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Osteospermum 'Serenity Sunshine Beauty'
  • £9.99

Osteospermum 'Serenity Sunshine Beauty' is a bright new colour break that makes a big impression. This half-hardy variety will fill your beds, borders and patio pots with shades of orange and gold that would rival the sun itself!

Tomato 'Sundried Red Desire'
  • £9.99

This innovative new variety has an exceptionally high Brix level making it one of the sweetest mini-plum Tomatoes you?ll find! In fact, the longer that it stays on the vine, the sweeter it becomes, so you can enjoy the flavour of a ?sundried? Tomato picked straight from the plant.

Large Flowered Clematis Sunset
  • £9.99

A deciduous climber, the 'Sunset' Clematis will make a perfect addition to your garden thanks to its bright and beautiful floral display. Large, star shaped flowers cover this compact, medium-sized plant giving an impressive show throughout the summer months. This compact clematis blooms all the way along its stems, resulting in a proliferation of large, plumy-pink, star-shaped flowers from the ground upwards, starting in late June all the way through to early September. A beautiful feature for fences, trellises, and arches and is especially effective in containers. 'Sunset' will thrive in a sunny spot, where it can be trained up trellis for a vertical wall effect or allow to naturally wind its way through beds and borders, and at it grown to just 150cm it will always be easy to control. Just trim the stems back to 15cm (6in) in February or March. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready for planting.

Abelia x grandiflora 'Sunny Charms'
  • £9.99

Description for Abelia x grandiflora 'Sunny Charms' not available

Patio Raspberry Sweet Sunshine
  • £9.99

Never has there been a better time to Grow Your Own and reap the benefits of producing your own fresh, healthy food. Making use of home gardens has always been a sensible thing to do, but now more than ever with genetic modification, predicted supermarket shortages and environmental damage, produce picked and eaten from your own plot has never been a better idea!'Raspberry 'Sweet Sunshine' is a new concept rapsberry variety, producing masses of short-branched canes that reach no more than 1m (3ft 3in), with the added bonus of being thornless. This thick clump of canes produces heavy crops on established plants in 2 years or so, and starts fruiting in June, so is an early starter. Fruit flavour is good, as demanded by today's consumers, making this the perfect all-rounder.For best results, grow in a large pot about 30cm or so in diameter, allowing room for growth over many years. Picking height is at 80-100cm tall, so easy to net and easy to pick - perfect for children too - or why not make a raspberry hedge?Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready for picking June - August. Plant about 70cm apart.

Zinnia haageana 'Aztec Sunset'
  • £9.99

A kaleidoscope of bicolour blooms that will fill beds and borders with long lasting colour. Rounded, double flowers of wine red, yellow and gold are borne in abundance, attracting butterflies and pollinating insects to the garden.

Petunia 'Peach Sundae'
  • £9.99

This unique petunia features masses of blooms that change colour, from golden orange through to pink, and then sometimes back again! Trailing in habit, these vigorous plants are ideal for baskets, windowboxes or patio pots giving a blast of hot, fiery colour from June to September. Trailing to 40cm. Supplied as plug plants.

Coreopsis 'Sunkiss'
  • £9.99

Description for Coreopsis 'Sunkiss' not available

Busy Lizzie 'Sunpatiens Vigorous White' (New Guinea)
  • £9.99

Description for Busy Lizzie 'Sunpatiens Vigorous White' (New Guinea) not available

African Daisy Osteospermum Purple Sun
  • £9.99

A gorgeous combination of apricot and lilac, just like the colours of a twilight sky in summer, the daisy-like flowers of Osteospermum 'Purple Sun' will fill your garden with fiery colour. From spring to autumn, the uniform, compact plants make the perfect variety for garden borders, mass plantings and other container displays where their abundant heads of bloom will fill your pots much more than traditional varieties and will attract bees and butterflies into your garden. The wonderful combination of colours are the perfect summer combination and their daisy-like blooms are produced in profusion. Ideal for containers and borders, osteos are sun lovers and grow best in moist, well-drained soil. Easy to grow 'Purple Sun' will tolerate light frost as well as heat and drought and need very little in the way of aftercare.Supplied as 6 x plug plants, ready to pot up and grow on before planting out.

Rudbeckia 'Sunbeckia Lucia'
  • £9.99

From early summer all the way into autumn, Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia Lucia’ produces a stunning display of abundant double flowers that are a gorgeous golden yellow.

Rudbeckia 'Sunbeckia Mia'
  • £9.99

From early summer all the way into autumn, Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia Mia’ produces a stunning display of abundant, bi-coloured flowers that are yellow on the outside and deep red on the inside.
