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Tulip Carnaval de Nice
  • £3.99

This appealing double tulip offers full, white flowers, each petal feathered with raspberry-red stripes as if painted on - hence the tulip family name of 'Rembrandt'. Their colour and form are perfectly framed by pretty, silvery-green foliage, and with long-lasting blooms from late April/May, they are an ideal choice to extend the springtime cheer in your beds, borders and containers. Their striking, bowl-shaped blossoms make a charming display in a vase. An easy-to-grow, hardy perennial, Carnaval de Nice thrives in rich fertile, well-drained conditions, enjoying full or afternoon sun. Plant in the autumn to enjoy flowering well into spring, with enough for plenty of cut flowers. Supplied as a pack of 12 bulbs, they are best planted in groups in borders or pots. Weave them amongst other spring-flowering bulbs for a stunning display.

Tulip Tulipa viridiflora Spring Green
  • £3.99

With immensely pretty, single flowers of ivory-white streaked with green, 'Spring Green' will add stunning highlights to your springtime garden, patio or decking. With long-lasting, single blooms, appearing from late April into May, this viridiflora variety is perfect for combining with early and late spring-flowering bulbs to extend your seasonal colour. The slightly feathery, cup-shaped flowers grow on tall, sturdy stems and will introduce a crisp and elegant note to the front or middle of a border. They harmonise beautifully with lush perennial or silvery-green foliage and make a stunning cut flower display. Easy to grow and fully deserving of its RHS Award of Garden Merit, 'Spring Green' is a proven performer and the bulbs will naturalise well, flowering repeatedly if left in place. Alternatively, they can be lifted for replanting the following autumn. Supplied as a pack of 12 bulbs ready for planting, they are best planted in groups in borders or pots. Plant them with bright yellow daffodils or plum-coloured tulips for wonderful contrast. Plant in a sunny or lightly shaded position in rich, well-drained soil.

Tulip Tulipa Blushing Lady
  • £3.99

'Blushing Lady', with its petals of gentle salmon-pink blending into a soft yellow edge, is one of the prettiest of tulip varieties to bring harmony to your beds, borders or pots. Long-lasting blooms, flourishing from late April into early May, make this variety an ideal choice for extended springtime flowering. With open-cupped, single blooms, they provide a delicate foil for other late spring-flowering bulbs and sit happily within elegant or contrasting colour schemes. Their appealing blush flowers are perfectly framed by soft green foliage and provide excellent flowers for your vase. An easy-to-grow hardy perennial, they thrive in rich fertile, well-drained conditions, enjoying full or afternoon sun. Supplied as a pack of 12 bulbs, plant generously in the autumn to enjoy flowering well into spring, with enough for plenty of cut flowers.

Crocus Tricolor
  • £3.99

Very early flowering, the tricolour crocus is one of the first spring sun opens its pale yellow heart to welcome the warm rays of the sun as spring begins to loosen winter's grip. The large flower heads have a rich white band separating the yellow centre and the purple outer leaves. Good for naturalizing as they come back every year and are perfect for planting under shrubs and trees. This wonderful variety is great for pots and containers in the garden or on your balcony. In fact, these crocuses will grow almost anywhere in the garden too, even happy in light shade and prefer a free-draining soil. Good for naturalizing as they come back every year and are perfect for planting under shrubs and trees. Leave the bulbs in the ground after the flowers have died back, and they'll reward you with bigger, better displays, each year for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 30 bulbs, ready for planting.  

Crocus Romance
  • £3.99

One of the most romantic crocuses that you can buy, these low-growing and early blooming spring flowers open wide in the sun, spreading their warm-yellow petals wide in the early season sunshine. The cup-shaped blooms are abundant and striking, with darker tones making them appear almost bicolour as they open from their pale buds. This wonderful variety is great for container displays on your balcony or decking. In fact, these crocuses will grow almost anywhere in the garden too, even happy in light shade and prefer a free-draining soil. Good for naturalizing as they return reliably and are perfect for planting under shrubs and trees. Leave the bulbs in the ground after the flowers have died back, and they'll reward you with bigger, better displays, each year for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 30 bulbs, ready for planting.

Daffodil Narcissus Quail
  • £3.99

With a significant place in our gardening culture, Daffodils hold a special place in our hearts and have become synonymous with spring and a must-have for any garden. Officially recognised as a Jonquil, Narcissus 'Quail' is one of the finest of all yellow daffodils with slightly rounded leaves and long stems topped by 2-4 sweetly fragrant golden blooms. Each flower consists of a short central cup and slightly rounded outer petals, making a delightful addition to the spring garden. Always a welcome sight, this naturally compact daffodil blooms in April and May, and can be planted in pots, containers or straight in the ground this autumn for a fantastic display next spring - plus they make wonderful cut flower displays allowing you to enjoy them in your home too. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that 'Quail' is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 25 bulbs, size 8/10, ready for planting in autumn.

Narcissus Minnow
  • £3.99

A real British favourite, Daffodils blowing in the breeze are a true sign that spring is approaching! With their distinctive flowers and sweet scent they are a must-have for any garden and have been for hundreds of years. This miniature variety of Narcissus will provide you with a stunning display of spring flowers. 'Minnow' Daffodils produce two to four delicate pale yellow flower on top of their green stems. Plant them in pots, containers or straight in the ground this autumn for a fantastic display next spring and for years to come! Minnow is a free-flowering variety, producing multiple blooms that will fade from creamy-white to pale-yellow. Get up to 180 flowers from this pack! Supplied as a pack of 25 bulbs, size 8/10, ready for planting in autumn. Growing to a height of 20cm, and a width of 10cm.

Patio Daffodil Narcissus Hawera
  • £3.99

A real British favourite, Daffodils blowing in the breeze are a true sign that spring is approaching and with their distinctive flowers and sweet scent they are a must-have for any garden. A compact variety, Hawera produces slender stems bearing up to five nodding, light lemon-yellow flowers in April and May with petals that bend slightly backwards. Plant them in pots, containers or straight in the ground this autumn for a fantastic display next spring - plus they make wonderful cut flower displays allowing you to enjoy them in your home too. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that 'Hawera' is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 20 bulbs, size 8/10 ready for planting in autumn.  

Grape Hyacinth Muscari album
  • £3.99

Muscari botryoides 'Album', better known as the Grape Hyacinth, produces immensely pretty, snow-white, bell-shaped flowers that cluster in poker-like heads, looking almost like upside-down bunches of grapes. Resembling a miniature hyacinth, the blooms look stunning against its long, narrow, deep-green leaves when in bloom from April and May. Free-flowering, vigorous and very easy to grow, Grape Hyacinths will rapidly naturalise and spread by seed, creating a sea of colour in the spring. They are the perfect bulb for inexperienced gardeners, or those short of time who can be guaranteed a fabulous show, whatever their level of experience. Less vigorous than their blue, more familiar cousins, you can be sure that this proven garden performer is suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience, and you can plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Best in groups in borders or pots, plant them with brightly coloured spring bulbs for a wonderful contrast. Supplied as a pack of 25 bulbs, size 5/, ready to plant out in autumn. Grows to a height of 15cm and width of 10cm.

Grape Hyacinth Muscari latifolium
  • £3.99

These striking, two-tone blue, cone-shaped flowers will look stunning against their long deep-green leaves in early spring each year. Muscari latifolium is so good it was voted the International Flower Bulb Centres Official Bulb of the Year in 2005. Free-flowering, vigorous and very easy to grow, Grape Hyacinths will rapidly naturalise and spread by seed, creating a sea of colour in the spring. They are the perfect bulb for inexperienced gardeners, or those short of time who can be guaranteed a fabulous show, whatever their level of experience. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Best in groups in borders or pots, plant them with brightly coloured spring bulbs for a wonderful contrast. Supplied as a pack of 40 bulbs, size 5/6 ready to plant in autumn. Growing to a height of 50cm and width of 10cm.  

Nectaroscordum siculum
  • £3.99

A member of the allium family, Nectaroscordum siculum, also known as Honey Garlic is a fascinating and highly unusual ornamental onion. During May and June they produce umberella-like clusters of bell-shaped creamy flowers that have a splash of green at their bases and petals flushed with mauve, carried on tall, rigid stems and looking extremely exotic. Each stem can have up to 30 hanging flowers, and as they fade in late summer, they all turn upright to form seed heads that look like shuttlecocks, extending the season of interest into winter. Bees and other pollinators find the flowers of Nectaroscordum irresistible, which is why the RHS recommends it as a 'Plant for Pollinators'. Grow these spectacular plants in sunny borders with plenty of space around them for the large flowerhead. They also work well in gravel gardens and the seed heads dry well for adding an unusual touch to flower arrangements. Nectaroscordum self-seeds easily, but in takes several years for the seedlings to mature into flowering plants. Supplied as 10 bulbs, size 8/10, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 1.2 m (4 ft) and spread of 20 cm (8 in).

Wild Hyacinth Camassia cusickii
  • £3.99

Camassias (Wild hyacinths) are one of the easiest, simple to look after bulbs you can grow, thriving in poor soils that other bulbs tend to struggle in. Extremely hardy, this perennial bulb returns year after year, with bigger and better displays and can be successfully naturalised in grass. In late spring, loose spikes of sky-blue, star-shaped flowers appear on top of tall stems and are the perfect to compliment tulips. As they flower before many perennials are in bloom, Camassias will add an invaluable splash of colour to your garden. Perfect for sun or light shade, they're also good in containers and as cut flowers, so you can grow and enjoy them even without a garden. Supplied as a pack of 3 bulbs, size 12/14 ready for planting out in autumn.

Eranthis Cilicica - Winter Aconites
  • £3.99

Eranthis Cilicica is perfect for starting of your spring garden thanks to the breathtakingly beautiful buttercup-like flowers that will burst from the ground, even when there is still snow on the ground! . These immensely pretty, sunshine-yellow flowers will start to appear in February and last into the height of spring. Creating a carpet of gorgeous flowers that will become the perfect base to taller and later flowering spring bulbs. . Leave them in the ground after the flowers die off and they will come back the following year - creating an even bigger and better display for you to enjoy. . Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come, and it is also recommended by the RHS as a 'Plant for Pollinators', with flowers that are a favourite with butterflies and bees. . Supplied as a pack of 15 bulbs, size 3.5/4 ready to plant out in autumn growing to a height and width of 10cm. .

Chionodoxa lucilaea Glory of the Snow
  • £3.99

One of the earliest flowering of the spring bulbs, Chionodoxa is a superb choice for naturalising and makes a fantastic display when planted in large groups. Masses of wonderfully attractive, star-shaped flowers in shades of blue with petals that arch backwards appear in swathes in late winter and early spring, often when there is snow on the ground, hence its alternative name, 'Glory of the Snow'. Very versatile and easy to grow. Ideal for rocky borders. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as 50 bulbs, size 4/5, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 15 cm (6 in) and spread of 10 cm (4 in).

Daffodil Carlton
  • £3.99

Bulbs such as Daffodils herald the arrival of spring and these bright bloomers are a must for everyone. With their distinctive trumpets, there are few flowers which are as instantly recognisable. Perfect for pots, planters, beds and borders, and also make wonderful cut flower displays allowing you to enjoy them in your home too. A popular and robust variety that is one of the first to flower, daffodil 'Carlton' is a large-cupped narcissus with lemon-yellow petals and a slightly paler trumpet. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Reliable and hardy, daffs are possibly the easiest plant to grow - just dig a hole, add the bulbs, cover them up and leave them alone! They'll grow almost anywhere too, even happy in light shade, but they do prefer a free-draining soil.Leave the bulbs in the ground after the flowers have died back, and they'll naturalise to reward you with bigger, better displays, each year for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 15 bulbs, size 12/14 ready for planting on the autumn.

Daffodil Mount Hood
  • £3.99

A real British favourite, Daffodils blowing in the breeze are a true sign that spring is approaching! With their distinctive flowers and sweet scent they are a must-have for any garden and have been for hundreds of years. These jumbo-sized blooms will look brilliant wherever you plant them! Narcissus 'Mount Hood' has large, creamy white flowers which contrast wonderfully against its deep-green foliage. Plant them with yellow varieties like Carlton in swathes, or underneath a tree or shrub for a real eye-catching spring display. Perfect for pots, planters, beds and borders, and also make wonderful cut flower displays allowing you to enjoy them in your home too. Bulbs such as Daffodils herald the arrival of spring and these bright bloomers are a must for everyone. With their distinctive trumpets, there are few flowers which are as instantly recognisable. Reliable and hardy, daffs are possibly the easiest plant to grow - just dig a hole, add the bulbs, cover them up and leave them alone! They'll grow almost anywhere too, even happy in light shade, but they do prefer a free-draining soil.Leave the bulbs in the ground after the flowers have died back, and they'll naturalise to reward you with bigger, better displays, each year for many years to come. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 10 bulbs, size 12/14 ready for planting on the autumn.

Tulip Tulipa Happy Generation
  • £3.99

'Happy Generation' is an eye-catching Triumph type tulip, with gorgeous ivory-white, frilly-edged petals rising from yellow bases, with ruby-red flames running up the petal ribs. Irresistibly pretty, the flowers are set amid variegated foliage with blue-green, silver-margined leaves. These long-lasting, classic cup-shaped blooms will pack a punch in mid to late spring beds, borders and containers. They are particularly striking when contrasted with other spring-flowering bulbs in solid colours. They also look stunning in a vase. A versatile and hardy perennial, 'Happy Generation' is easy to grow, and a good choice for forcing for an early spring display. Supplied as a pack of 15 bulbs ready for planting, they are best planted in groups in borders or pots. Place in a sunny or lightly shaded position in rich, well-drained soil. Plant with bright yellow daffodils or tulips for a harmonious display.

Tulip Tulipa Double Purple
  • £3.99

A fabulous double tulip, producing a burst of luxuriant colour in spring, they are perfect for beds, borders and containers. Their soft, double-cupped, bowl-shaped blossoms and medium stem length make them ideal for cutting. An easy-to-grow hardy perennial, they thrive in rich fertile, well-drained conditions, enjoying full or afternoon sun. Plant in the autumn for long-lasting, opulent purple blooms in the spring. Supplied as a pack of 15 bulbs, they are best planted in groups in borders or pots. Weave them amongst other spring-flowering bulbs for a luxuriant display.

Tulip Tulipa Double White
  • £3.99

This charming double tulip offers an abundance of snowy-white flowers to add contrast to your spring beds, borders and containers. Their soft, double-cupped, bowl-shaped blossoms and medium stem length make them ideal for cutting. An easy-to-grow hardy perennial, they thrive in rich fertile, well-drained conditions, enjoying full or afternoon sun. Plant in the autumn for long-lasting, pretty white blooms in the spring. Supplied as a pack of 15 bulbs, they are best planted in groups in borders or pots. Weave them amongst other spring-flowering bulbs for a luxuriant display

Tazetta Daffodil Narcissus Hoopoe
  • £3.99

A delightful addition to the spring garden and always a welcome sight, Daffodils hold a special place in our hearts and have become a must-have for any design gaining a significant place in our gardening culture. A member of the Tazetta family of daffodils, Narcissus 'Hoopoe' is a reliable performer with relatively broad leaves and long stems topped by 1-3 fragrant yellow blooms with an orange centre. This flamboyant daffodil blooms in March and April, and can be planted in pots, containers or straight in the ground for a fantastic display - plus they make wonderful cut flower displays allowing you to enjoy them in your home too. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that 'Hoopoe' is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 25 bulbs, ready to plant out.
