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Star Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides
  • £9.99

Similar in many ways to traditional Jasmine, which has always been associated with summer, Trachelospermum jasminoides, or 'Star Jasmine', will astonish with its mass of stunning white flowers filling the air with their unmistakable, intoxicatingly rich, sweet scent between June and September. Such an incredible plant, it's no surprise that it holds an RHS Award or Garden Merit! 'Star Jasmine', is a slow growing evergreen climber that can reach 6m (20ft) in a greenhouse or conservatory but planted in the garden it is much less vigorous, growing to half that size at only 20cm (8in) a year, twining around its support. It will produce waves of gorgeous pure white, star shaped flowers with petals swept anticlockwise throughout summer, each one with the most incredible fragrance. Occasionally you'll be treated to extraordinary looking seed pods, which can be best described as looking like a pair of French beans joined together at the top. As a hardy evergreen, 'Star Jasmine' has lush, glossy dark green leaves during spring and summer which changes to rich purple for the winter, providing year-round interest. Hardy down to -5°C, it grows best in a sheltered spot away from cold winds and will thrive growing on a sunny wall or over arches, pergolas and along fences. In area prone to hard frosts is will need a little winter protection. Supplied as established plant in a 9cm pot, ready to plant and growing to a height and spread of 6 m (20 ft).

Stock Night-Scented Starlight Scentsation Seeds
  • £3.99

A cottage garden favourite with an extra dimension, 'Starlight Scentsation' is an exquisite night-scented stock. What a glorious flower to enhance those balmy summer evenings spent outdoors while their perfume becomes more intense as the dusk descends. Gloriously pretty, with petals in shades of white and palest yellow to the softest lilac pink, mauve and purple, they will dance in the half-light on slender stalks amid delicate grey-green leaves. Indeed, their heady scent and translucent, pollen-rich blooms seem to come alive at night, attracting a whole host of night-feeding bees, hoverflies, butterflies and moths to your garden. This half-hardy annual germinates rapidly and with staggered sowings will perform all summer long, well into early autumn. Its dwarf, bushy habit makes it an ideal choice for the fronts of beds and borders - and perfect for patio containers, where a profusion of these gorgeous flowers can be enjoyed best close at hand. They make a fabulous cut flower too, so you can bring those pretty pastel colours and glorious fragrance indoors. The flowers are edible, with a delicately perfumed flavour. Pick them fresh as a garnish and for scattering over salads, or as a pretty decoration for desserts and cakes. They can even be candied to keep in your store cupboard ready for those sweet dishes. Easy to grow, these night-scented stocks will thrive in a sunny position in well-drained soil or compost, growing to a height of 30cm (12in) and spread of 20cm (8in). Sow outdoors from May to June, directly where they are to flower. The blooms will appear continuously from June to October, in the same year as sowing. Supplied as a packet of 700 (approx.) seeds ready to sow outdoors directly into their flowering position.

Runner Bean Polestar (Stringless) Seeds
  • £3.99

An exceptional variety that is early to crop and has a long picking season, 'Polestar' produces high yields of smooth runner bean pods that have a sweet flavour and crisp, fleshy texture. If not left too long on the vine, these beans are stringless, so for best taste and texture, pick when they reach 15-20cm (6-8in) in length. A reliable and long-standing favourite of vegetable growers, this heavy cropping variety will produce plenty of delicious fresh beans for your plate and plenty more for the freezer. Versatile and nutritious, they are a classic cooked veg, but the young beans also taste great raw - try shredding or slicing them into a salad or using as a baton for dips. For best results, sow the seeds indoors in pots from April to May for transplanting outside in May to June; or sow from April to May outdoors, directly into their cropping position. To get the growing season off to an earlier start, sow them in containers in your greenhouse. The plants produce pretty red flowers, which are very attractive to bees and other beneficial insects. Grow alongside sweet peas as these will draw in more insects that will help pollinate the runner beans and produce an even bigger crop. As well as 'Polestar' being a rewarding bean to grow, the beans are highly nutritious as they are rich in vitamin C and a good source of fibre. Trim and blanch surplus crops to store in an airtight container or bag in the freezer. They will freeze well, retaining good flavour and texture when cooked from frozen. Supplied as a packet of 50 (approx.) seeds ready to plant indoors in individual pots or outdoors in their growing position. Being deep-rooted, runner beans will thrive in well-dug, fertile, moisture-retentive but well-draining soil, in a sunny and sheltered position. Successive sowings every 2-3 weeks will achieve an extended cropping. Beans will be ready to harvest from July to October, 12-16 weeks after sowing.

Pair of Cordyline australis Red Star
  • £19.99

Be the envy of your gardening friends and grow a gorgeous Cordyline for instant Mediterranean impact. With arching deep red sword-shaped leaves, the Cordyline 'Red Star' is a splendid plant for the patio, contrasting beautifully with the more familiar greens of other plants and bringing a tropical feel to the garden. A native of New Zealand, Cordyline 'Red Star' is a compact, evergreen foliage plant, with glorious arching, bronze-red leaves and, on mature plants, branches of sweetly fragranced, ivory-white flowers in summer. An ideal specimen for growing in pots on patios and balconies, why not experiment and make a real tropical paradise by growing them alongside other tropical plants such as cannas, and broad-leaved Zantedeschias. Over time, your cordyline will grow and branch into a small, evergreen tree resembling a palm - hence cordyline's other name of cabbage palm - creating a unique look all year-round and for many years, adding colour to your garden when all else begins to fade. Easy to grow, cordylines need little maintenance and pruning is limited to removing any dead leaves in the spring. Able to withstand a -7C winter, we do however suggest frost protection with fleeces or wrapping or bringing it into a garage or porch during the coldest months. Plant in a pot and grow outside through the summer before moving to a protected space such as a greenhouse or conservatory for the winter. As plants mature they become more frost hardy so can be left outside in all but the coldest weather and will withstand all but severe frost. Supplied as a pair of established plants 70cm tall including 13cm pot ready to plant out or pot on.

Ferraria crispa Starfish Iris
  • £9.99

This strange and fascinating member of the Iris family looks as though it would be at home in an aquarium! Growing from a small corm, flesh sword like leaves appear in early summer followed by the intricately beautiful fragrant flowers borne on 40cm stems. As a half hardy plant Ferraria is best grown in a pot - it like good drainage so mix 30% coarse sand with your compost.  Flowers appear in spring and early summer after which the pot can be left to dry as bulbs become dormant. At the end of summer lift and replant - you'll find the bulbs multiply from year to year so you'll soon have a plentiful crop of this rare beauty!

Navelwort Omphalodes cappadocica Starry Eyes
  • £7.99

A beautiful, small-flowered, hardy perennial plant, which thrives in cool, shaded places which are often difficult to find plants for. Producing stunning and unique star-shaped flowers of cornflower blue edged in a pale lilac, each with a bright white central eye. Looking like a two-tone forget-me-not, the blooms of  'Starry Eyes' are produced above a mound of heart-shaped, evergreen leaves. A really delightful and unusual little perennial which is also known as Navelwort, Omphalodes forms small, low clumps about a foot across, flowering year after year in April and bringing early spring colour with the daffodils. Easy to grow, and requires little maintenance once established, you'll receive an established plant in a 9cm pot. A real little gem, and not often sold.

Phlebodium Blue Star (Bears Paw Fern)
  • £9.99

Not your ordinary fern, the Bears Paw Fern (Plebodium 'Blue Star) is an attractive and vigorous houseplant with a subtle deep blue-green leaf colour, looking almost like an exotic indoor seaweed! Evergreen, it does not lose its leaves and retains its wonderful colour all year, making it a decorative and striking plant to decorate your home - perfect to give as a gift or a housewarming present. As the plant grows, the fronds develop finger-shaped lobes as they mature, held on long stems and looking very much like an outstretched paw, hence its more common name of Bear's Paw or Rabbit Foot. Easy to grow and look after, your Bear's Paw will tolerate low light and as a natural inhabitant of tropical rainforests, Plebodium does like its humidity high so is perfect for a bathroom or kitchen where it will thrive in a bright spot, out of direct sunlight. An interesting and unusual fern, Blue Star is also perfect for cutting and flower arranging so don't be afraid to conjure up your inner designer! Supplied as an established plant in a 12cm pot, growing to around 30cm x 30cm. Note Decorative pot in images is for display purposes only and is not supplied.

Ipheion uniflorum (spring starflower)
  • £3.99

Otherwise known as the spring starflower, Ipheion uniflorum produces exquisite star-shaped blooms in early spring. Each stem bears a single, sweet-scented flower (reflecting the Latin uniflorum - single flower), with six pointed petals and colours varying through shades of pale silvery-blue to lilac. The narrow leaves appear before the flowers and, being a close relation to alliums, give off an onion-like aroma when crushed. This small, herbaceous perennial is perfect for mixing with other low-level, spring-flowering bulbs in rock and alpine gardens, borders, beds and containers, and is also good for underplanting shrubs and roses. It naturalises easily, rewarding you with more profuse displays year after year. Easy to grow, the bulbs will thrive in full sun or partial shade, preferring a sheltered position with moderately fertile, well-drained soil. Supplied as a pack of 50 bulbs, size 4/5 ready for planting in the autumn.

Cordyline australis Red Star
  • £17.99

Be the envy of your gardening friends and grow a gorgeous Cordyline for instant Mediterranean impact. With arching deep red sword-shaped leaves, the Cordyline 'Red Star' is a splendid plant for the patio, contrasting beautifully with the more familiar greens of other plants and bringing a tropical feel to the garden. A native of New Zealand, Cordyline 'Red Star' is a compact, evergreen foliage plant, with glorious arching, bronze-red leaves and, on mature plants, branches of sweetly fragranced, ivory-white flowers in summer. An ideal specimen for growing in pots on patios and balconies, why not experiment and make a real tropical paradise by growing them alongside other tropical plants such as cannas, and broad-leaved Zantedeschias. Over time, your cordyline will grow and branch into a small, evergreen tree resembling a palm - hence cordyline's other name of cabbage palm - creating a unique look all year-round and for many years, adding colour to your garden when all else begins to fade. Easy to grow, cordylines need little maintenance and pruning is limited to removing any dead leaves in the spring. Able to withstand a -7C winter, we do however suggest frost protection with fleeces or wrapping or bringing it into a garage or porch during the coldest months. Plant in a pot and grow outside through the summer before moving to a protected space such as a greenhouse or conservatory for the winter. As plants mature they become more frost hardy so can be left outside in all but the coldest weather and will withstand all but severe frost. Supplied as an established plant in a 17cm pot, standing at approx 60-70cm tall, ready to plant.

Coreopsis verticillata Sunstar Rose
  • £9.99

With so many Coreopsis varieties flowering in yellow colours, 'Sunstar Rose' is a refreshing change with its bright magenta pink flowers edged in white. The flowers of this gorgeous perennial are daisy shaped and begin to open from June, continuing until the first frosts of autumn. Borne in abundance above narrow, dark green leaves, they cover the plant in wonderful, bright colour and with their long, straight stems they're great cut flowers. Bees and butterflies love their nectar and birds will feast on the seeds, making these ideal plants for bringing wildlife into your garden. Also known as tickseed, Coreopsis in a native of North American prairies and is extremely rugged, easy to grow and drought tolerant and resistant to mildew. Grown in patio pots and in flower borders, you'll be treated to month after month of vivid colour with almost no maintenance, just regular deadheading to keep the flowers coming until autumn. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready for planting and reaching a height and spread of 40cm (16in).

Rose Starlight Symphony
  • £12.99

With its elegant, pure-white colour and attractive large clusters of blooms 'Starlight Symphony' is a variety that you are guaranteed to love. A prolific flowering and pollinator-friendly climbing rose, this outstanding specimen was judged a winner due to its high level of disease resistance and its repeat flowering from July to September. After two years of assessment, this climber came out on top and was launched at Hampton Court in July 2018. It was judged on flower and form, colour and novelty, fragrance, plant health and easy maintenance - and awarded the presigious RHS Rose of the Year Award. Make a feature of this fabulous rose and grow it centre stage in a large pot or your favourite border, where it can be fully admired by all that pass by - a real talking point for your garden. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, ready to be planted out, 'Starlight Symphony' will climb to approximately 300cm tall x 270cm wide.

Astilbe arendsii Astary Rose
  • £11.97

Astilbes are fascinating plants with flowers completely unlike anything else it the garden. Originating from central America, they thrive is a sheltered, sunny spot. 'Astary Rose' is a smaller variety of Astilbe. This incredibly attractive dwarf perennial grows to just 30cm tall, but what it lacks in size it certainly makes up for with its exceptional flowers. Between June and August the dark green, glossy serrated leaves give rise to a mass of dense triangular panicles of soft pink flowers that look like frothy clouds of candy floss. The flowers are delightfully fragrant and 'Astary Rose' is Recommended by the RHS as a 'Plant for Pollinators' with the blooms being an irresistible magnet for bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. The flowers are good for cutting and are certainly an unusual addition to vase arrangements. They dry well too, and provide winter interest if left on the plant, especially when there's a frost. Astilbe prefer dappled shade over full sun although they will tolerate a bright spot. Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. Although not fussy about soil, they do require good drainage so that their fleshy roots don't rot. Great at the front of a flower border, they are an interesting choice as an edging plant. Also ideal in containers, try planting different varieties together for a lovely, light and foamy effect. Supplied as 3 x established plants in 9cm pots, ready to plant. Reaching a height and spread of 30cm (1ft).
