Van Meuwen

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About Van Meuwen

Established as a producer of tulip and daffodil bulbs in 1973, Van Meuwen diversified into mail order in 1977.

Today Van Meuwen is a horticultural mail order specialist, working hard to ensure you receive the best quality plants and bulbs direct to your home. Their buyers are on a constant search for new and exclusive ideas from all parts of the world allowing them to bring you top quality and exciting products at affordable prices.

Their product range has expanded to include soft fruit, vegetables plants, fruit trees and potatoes. Free growing guides are provided with all varieties.

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Number of Products Listed for Van Meuwen

We currently have 5972 products listed for Van Meuwen, that's 5972 opportunities for you to save money!

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Van Meuwen have 5972 products listed

Garden Gear Manual Push Lawn Mower
  • £69.99

Keep your garden looking pristine and presentable with this push lawn mower by Garden Gear. Ideal for a smaller garden, this highly effective mower cuts grass with the fixed blades without ripping it, to give a scissor like finish.

Leek 'Musselburgh'
  • £2.49

Leek Musselburgh is a very hardy and exceptionally fine strain of this popular mid season variety

Aubergine 'Ophelia' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.69

Throughout the summer this compact Aubergine produces an abundance of golf ball sized, baby aubergines. The bite sized fruits of Aubergine 'Opheliahave no bitter aftertaste and hold their flavour, quality and colour well after picking. These dwarf plants are ideal for growing in containers on the patio. Height and spread: 60cm (24)

Potato 'Arran Pilot'
  • £8.99

Description for Potato 'Arran Pilot' not available

Parsley 'Champion Moss Curled'
  • £2.49

A selected strain of curled- leaved parsley with a tightly curled, rich green leaf that is ideal for garnishing, and flavouring soups and stews. Try growing parsley indoors, where Parsley 'Champion Moss Curled' makes a fine windowsill herb. Height and spread: 30cm (12).

Begonia 'Cascading Fireball'
  • £12.99

A blaze of large orange-yellow flowers, each edged with an ember red glow, cascade from the serrated foliage. Whatever the weather, Begonia Fireball will radiate colour all summer long, until its smouldering blooms are extinguished by the first frosts. Fantastic for window boxes, baskets and patio containers.

Potato Cleaning Gloves
  • £4.79

Description for Potato Cleaning Gloves not available

Potato 'Charlotte'
  • £6.99

Second earlyDistinctive pear shaped tubers with firm creamy flesh and waxy, yellow skin. This popular second early variety makes an excellent salad potato; delicious eaten hot or cold.

Rose 'Golden Memories'
  • £6.99

Description for Rose 'Golden Memories' not available

Radish 'Rainbow Mixed'
  • £2.29

T&M has hand selected this visually stunning array of coloured skinned radishes all with crisp, white, delicious flesh. Radish Rainbow Mixed have round to plum shaped roots with white, purple, red, white and red, or a stunning gold skin, to add colour to your summer salads or sandwiches. Summer sowings grow quickly and will be ready to harvest in 28 days.

Snowdrop (Single-flowered)
  • £22.99

Drifts of single flowered snowdrops really lift the spirits on cold winter days! These understated beauties love to nestle in dappled shade at the base of trees, or for a particularly bold impact, try naturalising them in large informal areas of grass. Snowdrop bulbs are ideal for autumn planting. For spring planting choose snowdrops in the green. Height: 10cm (4). Only cultivated stock used.Useful links:How to plant bulbs, corms and tubers

Globe Artichoke
  • £7.99

Description for Globe Artichoke not available

Allium sphaerocephalon
  • £6.99

An ornamental onion with unusual oval shaped, purple green flower heads. Allium sphaerocephalon looks great planted among herbaceous plants and waves of swaying grasses which help support its slender stems.

Patio Bag
  • £14.99

These sturdy patio bags hold up to 10 plants each and are ideal for standing on the patio. They are made from durable interwoven polypropylene and have have pre-cut planting slits for easy planting, as well as strong handles making them easy to move.

Sweetcorn 'Lark' F1 Hybrid (Tendersweet)
  • £2.99

Sweetcorn Lark is a tendersweet variety giving superior sweetness with a softer, less chewy texture than supersweets, making kernels more pleasurable to eat as well as easier to digest. Improved germination adds to the appeal. Sweetcorn Lark can be also grown with other varieties, so there is no need to isolate. Requires a fertile soil in a sunny position.

Cyclamen persicum grandiflorum 'Lazer Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £5.49

One of the easiest Cyclamen to grow, as it is very forgiving if grown in less than ideal conditions. Quick to flower in a range of 9 colours. An intermediate variety, ideal for growing in 4 inch pots. Height: 23-30cm (9-12in)

Broccoli 'Belstar' F1 Hybrid (Calabrese)
  • £2.99

Excellent flavoured, well domed, small beaded heads of good colour. Broccoli Belstar F1 keeps in good condition for a long time, producing plenty of side shoots once the centre head is cut. Plant in succession for summer-autumn harvesting. Andrew Tokely says: I always sow this broccoli early in the year and harvest large tasty heads before they can be attacked by caterpillars. Once the main head is cut, I give the plants a good watering, so over the following weeks and months a secondary crop of tasty smaller spears are produced making this a very worthwhile crop

Phlomis tuberosa
  • £1.49

A spectacular long flowering species, with rich, ruby red stems flanked in whorls of lipped, candypink flowers. With serrated, deep green foliage for the perfect contrast. Height: 60-90cm (2-3ft)

Beetroot 'Alto' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.99

The first F1 hybrid cylindrical 'HousewivesChoice Beetroot with the sweetest of flavours. Beetroot Alto F1 has uniform, straight roots which have a smooth rich red skin and flesh colour, free from rings making them easy to prepare. Roots stand proud above the soil, but can be earthed up, and remain in good condition for long periods. Beetroot Alto is an easy to grow, space saving variety

Cauliflower 'Veronica' (Summer/Autumn)
  • £3.99

Romanescois increasing in popularity. Cauliflower Veronica produces individual florets with lovely spirals giving a magical appearance from late summer to early frosts, from successional plantings. Protect heads against frost with fleece to extend season
