Van Meuwen

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About Van Meuwen

Established as a producer of tulip and daffodil bulbs in 1973, Van Meuwen diversified into mail order in 1977.

Today Van Meuwen is a horticultural mail order specialist, working hard to ensure you receive the best quality plants and bulbs direct to your home. Their buyers are on a constant search for new and exclusive ideas from all parts of the world allowing them to bring you top quality and exciting products at affordable prices.

Their product range has expanded to include soft fruit, vegetables plants, fruit trees and potatoes. Free growing guides are provided with all varieties.

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We currently have 5972 products listed for Van Meuwen, that's 5972 opportunities for you to save money!

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Van Meuwen have 5972 products listed

Rose 'Tricolour' (Standard)
  • £36.99

Description for Rose 'Tricolour' (Standard) not available

Cobaea scandens
  • £3.99

A showy climber for the cool greenhouse, conservatory, and also forming a very decorative screen on trellis or south facing wall in milder areas. The large bell shaped 'cup and saucerflowers are often 6cm (2.5 in) across. Flowers late summer. Climber

Dahlia variabilis 'Dwarf Mixed'
  • £2.99

Vivid, large single and semi-double 8cm (3in) flowers. Neat, mound shaped bushes achieving a memorable main bedding display

Antirrhinum nanum 'Dwarf Bedding Mixed'
  • £2.99

A glittering mixture in a wide range of colours. Their low and compact habit makes them an essential item for the smaller garden

Aster 'Milady Mixed'
  • £2.99

Excellent for bedding , these plants are robust, bushy and very wilt resistant. Well formed, globular, weather resistant flowers in blue, pink, rose, rose-red and white are produced over a long period. Useful as a summer flowering pot plant, for window boxes etc

Dahlia variabilis 'Collarette Dandy'
  • £3.59

Dwarf bushy dahlias with delightful "collarette" form, in many shades of red, yellow, orange and white all with white matching or contrasting inner collar of quilled petals. Height: 50-60cm (20-24in)

Marigold 'Golden Gem'
  • £2.49

A particularly attractive variety of this popular half hardy annual. It has a dwarf, neat shape making it excellent for edging borders and for outdoor containers. Deep golden flowers are produced in profusion throughout the summer. Flowers early summer to first frosts. Height 15cm (6in).

Marigold 'Lemon Gem'
  • £2.69

An extremely neat version of this popular half hardy annual, making it ideal as an edging to pathway or lawn. It grows well even in an adverse summer with the mounded plants smothered in blooms from the end of June onwards. Flowers early summer to first frosts. Height 23cm (9in)

Pear 'Conference'
  • £24.99

Self fertile and a reliable cropper! Pick these sweet juicy pears in September for eating from October to November. Height: 3m (9') Rootstock: Quince A.

Petunia x hybrida 'Super Cascade Improved' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.99

The first fully integrated petunia mixture. For hanging baskets, containers and walls. The Super Cascades are much freer flowering and will cascade in 8 different colours - blue, white, pink, blush, cerise, salmon, scarlet and violet from a formula blending of seed. Weather tolerance, heat and wet, is excellent, they bloom from planting out to frost and have good drought tolerance. Growing tip: Get the best out of your petunias with our specially formulated Petunia Fertiliser - the perfect balance of nutrients to get them off to a flying start and nourish them through the summer

Marigold 'Discovery Yellow' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.99

Spectacular 6-7cm (2½-3in) bright yellow, double blooms on dwarf sturdy plants makes it a considerable improvement on its nearest rival. It is quite as dwarf as many French marigolds and very neat and tidy whilst retaining its huge and fully double blooms, extraordinary reliability and almost legendary heat and poor weather tolerance. Flowers mid to late summer. Height 20-25cm (8-10in).

Morning Glory 'Split Personality'
  • £1.00

Dedicated breeding has helped create an exciting new flower shape, where many of the blooms are set as perfect stars due to gentle splits between the petals. These distinct flowers are magenta pink with a white centre. A splendid climber, ideal for trelliswork, fences, poles, etc

Morning Glory 'Heavenly Blue'
  • £2.99

Gorgeous sky blue flowers, up to 6cm (2.5in) across that open in the morning, appear throughout summer on this free-flowering, elegant climber. Also suitable for greenhouse or conservatory growing. Prefers a sunny, sheltered, warm site; Beautiful climber ideal for warm site trellis, fences, poles, etc

Salvia splendens 'Blaze of Fire'
  • £3.69

One of the most famous summer annual bedding plants, long flowering, early flowering, compact and neat. It is a frost tender annual. Ideal for bedding and edging. Other excellent sites are windowboxes and tubs. Flowers summer. Height 30cm (12in)

Lobelia erinus 'Crystal Palace'
  • £2.79

Dainty, deep blue lobelia flowers smother neat globes of foliage that form very dwarf, compact plants. Lobelia 'Crystal Palace' makes a sparkling addition to beds, containers, flower Pouches® and window-boxes, and even looks well placed in the rockery. An easy to grow annual that is deservedly popular for its versatility and long flowering period. Height: 10cm (4). Spread: 15cm (6)

Morning Glory 'Cameo Elegance'
  • £1.61

Truly elegant, with attractive twining stems of marbled foliage perfectly complemented by vivid, magenta pink blooms all summer. Ideal for adding a touch of style and grace to baskets or climbing through an obelisk or in containers on a sunny patio

Lobelia erinus 'Blue Wings'
  • £1.00

On T&M's trials we believe we have found the largest flowered bedding lobelia available. Exceptionally abundant cobalt blue flowers cover compact mounds of foliage. With superb weather resistance Lobelia 'Blue Wings' makes a sparkling addition to beds, containers, flower Pouches® and window-boxes. An easy to grow annual that is deservedly popular for its versatility and long flowering period. Height: 15cm (6). Spread: 20cm (8)

Petunia grandiflora 'Limoncello' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.99

The best ever yellow Petunia! Bushy, compact and free-flowering, with large wavy blooms in an attractive two tone creamy-yellow bicolour, resembling the delicious Italian liqueur. Adds a zest of lemon to borders or containers. Prefers a light, well drained soil in full sun. Height 20-25cm (8-10 inches). Growing tip: Get the best out of your petunias with our specially formulated Petunia Fertiliser - the perfect balance of nutrients to get them off to a flying start and nourish them through the summer

Nasturtium 'Tom Thumb Mixed'
  • £2.79

Dwarf compact plants bearing brilliantly coloured singleflowers in a wide colour range. Easy plants, for beds, borders, containers and even dry sunny banks. Height 15-23cm (6-9in).

Nasturtium 'Alaska Mixed'
  • £2.99

The leaves are conspicuously marbled in green and white and in themselves produce a very attractive plant. Add to this vivid multicoloured blooms, flowering above the foliage, and an unforgettable sight is produced. Flowers summer to frost. Height 20cm (8in).
