Search found 381 items

Sweetcorn 'Goldcrest' F1 Hybrid
  • £8.99

Description for Sweetcorn 'Goldcrest' F1 Hybrid not available

Sweet Pepper 'Parade'
  • £8.99

Description for Sweet Pepper 'Parade' not available

Sweet Million Tomatoes 6 Large Plants
  • £8.99

Maybe not millions, but get hundreds of sweet tasting fruit, throughout the Summer months, with these Tomato Sweet Million Plants. A heavy cropping, cordon-type of Tomato which is perfect for use in your salads or as snacks. A dependable favourite which never disappoints, they can be grown in your garden or allotment in a protected position or in your greenhouse.

Sweet Pepper 'Celica' F1 Hybrid
  • £8.99

Sweet Pepper 'Celica' is an F1 Hybrid variety producing good crops of rounded Bell Peppers that ripen from glossy green to scarlet red.

Sweet William 'Sweet Mix'
  • £8.99

These remarkable new 'Sweet Williams' will flower in the same summer as they are planted - normally they bloom the following year! So treat yourself to some colourful, scented flowers in your borders or containers this year, and be sure to display some of the flowers in a vase too. Ht. 40-50cm. Supplied as plug tray plants.

Gerbera 'Sweet Sunset'
  • £7.99

Sweet Sunset®' flowers non stop from early spring through to the first frosts, showing off wonderfully warm, orange-yellow, bi-colour blooms, larger than their cousins and with larger numbers of these wonder flowers per plant too!

Sweet Pepper 'Beluga Yellow'
  • £7.99

Perfect for adding to salads and stir fries, this tasty sweet pepper has a multitude of uses in the kitchen. Pepper ?Yellow Bell? produces high yields of traditional bell-shaped peppers that ripen from dark green to a vibrant canary-yellow.

Tomato 'Sweet Million'
  • £7.99

Description for Tomato 'Sweet Million' not available

Aztec Sweet Herb 'Colada' (Botanical Infusions Plants)
  • £7.99

Used since the Aztec Civilisation as a natural, sugary flavouring, Aztec Sweet Herb can be used to sweeten tea, fruit salads or cold desserts without the calories of sugar!

Daffodil 'Sweet Aroma Mixed'
  • £7.99

Description for Daffodil 'Sweet Aroma Mixed' not available

Sweet Pea Gift Bucket
  • £7.49

Compact Sweet Pea (Villa Roma) Rose White Grow Set Create a beautiful container display for the patio or garden whilst helping precious pollinators such as butterflies and bees.Nectar and pollen in flowers are the main food source for pollinators and so with fewer flowers in the landscape there's less food to go around.You can help pollinators by placing this floral planter outdoors throughout the summer. Planter Contains:1 sachet of seeds, 1 sachet of plant food & 1 bag of compost Bucket Dimensions: 18 x 18 x 17.5cm Instructions:Sow indoors from February to April or outdoors from May to June. Sweet Pea plants usually flower from June through to September.1. Open bag of compost and fill planter, keeping a little back to cover the seeds.2. Water the compost lightly then carefully open the sachet of plant food and scatter evenlyover the surface of the compost.3. Sow seeds evenly over the compost, three to five seeds will fill this container withoverflowing blooms.4. Cover with remaining compost, gently firm down and water lightly, compost should bemoist to touch but not waterlogged.5. Cover with plastic bag to create humidity and place in a warm spot to activategermination. Germination can take up to 3 weeks.6. Once seedlings appear, remove plastic bag and place in a sunny position.7. Continue to water regularly, do not let the compost dry out.8. Planter can be transferred outdoors when the weather becomes warmer inMay, acclimatise to outdoors by leaving outside during the day fora couple of days.9. Await your overflowing display throughout the summer! Tips:Sweet Pea seeds can be soaked overnight before sowing, this will speed up the germination process.To create a neater-bushier plant with plentiful blooms, pinch out and remove the growing stem after the second pair of leaves have developed.Remove faded flowers regularly to promote further flowering.Stakes can be used to help train plants.Always wash hands after handling plant food and compost. Do not eat ornamental flowers.Flower growth is dependent on growing conditions.Photography on the front of pack shows flowers appearance but colour may vary.Images are for illustration only.

Sweet Pepper 'Bontempi'
  • £6.99

Sweet Pepper 'Bontempi is a vigorous variety that offers early crops, and high yields. Cropping well, even in cooler summers, it makes an excellent choice for UK gardeners. The thick-walled fruits ripen from dark green to bright red, but can be harvested at any stage.
