Search found 384 items

Tomato 'Sugar Plum Raisin' (Grafted)
  • £11.99

As their name suggests, Tomato ?Sugar Plum Raisin? are absolutely packed with sweetness.

Tomato 'Summerlast'
  • £12.99

F1 Summerlast is a new variety on the block with great blight resistance and a dwarf tomato that anyone can grow.

Tomato 'Suncherry Premium' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.99

A superb RHS AGM variety, Tomato 'Suncherry Premium' is one of the sweetest tasting, red-skinned cherry tomatoes available, making the perfect complement to our ever popular orange-skinned variety 'Sungold'. Huge crops of shiny, bite-sized red fruits ripen early and continue to be produced throughout the summer. This cordon variety is best grown in the greenhouse, but will also grow in a sheltered, sunny spot outdoors. Height: 200cm (79). Spread: 50cm (20).

Tomato 'Sundried Red Desire'
  • £9.99

This innovative new variety has an exceptionally high Brix level making it one of the sweetest mini-plum Tomatoes you?ll find! In fact, the longer that it stays on the vine, the sweeter it becomes, so you can enjoy the flavour of a ?sundried? Tomato picked straight from the plant.

Tomato 'Sungold'
  • £7.99

One of the country?s most popular tomato varieties, Tomato ?Sungold? is an outstanding variety which is perfect for both growing in a greenhouse or equally outdoors!

Tomato 'Sungold' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.99

An outstanding cordon cherry tomato for glasshouse or outdoor culture. Tomato ?Sungold? has an exceptionally high sugar content, that easily rivals ?Gardeners Delight?, making its attractive, golden-orange fruit irresistibly sweet and juicy. The high yields of delicious fruit (each approximately 13g) are ideal for salads or as a tasty snack. This popular variety also has good resistance to tobacco mosaic virus and fusarium wilt. Height: 200cm (79). Spread: 50cm (20)

Tomato 'Sungrape' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

CordonEnjoy the unique sweetness of this 'baby grape' variety! From the same breeder as our popular 'Sungold' and 'Suncherry Premium' varieties, Tomato 'Sungrape' has a distinctive flavour due to its high levels of sweetness and acidity. These tasty tomatoes are quite thin-skinned, but resist splitting. Best grown under glass, but will grow as a cordon outside in a sunny situation. Height: 200cm (79). Spread: 50cm (20)

Tomato 'Super Marmande'
  • £2.49

Tomato 'Super Marmande' is a large, juicy beefsteak tomato with a rich sweet flavour. Distinguished by its irregular cushion shape and touch of pink on the shoulders, it is ideal for adding to salads or cooking. This semi-bush variety is easy to grow either in the greenhouse or outdoors, and requires minimal training. Height: 150cm (59). Spread: 50cm (20)

Tomato 'Supersweet'
  • £10.99

Exactly as the name describes, this high yielding variety produces masses of super-sweet cherry tomatoes from July to October. The tasty fruits ripen in long cascading trusses. Tomato ?Supersweet? is slightly larger than most cherry varieties, with thin skins and a particularly good flavour. This cordon variety is best grown in the greenhouse or a sheltered spot outdoors. Height: 200cm (79). Spread: 50cm (20).

Tomato 'Sweet Aperitif'
  • £11.99

A true red cherry tomato, and possibly the sweetest you'll ever taste! This bushy, cordon variety will produce an excellent harvest of bite-size fruits that boast a refreshing, sweet flavour, perfect for salads and sandwiches, or for cooking with. Individual fruits weigh approx.12g each, and when grown in a greenhouse over a long period, each plant will produce up to 500 thin-skinned, shiny red cherry fruits ? that?s about 6kg (13 lbs) per plant! Grow in a greenhouse or a full sun location outdoors. Ht. 2m. Supplied as plug plants.

Tomato 'Sweet Baby'
  • £0.99

CordonA fabulous variety producing prolific crops of 8-10g (1/3oz) cherry tomatoes which hang on trusses like bunches of grapes. Tomato 'Sweet Baby' has a delicious sweet flavour with a bit of 'bite'. This cordon cherry tomato is well suited to growing outdoors or in the greenhouse. Height: 200cm (79). Spread: 50cm (20)

Tomato 'Sweet Million'
  • £7.99

Description for Tomato 'Sweet Million' not available
