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Sunny Smiles Bouquet
  • £27.99

Send a glorious gift that abounds with sunshine and smiles. A cheerful combination made up gold and lemon flowers interspersed with wispy veronica and lush foliage. Or simply treat yourself to bring spring life and sunshine into your home at any time.

Sunny Smiles
  • £34.00

A Blooming Beautiful bouquet with the attributes of Sunny Days; The exquisite Sunny Smiles bouquet - designed by our expert florists , is a stunning vibrant bouquet comprising of bright happy sunflowers, hot pink germinis, dainty hypericum berries, lustrous alstroemeria and jazzy pink roses combined with luxury green foliage; arranged to perfection and swathed in luxury florists gift wrap - so your beautiful fresh bouquet is ready to display! The Sunny Smiles bouquet is available including standard flower delivery to any address throughout the UK. Why not make your Sunny Smiles bouquet extra special by adding a personalised handwritten greetings card, a scrumptious box of Lindt Chocolates or a chic new glass vase in which to display your Sunny Smiles bouquet in?

Thunbergia Sunny Mixed
  • £9.99

A collection of colourful climbers and something a little different, these Thunbergia are African natives that will happily grow in the UK. Also know as the black-eyed Susan vine, Thunbergia can be grown as a climber trained up a wall or trellis, or in hanging baskets. Either way, the 2m long stems covered in deep green, heart shaped foliage and exotic, brightly coloured flowers throughout summer and autumn will look incredible in your garden. Thunbergia is a tender perennial that's usually grown as an annual in the UK. However, it can be overwintered in a greenhouse or conservatory when outdoor temperatures drop below 5°C (40°F). Fast growing, it'll produce an abundance of vivid pink, apricot, yellow and orange flowers, all with contrasting dark centres that will quickly climb by twining up a support or fill hanging baskets, cascading over the sides for month after month. Supplied as 6 plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out. Reaching a height of 2m (6½ft) and spreading 1m (3ft). You'll receive 3 x pink, and 1 each of apricot, yellow and orange.
