Search found 33 items

Stock Vintage Mixed
  • £17.99

Stocks are very well loved garden flowers and a cottage garden favourite. 'Vintage Mixed' is a fabulous hardy annual that will produce gloriously fragrant flowers as early as May and until late summer. They are naturally sturdy, bushy and free flowering, with long, greyish-green leaves and multiple flowers stems densely packed with blooms, over half of which will be double, in a range of shades from white and pale yellow, through pink and mauve and deep purple. They carry an intense, clove-like, sweet fragrance that will smell wonderful as it drifts through your garden, and of course, these are superb cut flowers, and the scent will easily fill a room. The flowers are edible and have a delicately perfumed flavour. Picked fresh, they make a great salad garnish, or they can be used as a topping for ice cream. They can also be candied, allowing them to be stored and used in cakes. Grow them in full sun, in borders and or pots, where the nectar-rich flowers will attract bees and butterflies and you can enjoy the fabulous fragrance. Supplied as 20 garden ready plants, ready to plant in your garden and growing to a height and spread of 40 cm (16 in).

Stock 'Giant Perfection Mixed'
  • £1.00

Invaluable summer bedding plants with dense showy spikes of sweet scented flowers. Justifiably popular for beds, borders, cut flowers and they also make magnificent plants for winter flowering in the cold greenhouse.

Stock 'Night Scented'
  • £2.29

Deliciously scented flowers which open in the evening. Sow anywhere that is close enough to the house to get the benefit of such a beautiful fragrance. Below windows, patio tubs, window boxes, even a small sowing in hanging baskets. Try mixing with Virginian Stock before sowing to provide a mixture of attractive flower and fragrance. Flowers summer. Height 12in

Stock 'Ten Week Stocks Mixed'
  • £2.29

Very fragrant, excellent garden varieties.

Stock 'Cinderella Series Mixed'
  • £3.99

An extremely early and long flowering blend of five distinct colours ideal for the border or in pots. In the garden it has a branching habit with multiple flower spikes, whilst in pots its compact with a single superb flower spike. Magnificently fragrant with a sweet and spicy clove scent like an Old Fashioned Carnation. Selectable for 100% doubleness. Flowers summer. Height 20-25cm (8-10in)

Virginia Stock Spring Sparkle
  • £1.00

Virginia Stock 'Spring Sparkle' is a fast growing and easy to grow annual. A great choice for front of borders due to its compact growth and equally suited to pots and containers.

Stock 'Appleblossom'
  • £1.79

To one of the most beautiful annuals, T&M have added one of the loveliest of colour combinations and Mother Nature has supplied the fragrance. Perfume, beauty and elegance in pink and white all rolled into one. Invaluable summer bedding plants with dense showy spikes of sweet scented flowers. Justifiably popular for beds, borders, cut flowers and they also make magnificent plants for winter flowering in the cold greenhouse. Flowers early summer. Height: 30cm (12in)

Stocks 'Night Scented' (Start-A-Garden™ Range)
  • £1.49

Glorious evening fragrance from deliciously scented, lilac flowers which open in the evening. Simply scatter seed outdoors amongst borders and bedding to allow sweet scent to pervade your garden on summer nights. You can also add a little pinch to baskets and containers.

Stocks 'Hot Cakes' Mixed
  • £1.00

Description for Stocks 'Hot Cakes' Mixed not available

Stocks 'Incana Tudor Tapestry'
  • £1.79

Description for Stocks 'Incana Tudor Tapestry' not available

Virginia Stock 'Mixed'
  • £2.29

Perfect for plugging gaps at the front of borders! These quick and easy hardy annuals make an excellent standby, flowering just 4 weeks from sowing. Commonly called Virginia Stock, this colourful mix is a lovely blend of Malcolmia maritima seeds in lilac, pink and white shades.

Stock 'Virginia Mix' (Seeds)
  • £1.00

Vibrant mix of free-flowering stocks that are one of the easiest plants to grow. They are ideal for quickly filling gaps in your borders and containers. Height: 20cm (8). Spread: 15cm (6).
