The Fried Egg or Poached Egg plant will attract hoverflies to your garden to beat the aphids. Bees also love this low, spreading carpet of fragrant golden and white blooms that will grace the front of the border, rockery or path edging
Frilly sweet pea flowers that both look and smell divine! Introducing our own mixture, Sweet Pea 'Floral Tribute', that provides outstanding fragrance and exhibition-standard blooms in a glorious array of colours. These cottage garden favourites are superb for cutting and the more blooms you cut, the more the plants will flower! Grow sweet peas against a sunny fence or trained on a free standing obelisk. For an informal display, let them scramble through mature shrubs. Height: 180cm (71). Spread: 30cm (12)
Lobelia erinus compacta 'Snowball' creates a shimmer of gleaming white flowers in summer, with an occasional touch of pale blue. The dark green, finely cut foliage contrasts beautifully with the snowy blooms.
Sweet Pea 'Fragrantissima' embraces the full colour spectrum from white, through all the pink shades, reds, blues, purples, bicolours, and stripes. This large flowered mix has been carefully blended to ensure an even balance of colour and fragrance, that was voted by Gardening Which? as the most fragrant garden variety. Enjoy them in the garden, grown against walls and fences, or cut some of the sturdy, straight stems for a vase indoors. Height: 200cm (79). Spread: 30cm (12)
Bushy upright plants in a rich tapestry of colours which complement and contrast, in a very wide range including an eye-catching blue and white. The result is a superb glowing carpet of colour
Definitely more than a mouthful! Each enormous fruit from Strawberry 'Sweet Colossus' weighs in at around 42g which is almost the same size as a standard tomato. Better still, these jaw-dropping fruits are deliciously sweet and flavoursome.
A specially selected blend, offering uniform, mid height plants, in a glowing colour range with upward facing blooms. The evening fragrance adds to their irresistible charm and elegance and is guaranteed to enhance your borders
This imposing half hardy annual has stout spikes bearing a cascading head of fragrant 3.5in long white blooms. It grows to a height of 90-120cm (36-48in) making it an excellent subject for the border. Occasionally a short lived perennial in a warm sheltered site
The first of a new breed in trailing Vincas! Specifically for baskets and containers they are early flowering with large, rounded, overlapping petals forming striking, vivid blooms. Catharanthus is frost tender and therefore usually treated as a half hardy annual in the UK, unless grown in a warm greenhouse or conservatory.
Liven up your borders this summer with this dramatic duo. The delicately fragrant, pin-cushion heads appear in jet-black and ice-white, making the perfect partnership. Ideal for cottage garden borders and extremely easy to grow. Prefers a light, well-drained soil in full sun
Remarkable trumpet-like flowers in a range of colours, all splashed or marbled in cerise-red. The well branched plants are full of small buds which break open in the evening and early morning, releasing a wonderful fragrance
Giant, fully double flowers of burgundy or plum veined, often more than 10cm (4in) across! Add to this its cascading habit and you have one of the very best basket and container plants creating a waterfall of pleated powderpuffs all summer long. Height: 23-30cm (9-12in). Growing tip: Get the best out of your petunias with our specially formulated Petunia Fertiliser - the perfect balance of nutrients to get them off to a flying start and nourish them through the summer
Picture a carpet of English bluebells drenched in warm april sunlight; their scented violet-blue bells nod delicately above glossy green foliage. These native beauties love to nestle in dappled shade at the base of trees, or for a particularly bold impact, try naturalising them in large informal areas of grass. Bluebells in the green are ideal for spring planting. For autumn planting choose bluebell bulbs. Height: 30 cm (12). Only cultivated stock used.
The royal purple, slightly ruffled petals of Fuchsia 'Royal Mosaic' are painted with a lovely magenta marbling. These extravagant, large double blooms trail in abundance, covering your container in a sea of exquisite marbled colour all summer long. Unrivalled for durability and weather resistance, this giant fuchsia is a must for your hanging baskets and containers.
A unique colour in Nasturtiums! Deepest velvety, red-black blooms in abundance above fresh green foliage on neat, dwarf plants. Sure to create an eyecatching display in borders or containers when accompanied by Milkmaid. Will grow in any well-drained soil in full sun.
An easily raised perennial thriving in sun or part shade and producing strong, erect stems crammed with white to pink flowers with purple, almost black 'flamedmarkings. Easy, thriving in most soils. A magnificent display. Flowers all summer. Flowers in first year
Cornflower 'Polka Dot Mixed' blends the loveliest shades of cornflower colours for a really pretty addition to summer borders. These easy to grow annuals attract bees and butterflies to their nectar rich blooms. With their wiry stems and ruffled petals they make a delicate cut flower too. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 30cm (12).
Thick clustered, tightly-knit blooms create a colourful floral carpet. China aster 'Carpet Ball Mixed' produces neat, mound-shaped plants with the foliage almost obscured by the fully double flowers. These superb, low maintenance annuals flower over a long period throughout summer, making them ideal for brightening up the front of borders and patio containers. Height and spread: 20cm (8).