A gorgeous gift for any occasion, this exquisite arrangement pairs white Athena Roses with an array of lilac blooms including Lisianthus and Aster. Eucalyptus and Green Bell Foliage delicately complete this stunning bouquet.
Decadent deep water roses in rich shades of violet. The perfect gift.Please note the bouquet pictured is the two dozen size and the vase is not included.
A luxury bouquet of vanda orchids, memory lane and avalanche roses, with delicately scented alstroemeria and bouvardia. The perfect luxury gift for any occasion.Please note the bouquet pictured is the extra large size and the vase pictured is not included.
This beautiful seasonal bouquet of hand-tied flowers is a floral delight of crimson red roses and Memory Lane roses accompanied by silvery foliage and green hypericum berries.These blooms are the perfect match for a bottle of fresh and fruity Le Bois des Violettes Rosé, the perfect easy-drinking wine to get any festive occasion off to a fabulous start.
A Superbly Smooth CombinationA warm festive gift of seasonal metallic foliage with fragrant rich red oriental lilies and traditional red roses, this bouquet is a seasonal delight.We’ve paired with a Le Bois des Violettes Rosé'. This pairing is sure to please your loved one this Christmas.
Indulge yourself by growing this rare, mauve form of the exquisite Himalayan Blue Poppy. Scintillating, silky blooms aloft downy foliage give an absolutely breathtaking effect when planted in groups in shady borders and woodland areas. A collector's item for the border. Prefers a deep, moist, loamy soil in part shade.
Clematis 'Étoile Violette', also known in English as 'Violet Star', is a Clematis created by Francisque Morel in France, in 1885. This classic, RHS Award of Garden Merit variety has beautiful violet purple flowers, with yellow stamens in the centres, all through June, July and August. It is perfect for a bare garden wall or fence, that gets plenty of sun. Very easy to maintain, just prune back to ground level in late autumn. Height: 5m (15'). Spread: 1.5m (5'). Pruning group: 3.
Delivered ready-planted for immediate display! Creating a colourful summer hanging basket couldn't be easier with our handsome 'ready to hang' baskets.
With its unusual flower shape and bright purple blooms, this showy new variety is set to take gardens by storm! Dazzling white margins show off the curvy edges of their trumpet shaped blooms.
In around 1680 a fig was discovered in the gardens of the palace of Versailles, in France, that was thriving during the cold winter. From this the variety, 'Violette de Bordeaux' was created, and it continues to have great tolerance to colder weather compared to other fig types.