Van Meuwen

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About Van Meuwen

Established as a producer of tulip and daffodil bulbs in 1973, Van Meuwen diversified into mail order in 1977.

Today Van Meuwen is a horticultural mail order specialist, working hard to ensure you receive the best quality plants and bulbs direct to your home. Their buyers are on a constant search for new and exclusive ideas from all parts of the world allowing them to bring you top quality and exciting products at affordable prices.

Their product range has expanded to include soft fruit, vegetables plants, fruit trees and potatoes. Free growing guides are provided with all varieties.

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We currently have 5972 products listed for Van Meuwen, that's 5972 opportunities for you to save money!

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Van Meuwen have 5972 products listed

Fuchsia 'Royal Mosaic'
  • £7.99

The royal purple, slightly ruffled petals of Fuchsia 'Royal Mosaic' are painted with a lovely magenta marbling. These extravagant, large double blooms trail in abundance, covering your container in a sea of exquisite marbled colour all summer long. Unrivalled for durability and weather resistance, this giant fuchsia is a must for your hanging baskets and containers.

Nasturtium 'Black Velvet'
  • £2.99

A unique colour in Nasturtiums! Deepest velvety, red-black blooms in abundance above fresh green foliage on neat, dwarf plants. Sure to create an eyecatching display in borders or containers when accompanied by Milkmaid. Will grow in any well-drained soil in full sun.

Aster 'Carpet Ball Mixed'
  • £2.99

Thick clustered, tightly-knit blooms create a colourful floral carpet. China aster 'Carpet Ball Mixed' produces neat, mound-shaped plants with the foliage almost obscured by the fully double flowers. These superb, low maintenance annuals flower over a long period throughout summer, making them ideal for brightening up the front of borders and patio containers. Height and spread: 20cm (8).

Dahlia variabilis 'Giant Hybrids Mixed'
  • £1.00

Huge flowered, double, semi-double and a few singles of the best cut flower varieties. Height: 90-150cm (3-5ft)

Marigold 'Scarlet Sophie'
  • £2.99

Spectacular camellia-like blooms - uniquely different, the rich russet red flowers trimmed with gold change to flame red as the flower ages. Early and smothered with blooms all season. Recommended for beds, borders, pots, window boxes etc. Flowers all summer. Height: 25-30cm (10-12in).

Marigold 'Durango Tangerine' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.99

A luxuriant variety with intense, rich, orange anemone-like flower heads, borne on branching, uniform plants. Exceptionally early flowering with outstanding garden performance. Height: 20-25cm (8-10in).

Marigold 'Bonita Mixed'
  • £2.99

A sparkling mixture of free flowering, large carnation-sized blooms. Superb for bedding. Height 12in.

Marigold 'Crackerjack Mixed'
  • £1.79

Big, bold double flowers in orange, gold and lemon borne well above the foliage. A very early and free flowering strain Flowers summer. Height 24in

Marigold 'Naughty Marietta'
  • £2.49

Rich golden yellow single flowers with maroon blotches, a really striking combination which makes it one of the most effective bedders available. Excellent for bedding, use it at the front of the border or edge the border, path or in tubs, windowboxes etc. Flowers all summer. Height 25cm (10in).

Lobelia erinus 'Blue Cascade'
  • £2.79

Freely branching plants are covered in myriads of bloom to create clouds of true blue lobelia flowers with a small white eye. Unsurpassable among trailing lobelias, 'Blue Cascade' makes a sparkling addition to containers, flower Pouches® and window-boxes. An easy to grow annual that is deservedly popular for its versatility and long flowering period. Height: 15cm (6). Spread: 25cm (10)

Amaranthus tricolor 'Joseph's Coat'
  • £0.99

An improved form with yellow-scarlet and green foliage all on one plant, it makes a striking bedding plant for its foliage alone and produces erect brush like deep red 6in flower spikes which are good for cutting. Also suitable for growing in 5-6in pots. Flowers late summer. Height: 45-60cm (18-24in)

Zinnia elegans 'Giant Double Mixed'
  • £2.99

Large double flowers and long rigid stems which make them ideal for cutting. The symmetrical form of each flower makes it a thing of beauty in itself. A good blend of the best colours with giant 11cm (4 1/2in) blooms

Antirrhinum pendula multiflora 'Chinese Lanterns' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Trailing. A breeding triumph: cascading Antirrhinums! In a mixture of seven colours, including pure colours and bicolours, the Snapdragon flowers are borne on self branching, vigorous plants. Ideally made for hanging baskets, containers and window boxes

Marigold 'Queen Series Mixed'
  • £1.00

A lovely range of Camellia-flowered marigolds that orginated in France with broader more elegantly shaped blooms than ordinary types. A superb plant for bedding or outdoor containers. Flowers all summer to first frosts. Height: 23-30cm (10-12in).

Marigold 'Boy O' Boy Yellow'
  • £2.69

A counterpart to Boy OBoy Orange with large bright yellow, double crested flowers which are produced prolifically from early June until frosts. A petite bright and cheerful variety very suited for windowboxes and the front of the border as well as bedding, tubs etc. Flowers all summer.

Salvia farinacea 'Strata'
  • £1.00

From uniform and compact plants rise silvery erect stems bearing many silver-green calyx, from which a firework of small clear blue flowers emerge. Height: 35-45cm (14-18in)

Marigold 'Tomato Growing Secret'
  • £2.99

For many decades in certain parts of the old world it has been the practice to grow African or French marigolds of a certain type to repel white fly on tomatoes in greenhouses or outdoors. It has also been found that the tomatoes grow better and bear more fruit with marigolds around them Culinary note: French Marigold flowers are edible.

Zinnia 'Red Spider'
  • £3.59

This dazzling Zinnia is sure to attract some admiring glances, as it tip toes suggestively though beds and borders. Exquisite neat and compact plants with masses of rich, scarlet flowers, with scalloped petals of the most alluring, spider like appearance. A sunny position brings to life this magical colour, which is a striking complement to any bedding display. Height: 60-75cm (24-30in)

Tithonia rotundifolia 'Arcadian Blend'
  • £1.79

Until recently, this was a relatively unknown plant in European gardens. Sometimes known as 'Mexican Sunflowerwith many 3in. flowers of gold, orange and yellow. Enjoying hot summers, it makes a superb addition to any border or annual garden from mid summer until frosts

Petunia x hybrida 'T&M's Global Grandiflora' F1 Hybrid
  • £4.19

Here is the ultimate colour selection in large flowered single Petunias. Virtually every colour, veined, starred, picotees, solids, pastels and bicolours are here formula blended. Extremely uniform, eye-dazzlingly colourful in beds, borders or containers. Height: 23-30cm (9-12in). Growing tip: Get the best out of your petunias with our specially formulated Petunia Fertiliser - the perfect balance of nutrients to get them off to a flying start and nourish them through the summer
