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Extremely Hardy Gerbera Garvinea Sweet collection
  • £14.99

The world's first Hardy Gerbera in a range of bright, zingy neon colours, the Garvinea series was originally launched to great acclaim across Europe. Bringing the popular florists' gerbera flowers to a garden perennial, they give an amazing 7 months of colour from spring to autumn every year - not many plants can do that! Well, now they have got even better. The breeders in Holland who created them have developed an improved series with much bigger flowers, and even longer lasting performance. called the 'Sweet Series', we are delighted to be able to bring you some of the limited stock. Retaining the same benefits of being winter hardy to around -8°C (although avoid severe winter wet), and flowering for 3 seasons of colour, their highly distinctive flowers simply keep coming - up to 50 on a 2-year-old plant. We love them in traditional terracotta pots, in the sun, or grown in well-drained borders at the front, where they will amaze you with their persistence of flowering and sheer flower number. In winter they are herbaceous, so die back completely underground, to emerge bigger and better next year. You will get one plant each about to flower of: 'Sweet Glow' - deep warm orange'Sweet Smile' - warm honey yellow'Sweet Spice' - bright magenta purple

Gerbera Garvinea Sweet Series
  • £9.99

The world's first Hardy Gerbera in a range of bright, zingy neon colours, the Garvinea series was originally launched to great acclaim across Europe. Bringing the popular florists' gerbera flowers to a garden perennial, they give an amazing 7 months of colour from spring to autumn every year - not many plants can do that! Well, now they have got even better. The breeders in Holland who created them have developed an improved series with much bigger flowers, and even longer lasting performance. called the 'Sweet Series', we are delighted to be able to bring you some of the limited stock. Retaining the same benefits of being winter hardy to around -8°C (although avoid severe winter wet), and flowering for 3 seasons of colour, their highly distinctive flowers simply keep coming - up to 50 on a 2-year-old plant. We love them in traditional terracotta pots, in the sun, or grown in well-drained borders at the front, where they will amaze you with their persistence of flowering and sheer flower number. In winter they are herbaceous, so die back completely underground, to emerge bigger and better next year. In this collection you will receive: 2 x 'Sweet Glow' - Deep orange daisy like booms. 2 x 'Sweet Smile' - Tall stems with gorgeous warm honey yellow flowers. 2 x 'Sweet Spice' - Strikingly bright magenta purple blooms. Supplied as 6 established plants in 7cm pots, ready to plant out.

Sweet Pea Galaxy Seeds
  • £3.99

Sweet Peas have always been amongst a garden lovers favourite flowers, and this 'Galaxy' is no different. Early flowering inlusciou s colours from reds to pinks to blues from late spring through to autumn, they'll produce a fabulous succession of beautifully fragrant stems that just keep on coming the more they're cut, so your vases can be as full as your garden with these prolific, long lasting star performers. Once planted out, provide a sturdy support such a cane wigwam or decorative obelisk that the plants can cling to as they grow upwards. A hardy annual, reaching 180cm (6ft), flowering from May to October. Supplied as a pack of approx. 35 seeds.

Sweet Pea Incense Mixed Seeds
  • £3.99

An enduring favourite of the British gardener, sweet peas are surely one of the most rewarding and prettiest annuals you can grow - and this specially selected blend offers the very best in terms of all-round display and fragrance. 'Incense Mixed' includes top-performing varieties specifically chosen by a group of sweet pea experts for their exquisite scent. The large, ruffled blooms offer a medley of pastel shades in hues of white, pink, cream and lavender. Growing on long stems, they are perfect for cutting, so you can enjoy their pretty colours and perfume both indoors and out. For all their delicate appearance, these cheerful sweet peas are very easy to grow and will reward with a continuous succession of beautiful blooms from May to October. The more you pick them, the more they will flower. Dead-heading those that are left on the vine is one of the most relaxing pastimes of the summer garden, and will prolong the flowering season. For the best blooms, all they require is a sunny position but they do like their roots to be cool; try planting some low-growing annuals at their bases to provide some shade. 'Incense Mixed' will thrive in a variety of situations including containers, beds and borders, and are best grown up a trellis. Keep them well watered and they will reward you from late spring well into autumn. What's more, their flowers will attract bees and butterflies, which will then pollinate your fruit and vegetables - making them a great companion plant for your kitchen garden. Supplied as a packet of 35 (approx.) seeds ready for sowing indoors into pots of compost from January to March or September to October, or outdoors from April to May, directly where they are to flower. They will flower from May to October, growing to a maximum height of 180cm (72in) and spread of 45cm (18in).

Basil Sweet Seeds
  • £3.99

This 'Sweet' Basil is the classic, large-leaved variety that is most popularly used in cuisines all over the world. Native to tropical regions of central Africa and Southeast Asia, it is a tender, half-hardy annual when grown outdoors in Britain for summer cropping. Or it can be grown successfully indoors on your windowsill all through the year to ensure a continuous supply of fresh leaves for culinary use. A favourite herb particularly of Italian cooking, its sweet, aromatic leaves are a characteristic ingredient for many dishes from salads and garnishes to soups, casseroles, ragu, pizza, and pasta dishes - and superb for making fresh pesto. The flavour comes from the intense essential oils in the glossy green leaves that are at their best when eaten raw or added to hot dishes at the last minute. Growing your own 'Sweet' Basil from seed, whether indoors or outdoors, will reward you with neat, bushy and vigorous plants that can be cut just when you need a fresh bunch for your cooking - a much better solution than those frustrating supermarket pot herbs that barely last 2-3 weeks and are reluctant to grow back when cut. Sow all year round indoors into pots for your windowsill or for transplanting outdoors from May to July. Or sow outdoors from May to June; they will do best in pots or containers, but can be sown directly into a well-prepared bed or border. All they require is a sunny but sheltered position, in fertile, moist but well-drained soil or compost, then regular cutting to encourage new growth. Supplied as a packet of 450 (approx.) seeds ready to plant indoors or outdoors in their growing position. Mature plants can reach 30cm (12in) height and spread. Harvest indoors all year round or throughout the summer when grown outdoors.

Sweet Corn Swift F1 Seeds
  • £3.99

A very early Xtra-Tender© variety, 'Swift F1' has been specifically bred to give very sweet and succulent cobs. Quick to grow from seed, the vigorous plants produce good-sized cobs of up to 20cm long, with golden-yellow kernels that have a mouth-wateringly rich flavour. A worthy recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, 'Swift F1' is easy to grow and a reliably good cropper - a great choice for beginner and experienced gardeners alike. It is also one of the best crops for getting children interested in gardening as the seeds germinate soon after sowing, grow to an impressive size and produce delicious corn cobs that they will relish. Cobs can be cooked whole - simply remove the husks and boil the cobs for a few minutes, roast in the oven or wrap them in foil for the barbeque. They can also be eaten raw; just strip off the kernels with a sharp knife and add them to salads for an extra sweet crunch. Sweetcorn is rich in fibre and a good source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The cobs are best eaten soon after picking but will keep for a few days in the fridge and they freeze well. Sweetcorn thrives in a sunny position. Sow indoors March to May for planting out in May to June; or sow the seeds outdoors in May, directly into their cropping position in well-cultivated, fertile soil. Flowers will appear approximately 8 weeks after sowing and mature cobs can be picked after 16 weeks - or pick for baby corn 1 to 2 days after the silks emerge, when the ear is up to 10cm (4in) long. Supplied as a packet of 35 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors or outdoors in their growing position. Grows to a height of up to 200cm (79in) and spread up to 45cm (18in).

Peace Lily Spathiphyllum Sweet Silver
  • £12.99

An absolute favourite of ours, the Peace Lily has got to be one of the most reliable and versatile indoor plants that you can get. With its beautifully glossy, dark green leaves and large white flower spathes that last for weeks, it's instantly recognisable as the ultimate houseplant and an absolute must have decoration for your home. Blooming in spring, the flowers of 'Sweet Silver' are actually tiny, insignificant yellow bumps carried on a small floral spike and its actually the more noticeable, pure-white bracket (spathe) which is thought of as the flower. Perfect for indoor growing, the Peace Lily has been shown in NASA studies to clean and purify the air in your home - making the top 10 - filtering out pollutants and neutralising gasses such as carbon monoxide, benzene and formaldehyde. This makes it perfect for the bedroom, where it can help you get a better night's sleep! Not only a beautiful houseguest, it's low maintenance and very easy to grow. Spathiphyllum helps you recognise when it needs a drink by gently drooping its leaves - then once watered it'll pick up within the hour! Marvellous! Supplied as an established plant in a 13cm pot, plants will eventually reach around 1m (3ft) high and around 50cm (20in) wide. Note Decorative pot in images is for display purposes only and is not supplied.

Rose Sweet Honey Rose of the Year 2020
  • £14.99

Announced as the Rose of the Year for 2020, Sweet Honey 'Kormecaso' is a charming, fragrant rose and the worthy winner at the festival of Roses held at the 2019 RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. A repeat-flowering Floribunda with Hybrid-Tea-shaped buds which form in clusters, its creamy, apricot-coloured blooms are excellent for cutting. Compact and perfect in a pot on the patio this is an easy-to-grow rose with strong robust growth and dark green glossy leaves - perfect for beds and borders and is naturally resistant to many problems associated with roses. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, ready for immediate planting.

Rose Incredible Sweet
  • £9.99

'Incredible' is an amazing collection of shrub roses that have been specially bred to have edible flowers. Each one has its own flavour and scent, and the petals can be used in deserts and salads. Organically grown in the Netherlands by breeder Willianne Sluiter, they are a wonderful addition to your garden. 'Incredible Sweet' is a lovely, classically coloured rose with large, soft pink double flowers, and exceptionally sweetly perfumed petals that have a floral, juicy and sweet flavour. The taste and aroma make them perfect for adding to fruity desserts and ice cream for extra sweetness, and they make a superb topping for cakes, especially when candied. These gorgeous roses have lush, deep green, glossy foliage and flower from June to September. Grow them in your borders or kitchen garden, and they're more than happy growing in a large pot on the patio or balcony so that you can enjoy the delightful fragrance and flowers. Supplied as an established rose in a 10.5cm pot, ready for planting, growing to a height of 90cm (2½ft) and spread of 40cm (16in).

Rose Sweet Memories
  • £19.99

A cottage garden favourite, 'Sweet Memories' is a beautiful dwarf floribunda rose with a compact and bushy growing habit that will become covered in clusters of small, fully double blooms is a delicate shade of soft lemon. In bloom throughout the summer and autumn months, they are perfect contrast to 'Sweet Memories' glossy green foliage. Well suited to growing in pots, although it's perfectly happy in the border, and the dwarf proportions make it ideal as a low, flowering hedge that will look simply stunning when covered in flowers from June. Roses make lovely cut flowers, and because 'Sweet Memories' is a repeat flowering variety you will always have a supply of beautiful blooms to display around your home. Supplied as a freshly potted, professional quality plant in a 3L pot, growing to a height and spread of 60cm (2ft).

Sweet Pea Gift Bucket
  • £7.49

Compact Sweet Pea (Villa Roma) Rose White Grow Set Create a beautiful container display for the patio or garden whilst helping precious pollinators such as butterflies and bees.Nectar and pollen in flowers are the main food source for pollinators and so with fewer flowers in the landscape there's less food to go around.You can help pollinators by placing this floral planter outdoors throughout the summer. Planter Contains:1 sachet of seeds, 1 sachet of plant food & 1 bag of compost Bucket Dimensions: 18 x 18 x 17.5cm Instructions:Sow indoors from February to April or outdoors from May to June. Sweet Pea plants usually flower from June through to September.1. Open bag of compost and fill planter, keeping a little back to cover the seeds.2. Water the compost lightly then carefully open the sachet of plant food and scatter evenlyover the surface of the compost.3. Sow seeds evenly over the compost, three to five seeds will fill this container withoverflowing blooms.4. Cover with remaining compost, gently firm down and water lightly, compost should bemoist to touch but not waterlogged.5. Cover with plastic bag to create humidity and place in a warm spot to activategermination. Germination can take up to 3 weeks.6. Once seedlings appear, remove plastic bag and place in a sunny position.7. Continue to water regularly, do not let the compost dry out.8. Planter can be transferred outdoors when the weather becomes warmer inMay, acclimatise to outdoors by leaving outside during the day fora couple of days.9. Await your overflowing display throughout the summer! Tips:Sweet Pea seeds can be soaked overnight before sowing, this will speed up the germination process.To create a neater-bushier plant with plentiful blooms, pinch out and remove the growing stem after the second pair of leaves have developed.Remove faded flowers regularly to promote further flowering.Stakes can be used to help train plants.Always wash hands after handling plant food and compost. Do not eat ornamental flowers.Flower growth is dependent on growing conditions.Photography on the front of pack shows flowers appearance but colour may vary.Images are for illustration only.

Sweet Pea Birdhouse
  • £12.99

This delightful birdhouse planter is a fantastic gift for any wildlife lover wanting to give a home to garden birds and grow some beautiful flowers at the same. The clever design gives a home to birds in the bottom part, accessed by a hole at the front, whilst the top section is a planter, perfect for growing small plants and giving you the best looking nesting box around! The birdhouse is complete with compost and sweet pea 'Miniature Sweetheart' seeds. These lovely flowers, in gorgeous shades of pink, red, purple and white will bloom from June until September, filling the planter and tumbling over the sides and they'll smell divine too. Like all sweet peas, the more you pick them, the more they'll flower, so bring bunches of them indoors to enjoy in your home. To attract birds, we recommend placing it facing north or east to keep the sun and the worst of the wind and rain away, at least 2 m (6½ ft) above the ground.
