Van Meuwen

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About Van Meuwen

Established as a producer of tulip and daffodil bulbs in 1973, Van Meuwen diversified into mail order in 1977.

Today Van Meuwen is a horticultural mail order specialist, working hard to ensure you receive the best quality plants and bulbs direct to your home. Their buyers are on a constant search for new and exclusive ideas from all parts of the world allowing them to bring you top quality and exciting products at affordable prices.

Their product range has expanded to include soft fruit, vegetables plants, fruit trees and potatoes. Free growing guides are provided with all varieties.

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We currently have 5972 products listed for Van Meuwen, that's 5972 opportunities for you to save money!

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Van Meuwen have 5972 products listed

Chrysanthemum carinatum 'Polar Star'
  • £1.00

An easy to grow showy annual with unusual tricolour flowers, where each white bloom has an intriguing inner yellow halo surrounding a central darker cushion. Perfect for adding height and interest to borders, as well as making a long lasting cut flower

Petunia x hybrida 'Duo Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Bred with beauty and use in mind. A myriad of colour combinations sing-out from lacy orchid-like blooms, many striped and veined, others pure with only a hint of another contrasting colour. Early flowering, well branched plants produce a non-stop summer display in containers, bedding and baskets. One of the best Petunias giving value for money. Flowers summer. Height. 30cm (12 inches)Growing tipGet the best out of your petunias with our specially formulated Petunia Fertiliser - the perfect balance of nutrients to get them off to a flying start and nourish them through the summer

Sunflower 'Shock-o-Lat' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

This striking sunflower produces rich chocolate coloured blooms with gold-rimmed edges over a long period in summer. Multi-headed and boasting large pollen-free flowers up to 15cm (6) in diameter, Sunflower 'Shock-o-Lat' is ideal planted en masse at the back of a border. The tall, sturdy stems make fabulous cut flowers for a vase indoors too. Height: 1.8m (6'). Spread: 50cm (20).

Cyclamen persicum grandiflorum 'Victoria'
  • £1.00

One of the most eye-catching. Grown also for cutting when it will last 14 days in water. Height: 23-30cm (9-12in)

Nasturtium 'Double Mixed' (Seeds)
  • £1.00

Versatile and unfussy, these bright double-flowered nasturtiums have compact growth, masses of blooms, and will suit bedding schemes, borders and containers. Height: 30cm (12). Spread: 30cm (12). Culinary information: Some parts of these flowers are edible. Click here for more details about edible flowers.

Lavatera trimestris 'Mont Blanc'
  • £1.00

The glistening white blooms of Lavatera trimestris 'Mont Blanc' open from delicately pink flushed buds throughout the summer. This popular annual Lavatera is excellent last minute gap filler for borders, blending beautifully into almost any planting scheme. With a low, bushy habit and dark green foliage, this elegant variety can be planted as a low screen or hedge, and also makes a fabulous cut flower. Height: 60cm (24). Spread: 45cm (18).

Pea 'Prelado'
  • £1.00

Description for Pea 'Prelado' not available

Zinnia marylandica 'Zahara Sunburst'
  • £1.00

The first ever red & yellow bicoloured bedding zinnia from seed. Large blooms for a bedding zinnia on dwarf compact and free-flowering plants with outstanding garden performance. Also shows good disease resistance. Stunning towards the front of borders or in containers.

Nasturtium 'Double Delight Cream'
  • £1.00

On T&M's trials this was the best top flowering double Nasturtium. Gorgeous double to semi-double large cream blooms with a hint of lime, smother the bushy mid-green foliage. Nasturtium Double Delight Cream is easy to grow, freely-flowering all summer.

Gazania 'Kiss Bronze' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Very early and free flowering even in dull, cool weather. Naturally compact, strong basal branches, ensuring multiflowering plants. Ideal for borders, and containers

Petunia 'Grand Rapids Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

A first class variety for bedding, hanging baskets and tubs. Bred with emphasis on seedling vigour and uniformity, the plants have a good free flowering habit and look superb en masse. The flowers are large with most of the colours in the range having attractive veining, which gives more substance to the flowers and enables them to recover more quickly after bad weather. Flowers summer to first frost. Height: 30cm (12in).

Stock 'Virginia Mix' (Seeds)
  • £1.00

Vibrant mix of free-flowering stocks that are one of the easiest plants to grow. They are ideal for quickly filling gaps in your borders and containers. Height: 20cm (8). Spread: 15cm (6).

Primrose 'Arctic Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

An extremely winter hardy Primrose that's compact and floriferous, in a cheerful range of colours set against dark green foliage. Excellent for borders or containers, adding a mass of colour from late winter to early spring, whatever the weather. The dark foliage looks amazing on frosty mornings. Height: 10-15cm (4-6in).

Sunflower 'Valentine'
  • £1.00

Semi-tall, uniform variety with bright, lemon yellow, 15cm (6in) flowers and black disc. Cut flowers when coming into bud and they will open in the house and last up to 18 days with cut flower food. Excellent for beds, borders, and happy in most garden soils and full sun. Flowers summer. Height 15m (5ft).

Nigella damascena 'Persian Jewels Mixed' (Seeds)
  • £1.00

One of the easiest and prettiest cottage garden plants to grow. Flowers bloom throughout summer in a wonderful array of colours. Great for cutting and drying. Height: 40cm (16). Spread: 25cm (10).

Runner Bean 'Millionaire' (Dwarf) - Kew Collection Seeds
  • £1.00

The pink flowered variety has been separated from Dwarf Jackpot Mixed to launch Runner Bean Millionaire. Stringless, tender pods of outstanding quality on short compact plants. Simply regularly harvest them for a long season of delicious crops.

Gourd 'Crown Of Thorns'
  • £1.00

Wonderful small fruits of creamy-white to green and yellow striped. Uniquely shaped, resembling a crown

Sweet Pea 'Mollie Rilstone'
  • £1.00

Long, slender stems are graced with large, fragrant, cream coloured blooms with a dusky pink picotee edge. Sweet Pea 'Mollie Rilstone' has a lovely antique appearance that really catches the eye. Perfect for winning prizes on the show bench or simply enjoying in a vase indoors. Height: 180cm (71). Spread: 30cm (12)

Rudbeckia x hirta hybrida 'Cherokee Sunset'®
  • £1.00

As a result of over 10 years breeding and selection by T&Ms flower breeders, Rudbeckia Cherokee Sunset® was born. Never before has there been such a spectacular range of colours of fully double to semi-double Rudbeckia, with large 3-4in blooms. Shades of golden yellow, orange, bronze and mahogany make up this stunning blend that resembles the attractive colour spectrum of an Indian Sunset. Vigorous, free branching plants, with strong stems, which flower over a long period from mid summer to early autumn. Cherokee Sunset® is outstanding for adding height, colour and interest to beds, borders and large containers. Also makes an impressive cut flower. T&M are proud to be the first UK packet seed company to have an All American Selection Winning variety from its own breeding programme. This prestigious award is presented to varieties that have outstanding garden performance, quality blooms, a unique colour range and that show a significant improvement over existing varieties of the species

Dahlia coccinea 'Victoriana Mix' (Seeds)
  • £1.00

Dahlia coccinea 'Victoriana Mix' contains a vibrant mix of flower colours, with many bicolour shades. Tall and free flowering, with delicate single blooms, it is ideal for adding height to bedding displays, and for filling gaps in perennial borders, and makes a superb cut flower.
