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Duo Fruit Tree – Pear Conference and Concorde
  • £29.99

Now everyone can grow fruit trees in the minimum of space! These incredible duo fruit trees have been meticulously grafted by highly skilled nurserymen to yield 2 different pear varieties growing on one rootstock! What's more, the rootstocks are dwarfing, meaning that your trees will always remain compact! They are perfect for anyone who loves the idea of picking their own home-grown fresh fruit, but has limited space. Each of the varieties will produce bumper crops of delicious, full-sized fruit. Because they are already trained into a V shape, they are perfect for growing up a wall or fence.  Conference Pear - Produces a large crop of fruits with clear, white flesh that are ready to pick each September. The long, tapering fruits are packed with an irresistible sweetness and lip-smacking juice that will drip from your chin when you bite into a ripe one! Because of its outstanding flavour, it remains the most popular pear grown in Britain by a long measure, both in commercial orchards and home gardens. It is perfect for you to grow because it is very heavy cropping and when picked unripe, is great for keeping for 2 or more months. Crops: September-October Concorde Pear - This scrumptious pear variety produces large crops of elegant, tapering fruits with white flesh that are ready to pick from September each year. Each one is packed with an incredibly sweet, irresistible juice - delicious when eaten straight from the tree! Try to save some for later, though, as they will make wonderful desserts for your Christmas parties. Concorde is perfect for gardeners to grow because it is very heavy cropping and will keep for over two months when picked unripe. Crops: September-October

Patio Pear Garden Pearl tree
  • £19.99

The perfect Patio Pear tree for growing in large pots or small gardens, where space is a premium. Part of the world-leading Zaiger range of self-fertile and dwarf patio fruit trees, the dark green and juicy fruits of Garden Pearl will delight. It really is like an orchard pear tree in miniature, except for the size of crop and size of fruits! Being very slow growing it will barely reach 1.2M (4ft) in 10 years or so. Self-fertile, so very easy to grow, it produces lovely pure white blossom displays in April, followed by luscious juicy pears in late Summer. One of the easiest of all patio fruit trees to grow, it is definiteley one for the shortlist.

Sour Cherry Morello tree 5L pot
  • £19.99

'Morello' Cherry is often referred to as 'The Cooking Cherry' because it is the variety most frequently used for making the delicious fragrant pies and jams we all know and love! The fruits are packed with juice and the skin colour is dark red. It is one of the most reliable croppers of all the sour cherries because it is self-ertile, late flowering and so less susceptible to frost damage, plus it is incredibly disease resistant a real winner for any garden! 'Morello' Cherry is also a great tree to grow on a north-facing wall because even in a cooler position with low light levels it will still grow and thrive and fruit as normal you can usually expect to pick the fruits from late August onwards.

Pair of Standard Holly Trees with Gold Planters
  • £49.96

What could be more perfect this winter than a twist on a Christmas classic? Create stunning festive displays, frame doorways and entrances or adorn patios and conservatories, with this pair of standard Holly Trees.With a slight blush tinge to the beautiful, deep-evergreen, classic holly leaves and with their rich red berries, they'll look stunning for many years to come and what's best is that these holly trees can be enjoyed year-round, not just at Christmas, thanks to their evergreen nature.This new variety is a female (berry producing) form and is a very prolific berry producer*, so it will bud up and produce masses of rich, red berries in future years. These bushes are slow growing and easy to manage - just one trim a year will keep that standard tree form.Each pair is supplied with a pair of classic 27cm diameter planters that have been hand-finished in a beautiful gold paint, each one unique, for you to plant your hollies into for maximum impact. This also makes them the perfect gift to give to friends, family or neighbours this winter... *this female plant will carry berries in autumn and early winter months. However, trees may arrive with artificial berries.

Tree Fern Dicksonia antarctica log 20cm tall
  • £34.99

Tree ferns were a firm plant hunter's favourite from Victorian times, a symbol of wealth and travel experiences to Australia. They have maintained this sense of mystique ever since. Now you too can grow these surprisingly easy exotic looking plants too. Harvested under strict License from woodland clearance in Australia and Tasmania, these astonishing plants really will delight and amaze. They grow under the woodland canopy, in the shade, so grow them here in a sheltered spot too. These 'potter' logs are at least 10 years old, and have been cut back and harvested dormant. When you water them via the top crown, they will burst back into life, like it's the new rainy season! Because they grow in leaf canopies, most of their food comes from leaves falling into their giant shuttlecock like fronds, funnelling the goodness into the growing crown. That's hard to achieve in UK gardens so we provide 500ml of concentrated tree fern food, which mimics this feeding method. Even at this size of log at 20-25cm tall, new fronds of almost 1M in length will unfurl spectacularly within a Month or so of you watering it. It's amazing when they come how quickly they grow. The plant is hardy down to -5 in Winter, although the fronds will die back. Cutting these off when they die back is what creates the new trunk, which slowly inches up over many, many years. Keep the crown protected in Winter with a layer of straw to keep cold and wet out. When you get it home, plant it in a big pot, or in the garden soil. It takes almost 2 years to root in, so do not be alarmed by this slow growing beauty.

Pink Silk Tree Albizia julibrissin Rosea
  • £14.99

This exotic deciduous tree comes to life in late-spring with the emergence of wonderful, fern-like foliage - and reaches a crescendo of colour in mid-late summer when the incredible, fluffy, bright pink flowers cover every branch - each one carrying a lovely fragrance! Hardy enough to withstand all but the worst frosts, it is ideal for a pot or sunny border. Also known as the Pink Silk Tree, Albizia Rosea is ideal as a feature plant in Mediterranean-style gardens, where the fine foliage makes a particularly attractive feature in its own right. Hardy throughout most of the UK, the silk tree benefits from planting near a south-facing wall for a little winter protection, helping it to retain its leaves for a little longer into the autumn. The dainty leaves of the silk tree slowly close during the night and during periods of heavy rain to protect itself from damage, giving it an alternative name of 'night sleeper'. In Japan its common names (of which there are several) all mean 'sleeping tree', so don't be surprised if your tree looks a little droopy at times - it's just resting! Reaching up to 4 x 2.5m, you will receive an established young plant in a 3L pot.

Flowering Mimosa Tree
  • £24.99

Transition the seasons from winter to spring with bold and bright colour year after year! The canary-yellow blooms of the Flowering Mimosa Tree are a spectacular sight from January to April every year. Hundreds of bobbly yellow blooms smother the branches of the Mimosa tree in a lemon haze, almost hiding the stunning grey green filigree foliage that makes this tree a handsome year-round feature in the garden. The eye-catching pom-pom blooms not only look a picture but carry a heavenly fragrance and provide a valuable nectar source for friendly insects that emerge in milder weather, altogether a super tree to own! Widely seen across southern Europe, this variety will thrive outdoors in most of the UK too and is a great plant for conservatories or sunny corners of a room indoors in regions prone to severe frost. It's a great choice for a large container too producing a unique feature tree. Winter Hardy down to -5, will need protecting in very cold winters. Supplied as an established 80cm caned plant in a 19cm pot, ready to plant out. 

Red-Leaved Patio Peach Crimson Bonfire Tree
  • £19.99

A simply stunning Patio Peach tree, 'Crimson (R) Bonfire' has been selected for it's unique and delightful burgundy purple foliage and red coloured peach fruits, all on a genetically dwarf tree too. Imagine relaxing on your patio in early Summer - the last of the heavenly sweet scent of Mediterranean peach blossom filling the air. Then in late August, reaching out and plucking one of your very own delicious, juicy ripe peaches! This stunning compact peach tree is so easy to grow, perfect in a pot and because it flowers later than many varieties it fruits much more successfully too. A beautifully symmetrical shaped tree, its foliage has a delightfully rich burgundy colouration. Combined with the crimson peaches it makes a particularly exotic and decorative addition to any patio. Completely winter hardy no matter how cold it gets, you can look forward to your very own harvest of home-grown peaches for years to come. TOP TIP: Peach fruit yield will be increased by keeping the fruit tree canopy dry in blossom and pollination time, such as in a greenhouse, conservatory or lean-to. Although self-fertile, using a dry small artist's paintbrush to brush pollen from flower to flower will hugely increase fruit set too. This will massively reduce the curse of Peach Leaf Curl too. Patio Peach 'Crimson (R) Bonfire' really is a delightful little tree, for years and years of enjoyment.

Apricot Early Moorpark Tree
  • £19.99

If you have always wanted to grow your own apricots, this is the perfect time to start! 'Early Moorpark' is self-fertile and will grow and thrive in UK conditions, cropping reliably year after year. It produces deliciously flavoured, aromatic, bright yellow fruits, which take on an attractive orange-red tinge when fully ripe and are ready to pick in August. The fragrant, light-pink blossom appears in early spring before the leaves start growing, making a beautiful display. Whilst the tree itself is fully winter hardy, to guarantee a good crop of apricots, plant it in full sun but against a south-facing fence or wall and cover with fleece to give further frost protection when it is in full flower. The pollinating insects will then set to work and make lots of lovely fruits to pick later in the year. Once fully established, you might expect to pick 200-300 fruits per tree! If you don't have room in your garden, 'Moorpark' will be perfect to grow in a pot on your patio or balcony.

Mini Orchard Tree Collection
  • £89.94

An absolutely cracking collection of fruit trees to make your own mini orchard! Now you too can pick crops of premium variety eating apples, cherries, apricots, pears and plums direct from your very own 'Mini-Orchard' - from as early as next summer! At just a fraction of normal prices, our "commercial grower" quality trees are supplied bare root and are ready to plant now - quickly establishing and cropping exceedingly well. Their 'dwarf' roots restrict height, so you can pick your crops with no need for ladders! All are self-fertile, so your crops are guaranteed and all they need is a small sunny space in your garden, patio pots, or even a balcony. In this collection you will receive: Braeburn Apple Tree -The UK's most popular eating apple variety by far. Pick fresh from your tree by mid-October each season. 2m (6-7 ft) 'Victoria' Plum Tree AGM - Britain's best-loved and most popular award-winning garden plum variety. Sumptuous yellow-fleshed red-skinned fruits in late summer. 3.5-4m (11-12ft) 'Conference' Pear Tree AGM - Britain's best-loved and most recognised Pear fruit tree variety, Easy to grow for fresh, juicy pears in September and October. 3-3.5m (10-11ft) 'Stella' Cherry Tree AGM - If you only have space to grow one fruit tree, grow this one and get lovely blossom and sweet juicy cherries. The UK's favourite sweet cherry with bumper crops of super sweet, plump, juicy and aromatic fruit. 3m (10ft) 'Bramley' Apple tree - Considered the King of Cooking Apples by respected chefs and professional fruit growers! Bramley is a heavy cropper once established with high quality fruits that last well when stored. 2m (6-7 ft). Peach 'Redhaven' - A peach tree that will grow and thrive in UK conditions. Self fertile with yellow-fleshed fruits, you'll be delighted with its spring blossom too. 2m (6-7 ft) Supplied as a collection of 6 bare root trees, ready to plant.

Premium Apple Tree Tickled Pink
  • £19.99

A new apple launched in 2011, 'Tickled Pink' (also sold as 'Baya Marissa') is a stunning variety with sumptuously juicy red flesh with a fabulous 'old-fashioned' flavour - just like 'Rosy Apple' sweets! You can marvel at the unique strawberry-red flesh, all the way to the core! From fragrant springtime blossom to juicily luscious, red-fleshed fruits each October, 'Tickled Pink' will be as happy in a pot on your patio or balcony as it will in a bed or border.  Delicious straight from the tree, the exquisite apples are perfect for making refreshing red juice or baking apple pies for a taste that's simply divine. With its incredible fragrant spring blossom, richly coloured foliage and mid-October fruits, the tree itself brings season-long interest to any garden, patio or balcony. It is perfectly winter hardy and easy to grow - ideal for beginer and experienced gardeners alike. It is not self-fertile, but if there are apple trees nearby it is likely you will get some fruit as it can be pollinated by a wide range of commonly grown trees. Plant it where you can enjoy the gorgeous spring blossom displays too!  Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, approx. 80-100cm tall, ready to plant out.

Duo Fruit Tree Apple Elstar and James Grieve
  • £29.99

Apple 'Elstar' and 'James Grieve' Duo TreeNow everyone can grow fruit trees in the minimum of space!  These incredible duo fruit trees have been meticulously grafted by highly skilled nurserymen to provide 2 different apple varieties growing on one rootstock.  What's more, the rootstocks are dwarfing, meaning that your trees will always remain compact. You will get 2 different varieties of fruit from 1 tree - perfect for anyone who loves the idea of picking their own home-grown fresh fruit but has limited garden space. They are ideal for growing in a container on your patio and equally happy in a small border. With stunning spring blossom and attractive autumn foliage, not only do they taste good - they look good too! 'Elstar' AppleA versatile variety that is delicious and juicy eaten straight from the tree, this apple's honeyed sweetness balanced with acidic notes means it is also a great choice for cooking - superb in cakes and desserts and makes a great apple sauce! Producing medium-sized dessert apples, greenish-yellow at the base and flushing to an attractive red at the top, 'Elstar' are satisfying to bite into, their lemon-white flesh being crunchy but not too crisp. And, of course, they are bursting with juicy flavour.Developed in the Netherlands in the 1950s by crossing Golden Delicious with Ingrid Marie, this dessert apple is a favourite across Europe but not often seen in the UK. For use from October to December. 'James Grieve' Another superb old variety that you won't find in supermarkets. If you pick the elegant, red and green, satin-sheened fruit in early to mid-September, they are refreshingly acidic, sharp, and perfect for cooking scrummy apple crumbles and pies. However, if your wait a few weeks longer, the delicious flavour mellows, becoming mild, sweet and truly excellent picked straight from the tree. The soft flesh is literally packed with juice and glistens tantalisingly when you bite into it. If you can resist eating your whole crop, they make truly incredible juice! For use from September to October. Both varieties individually hold the RHS Award of Garden Merit, so you can be sure they will reward you with delicious full-sized fruit year after year.  Fully hardy and self-fertile, they will produce bumper crops with the minimum of effort. Because they are already trained into a V shape, they are perfect for growing against a wall or fence, where they will reach a mature height of 1.5-1.8m.
