, deep rose-pink flowers, Ragged Robin is perfect for filling wild gardens or meadows with colour, and being a hardy perennial, will return to your garden year after year. Never before has it been so important to protect pollinators such as bees, and this wildflower is ideal to encourage them into your garden. Bees are invaluable for pollinating a whole range of plants and especially useful for kitchen gardens to enable the formation of many fruits and vegetables. Take a look at our bee book for more details on these fascinating insects. Growing to 40cm (16in) sow indoors March to May or outdoors March to May and September to October, directly where they are to flower. Flowers the year after sowing May to June. Supplied as a pack of 225 seeds, Native grown seed not taken from the wild.

Wildflower Poppy Papaver rhoeas Seeds
  • £2.99

Commonly known as the Flanders Poppy or Field Poppy, this iconic flower has become a symbol of remembrance throughout Europe. With its instantly recognisable, delicate bright red flowers poppies are perfect for creating meadows of bloom that make an ideal habitat for native UK wildlife. Quick and easy to grow, poppies are ideal for naturalising and will attract bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects into your garden. Perfect for filling wild gardens or meadows with colour, they'll self-seed with abandon to create spectacular drifts! A hardy annual, poppies will grow and flower in the same year (or the following year if sown late in the year). An ideal way to get kids interested in gardening or for time-strapped gardeners who want results without the effort! Never before has it been so important to protect pollinators such as bees, and this wildflower is ideal to encourage them into your garden. Bees are invaluable for pollinating a whole range of plants and especially useful for kitchen gardens to enable the formation of many fruits and vegetables. Take a look at our bee book for more details on these fascinating insects. Growing to 60cm (24in) Sow outdoors, March to May or August to October, directly where they are to flower. Flowers June to October Supplied as a pack of 900 seeds. Native grown seed not taken from the wild

Wildflower Cornflower Centaurea cyanus Seeds
  • £3.99

A native of British meadows and fields, this gardeners' favourite is loved by butterflies & bees. Relive childhood memories of golden fields of corn, peppered with the bright blue cornflowers and the gentle hum of busy pollinators on a bright summer's day. Quick and easy to grow, this colourful British favourite is ideal for naturalising and will attract bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. Also known as Batchelors Buttons, this showy annual is a slender, dainty plant with sky-blue flowers. Perfect for punctuating wild gardens or meadows with colour. Ideal too to get kids interested in gardening or for time-strapped gardeners who want results without the effort! A hardy annual, cornflowers will grow and flower in the same year (or the following year if sown late in the year). Excellent as a cut flower, you can add a bunch to a vase or use them in mixed bouquets. Never before has it been so important to protect pollinators such as bees, and this wildflower is ideal to encourage them into your garden. Bees are invaluable for pollinating a whole range of plants and especially useful for kitchen gardens to enable the formation of many fruits and vegetables. Take a look at our bee book for more details on these fascinating insects. Growing to 60cm (24in) Sow outdoors, March-May or August-October, directly where they are to flower. Flowers July - September. Supplied as a pack of 70 seeds. Native grown seed not taken from the wild.

Poppy Lauren's Grape Seeds
  • £2.99

An opium poppy in jewel-like shades of rich velvet-plum, this hardy annual is best sown where it is to flower. The large bowl-shaped blooms rise tall on twisty stems atop attractive clumps of subtle, grey-green foliage. With gorgeous open, papery petals and exquisite pale yellow stamens, they will attract a variety of beneficial insects to your garden - a great companion plant to aid pollination and encourage wildlife. 'Lauren's Grape' will sit equally well in contrasting or complementary colour schemes - perfect for mixed beds, borders or containers, or scattering through wildflower areas. For pleasing displays, plant in groups or small drifts. Regular dead-heading will prolong flowering although the seeds pods are highly ornamental and provide great structure for fresh or dried flower arrangements. Remove the seed pods in late summer before they mature unless you want them to self-seed for an informal or wildflower look. The seeds can be used in baking. These poppies will thrive in full sun or part shade, in well-drained, preferably poor soil. Sow outdoors from March to May, or August to October, and you can expect blooms from June to September. Staggered sowings will ensure a longer flowering season. Supplied as a packet of 500 (approx.) seeds ready to plant outdoors directly into their flowering position. Grows to a height of 90cm (36in) by 30cm (12in) spread.

Calendula Art Shades Seeds
  • £3.99

Calendula 'Art Shades', otherwise known as English or pot marigold, is an enduring cottage garden favourite that looks equally at home in traditional or contemporary planting schemes, where the richly coloured flowers will add cheerful character to your beds, borders or pots. They make a great cut flower for your vase, too, and the dried flowers are also excellent added to pot pourri. This easy-to-grow hardy annual produces masses of frilly petalled, fully double blooms in shades of creamy peach, orange, gold and yellow. They are hugely attractive to many beneficial insects, so make a great companion plant for your kitchen garden. In fact, the petals are edible, with a slightly peppery taste, and make a colourful garnish or addition to salads. They can also be used instead of saffron for colouring rice dishes, or in soups, stews or curries - or even as a substitute for nutmeg, sprinkled over rice pudding. The ancient Egyptians used calendula as a rejuvenating herb and the flowers have been used for centuries in cosmetics and creams for their therapeutic properties. The seeds can be sown directly into their flowering position or started off in seed trays indoors. Either way, they will flower in the same year as sowing. Calendulas thrive in a sunny spot in well-prepared, fertile soil or compost. Once established, these robust little beauties will do equally well through a wet or dry season, and with regular watering and dead-heading will flower all summer long, well into the first frosts of autumn. Supplied as a packet of 200 (approx.) seeds ready to sow outdoors in their flowering position or indoors into trays of compost. Growing to a height of 60cm (24in) and spread of 30cm (12in), sow or transplant outdoors from March to June and again from August to October, directly where they are to flower. Late summer and autumn sowings will flower the following year. Spring sowings will take 10-12 weeks to flower.
