About has established itself as one of the UK’s leading multi-channel garden retailers, selling live plants by mail-order via the internet and other channels. has their own nursery over in rural Lincolnshire, spanning across 5 acres!

They have a highly experienced and talented team over at the nursery who are busy packing and preparing for over 500,000 individual parcels this year - over 20,000 per week during the peak seasons

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Agapanthus africanus Blue
  • £19.99

There's nothing finer than a large Agapanthus in full flower at the height of summer, creating an eruption of brilliant blue. Its the perfect plant for an ornate container and with a little care will last a lifetime. Even before the 1m flower stems appear the bright green strap life leaves are a lovely sight and heighten the expectation of the blooms to come from mid summer. Unlike smaller specimens which can take a year or two to flower, these fully mature specimens are will give a good display this summer. Agapanthus do best when their roots are restricted so don't be tempted to pot into too large a container - just a little wider than the nursery pot they arrive in will be fine. Place in a sunny spot and enjoy this African native in your garden over summer!

Architectural Banana Plant Collection
  • £29.99

Bananas have become very popular in the last few years, mainly for their large architectural leaves and this trio are no exception. Wonderfully exotic and great for adding architectural impact to gardens, this group of Banana plants will look especially impressive. With huge, paddle shaped leaves spreading gloriously from a central trunk, they'll create a unique, tropical jungle look to your garden while you sit back and enjoy the warm summer sun. Easy to grow, they'll add impact to your garden very quickly with you barely having to lift a finger! Just keep them well watered and well fed. Musa basjoo is frost tolerant to -6C and the golden Lotus banana to -5C. The red banana is borderline hardy, so they're best grown in pots and moved indoors over winter What you get: 1 x Japanese Banana (Musa basjoo, does not produce bananas, grow for its tropical foliage only). With large, fan-like leaves spreading out through the air will create wonderful shadows on your patio. Hailing from Japan, it loves sunshine, but it is hardy to -6C when protected - perfect for the UK climate! Grows to 1.5m.1 x Red Abyssinian Banana (Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii', does not produce bananas, grow for its tropical foliage only). With lovely purple stems and red-purple leaf veins and edges when planted in full sun. Leaves reach 75cm long each year - best grown in hot, sunny spots in large pots.Grows 1m tall 1 x Golden Lotus Banana (Musella lasiocarpa, does not produce bananas, grow for its tropical foliage only). Produces fabulous, paddle-shaped leaves and a striking yellow flower which can last up to 6 months.   

Phormium Black Adder
  • £29.99

Also known as New Zealand Flax, Phormium 'Black Adder' is a robust, fully hardy evergreen which forms a dense clump of sword-like leaves -  a really great plant for adding a bit of a statement to your garden. Stunning in a border and stylish in a container, this recently introduced phormium plant has particularly attractive, deep purple, almost black, lustrous foliage, and is a compact form - meaning that it won't overshadow everything in your garden. Phormiums prefer a hot dry site (although will tolerate partial shade) and make a great candidate for a Mediterranean garden or a gravel garden where their upright leaves make a great foil for many other coloured plants. Easy to grow, phormium 'Black Adder' is a compact form, slightly more upright than the popular 'Platts Black' and needs virtually no maintenance - it may even reward you with spikes of red flowers in late summer. Ultimately growing to around 1.2m, we supply well-established plant, 0.8-1m tall in a 5L pot.

Bonsai Tree With 15cm Ceramic Dish
  • £24.99

Here's the perfect place to start if you want to cultivate your own Bonsai and enjoy this ancient and fascinating horticultural art form. In it's natural state the Chinese Elm - Ulmus parvifolia often reaches 25m tall yet this specimen - already 7 years old - has been trained by skilful cultivation into perfect miniiature form. Already fully established in its own decorative ceramic planter this beautiful little tree will provide an instant focal point to any well lit room. Chinese Elms, with foliage closely resembling our more familiar native species, are particularly well suited to bonsai culture, readily branching and forming impressive gnarled trunks as they age. They're easy to care for needing only a light trim each autumn to encourage branching. Water well as the compost becomes dry but avoid the tree standing in wet.  Feed occasionally with bonsai feed (see below) and your tree should thrive and last a lifetime or more! Your tree will enjoy a summer holiday on a table outdoors, In winter the leaves of this deciduous tree may drop but don't worry - they'll reappear in spring. Be careful and only water very sparingly during this dormant time. *NB Colour of pot is not guaranteed 

The Complete Summer Flowering Bulb Collection
  • £14.99

Transform your garden this summer with this simply brilliant collection of summer-flowering bulbs. You will be amazed by the dazzling array of colours and variety of shapes for 5 whole months of summer! From tall spires of Gladioli, to pretty, star-shaped Brodiaea, in multi-coloured vivid shades they are all sure-fire winners! They are perfect for patio containers and flower borders. Best of all, they will naturalise easily and provide your garden with bigger and better displays each year for many years to come! All of these bulbs will flower from this summer and produce a minimum of 300 stems of vivid colour this season! In this collection: 25 x Gladioli Mixed Colours: Tall spires of multi-coloured flowers, perfect to cut for your home or brighten your garden. Extremely easy and low maintenance, and yet very rewarding. 50 x Acidanthera: Beautiful white flowers with purple details and gorgeous grassy foliage. Perfect as cut flowers in the autumn. 75 x Brodiaea Mixed Colours: Clusters of attractive bell-shaped blooms which make ideal bedding plants equally well suited to patio tubs and pots. 25 x Freesia Mixed Colours: One of the most attractive and sweetly fragrant summer flowering bulbs. Perfect for patio pots, beds, and borders, and will look brilliant in a vase in your home 75 x Allium Yellow Moly: The ever-popular allium, gorgeous bright yellow blooms and green slender stems. 20 x Allium White Neapolitanum: Also known as white garlic, they produce delicate blooms that contrast effortlessly with the glossy green foliage. 30 x Liatris spicata: Spires of bright lavender flowers that stand tall above gorgeous green foliage. Supplied as a pack of 300 mixed bulbs, ready to plant out.

Jumbo Crocus Mix
  • £12.99

Emerging from narrow, mid green leaves, the large, robust flowers of this selection of large-flowered types provides a welcome burst of colour after the dreary days of winter. This wonderful mix of coloured crocus are great for pots and containers in the garden or on your balcony. In fact, they'll grow almost anywhere in the garden too, even happy in light shade and prefer a free-draining soil. Good for naturalizing as they come back every year and are perfect for planting under shrubs and trees. Leave the bulbs in the ground after the flowers have died back, and they'll reward you with bigger, better displays, each year for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 100 bulbs, size 7/8 ready for planting in autumn.

Pineapple Guava - Acca sellowiana
  • £14.99

A fascinating and stunning looking plant, this Pineapple Guava is a native of South America yet is perfectly happy here in the UK. Like a bird of paradise, its flamboyant sorbet-pink and ice-white blooms will create an exotic display from late spring to early summer, bearing sweet nectar that is loved by butterflies and bees. In autumn this stunning plant then yields delicious, tropical-tasting green egg-shaped fruits with succulent flesh - similar to a kiwi but smoother in appearance. Enjoy them fresh or bake into pies and crumbles for a special treat. Bushes are evergreen, giving year-round interest. Hardy down to at least -5°C, when mature they reach a height and spread of 1.8 m (6 ft). They are very easy to grow and are particularly suited to raising in a large pot or planter.

Ficus benjamina Exotica Weeping Fig
  • £29.99

The exotic Ornamental Fig, Ficus benjamina is a houseplant that's currently bang on trend and on everyone's wish list. and adds a distinctive, tropical feel to your home. The glossy, rich green leaves are held on top of the stems, and over time, the slender branches will begin to weep, softening the plant and making a definite talking point. Not just a pretty face, Ficus is well known for helping keep the air in your home clean as it filters out pollutants keeping it fresh and clean - according to NASA, weeping figs fight formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, found in furniture, fireplace smoke, and common household products. Very easy to care for, once you have found the perfect place for your ficus, you can more or less leave it alone and let it do its 'thing' as long as it's kept out of draughts. Supplied as an established plant 90cm tall in a 21cm pot. Please note that the decorative pot is not included, see 'as supplied' photo.

Rubber Plant Ficus elastica Robusta
  • £17.99

Fiscus elastica, the well-known rubber plant is making a well-deserved comeback into living rooms across the country! Now you can have a piece of 70's kitsch in your own home and grow this marvellous indoor plant. For years, a staple houseplant, no home was complete without its large, glossy leaves and hugely ornamental growing habit. An easy to grow, tropical plant, 'Robusta' gets its name from its sturdy leaves - much bigger than the old-fashioned plants that used to grace conservatories and parlours. Recognised as a great plant to clean the air in your home, a NASA study revealed that the Rubber Plant will help remove benzene, giving you a cleaner atmosphere in your home.  Supplied as a 60cm tall plant in a 17cm pot, height after 10 years approx. 2.5m. Please note that the decorative pot is not included, see 'as supplied' photo.

Yucca elephantipes
  • £24.99

A great way to bring the outside in, these bold, striking houseplants are bang on trend and make a real feature in your home with their sword-like, long green leaves sprouting from a sturdy double trunk. One of the few houseplants that thrive in full sun and partial shade, the Yucca is an ideal plant for a bright room or the conservatory - and a great plant for a Mediterranean feel on the patio during the summer. Grown for its foliage and shape, it really does resemble a tree and makes an instant and dramatic impact when given pride of place in a room, guaranteed not to disappoint! One of the easiest houseplants to grow and care for, the yucca (Yucca elephantipes) is an exceptionally robust houseplant requiring very little water - perfect if you don't have much time or usually forget about them! You will receive a plant with a double trunk, 45cm and 20cm, in leaf, and around 80cm tall from the base of the pot grown in a 17cm pot. Please note that the decorative pot is not included, see 'as supplied' photo.

Dracaena Marginata
  • £14.99

Looking very much like a palm tree in miniature, Dracaena marginata (also known as the Madagascar dragon tree) is an evergreen shrub with a crown of long, sword-shaped, dark green leaves, finely edged with reddish-brown. A superb, low-maintenance houseplant that has few problems. Holder of the presigious RHS Award of Garden Merit, so you can be sure that it is a tried and tested winner, Dracena is an easy-to-grow indoor plant which thrives on little care - a super choice for those of us new to growing houseplants! Dragon trees need a bright position which makes them an ideal candidate for a light windowsill out of direct sunlight and away from artificial heat sources such as radiators. They're slow growing too, taking around 10 years to get to 5ft, so won't overtake your home. As well as being super-easy to grow, Dracaena is well known for helping keep the air in your home clean as it filters out pollutants keeping it fresh and clean - according to NASA, this plant can remove formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, found in furniture, fireplace smoke, and common household products. Supplied as a double-stem plant (30/15cm) in a 17cm pot. Please note that the decorative pot is not included, see 'as supplied' photo.

Dracaena Marginata 3 stem
  • £39.99

An award-winning, bang-on-trend houseplant. Easy-to-grow and the perfect plant for those new to indoor gardening. Dramatic, sword-shaped, dark green leaves make Dracena look like a miniature palm tree. Perfect to bring instant impact to a bright spot in any room. Supplied as a three-stemmed plant (60/30/15cm) in a 24cm pot. Please note that the decorative pot is not included, see 'as supplied' photo.

Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)
  • £12.99

House plants are back, and more popular than ever. Dypsis lutescens is a classic houseplant, that has never really gone out of fashion! Also known as the Areca Palm or a Bamboo Palm is an instantly recognisable indoor palm and a favourite houseplant. This is thanks to its upright growing habit and arching palm leaves, creating a beautiful and eye-catching focal point wherever you position it your home. It is easy to grow and very low maintenance. Making it a suitable choice for all levels of experience. These gorgeous palms also make a great gift idea for anyone who hasn't got an outside space to garden. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore keep this in your home with confidence, for stunning results for many years to come. As well as being a great plant to brighten up your indoors, the Areca Palm, like most indoor plants is well fantastic at helping keep the air in your home clean as it filters out pollutants keeping it fresh and clean. According to a NASA study, it can remove formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, found in furniture, fireplace smoke, and common household products. Supplied as an established plant in a 14cm pot, approx. 50-60cm tall. Please note that the decorative pot is not included, see 'as supplied' photo.

Aloe Vera
  • £14.99

A favourite with gardeners due to its forgiving nature - Aloe Vera is a dessert plant and tolerates neglect and lack of water well. Well known for its ability to soothe burns with its cooling sap, this slow growing succulent has thick fleshy leaves with toothed edges that form a wide rosette over time and makes a striking plant for a bright, sunny position. A really easy-to-grow plant, this windowsill favourite can be moved outdoors during the summer to make the most of the available sunlight and warmth, although remember to keep it out of direct sunlight for a few days until acclimatised. Some people also like to use aloe vera juice as a hair conditioner, makeup remover, or even a skin tonic, and it makes a great soothing salve for minor sunburn. To use the juice, simply remove a leaf from the plant and slit it along its length, scooping out the contents with a spoon. Supplied 50cm tall including 15cm pot. Please note that the decorative pot is not included, see 'as supplied' photo.

Swiss Cheese Plant Monstera deliciosa
  • £12.99

If there is one houseplant that has inspired generation after generation of indoor gardeners, then it has to be the ever popular (and easy to grow) Swiss Cheese Plant, Monstera Deliciosa. With glossy, rich green leaves laves with irregular holes, plants will trail gently over their pot if left untrained or can be treated as a climber and tied to a support. The glossy, tropical leaves of the Monkey Leaf are what makes this plant a star, easily adding a lush, exotic feel to any room. It's fascinating to watch the young leaves as the emerge tightly furled, growing longer each day before opening fully. Young leaves are solid, but as the plant matures they begin to develop the characteristic holes. Naturally a lazy climber, your plant will enjoy the support of a moss pole (not supplied) where you can push its aerial roots into the moss as they develop, helping to support it as it grows. A native of tropical rainforests, Monstera is a houseplant that's easy to keep happy - we recommend that you place it in bright but not direct sunlight indoors and mist the leaves regularly to provide humidity - plus they love a bit of a leaf-wipe now and again to remove dust and restore that glossy sheen. Supplied as an established plant in a 14cm pot As with all houseplants, keep away from children and pets and take care when handling. Please note that the decorative pot is not included.

Indoor Cactus Mix
  • £14.99

Currently bang on trend with their own Instagram following, you can't escape the images of cacti which are everywhere! With our collection of 6 tried and tested plants, this is your opportunity to join in with the cactus revolution. Cacti have evolved for arid living - they are used to very little water, hot days and chilly nights so are perfectly adapted to modern home living! Needing very little in the way of care, cacti are the ideal houseplant for everyone from beginners to experts. Happy in a sandy compost, with plenty of light and a little water now and again, your cactus collection will thrive. Built to conserve moisture, they'll tolerate being dry and will explode into growth when watered correctly (just don't overwater them - they hate it and will curl up their toes). If you want to do less and get more out of your plants, then these cacti are your go-to plants! Slow-growing, they are the perfect living sculpture for home decoration, and will grow and age with you. There's a cactus for everyone, with spines, without spines, with flowers, tall, squat, round, ribbed, lobed and trailing - truly a plant of many forms. They're ideal to get kids interested in gardening with their alien shapes, all you need is a little care with the spiny ones, but then you can always pick one of the spineless or furry ones! Supplied as a collection of 6 mixed plants* in 5.5cm pots, ready to go on a windowsill near you now! *Plants may vary depending on availability. Remember that cacti are prickly beggars - always wear protective clothing when handling.

Houseplant Mix
  • £19.99

Currently the must-have plants for indoor gardeners, you can't escape the rise of the easy-care houseplant. With our collection of 12 starter plants, this is your opportunity to join in and grow these fun, easy plants - and don't forget to share your latest 'friends' on social media! Perfect as a gift for those new to gardening or as a way to introduce children to the wonderful world of plants, this mixed collection of succulents and cacti is very forgiving and will tolerate more than the occasional bout of neglect and still look good! Succulents (of which cacti are the prickly variety) have evolved to survive in the most challenging of environments, which is why they are perfectly adapted to modern home living and are almost fuss-free! Needing very little in the way of care, these houseplants are ideal for anyone to grow, whether they're experts or complete novices. Happy in a sandy compost, with plenty of light and a little water now and again, your succulent collection will thrive. If you are short on time but still want plants around you (after all, they do help clean the air in your home), then this is your solution. Slow-growing, they are the perfect for home decoration, especially when placed in a pretty pot on a bright windowsill. Our selection of succulent and cactus plants is a great way to get kids interested in gardening, although with their spiky forms, just remember that they can be a bit sharp, so take care when handling them. Supplied as a collection of 12 mixed plants* (6 cacti and 6 succulents) in 5.5cm plastic pots. *Plants may vary depending on availability.

Monstera Monkey Leaf
  • £12.99

If there is one houseplant that has inspired generation after generation of indoor gardeners, then it has to be the ever popular (and easy to grow) Swiss Cheese Plant, and this new form, is much more compact and even more undemanding! With glossy, rich green leaves laves with irregular holes, plants will trail gently over their pot if left untrained or can be treated as a climber and tied to a support. Like its bigger cousin, it's easy to grow, and gives instant impact wherever it's placed, and everyone can benefit from the improvement to health and wellbeing that plants and gardening can bring. The glossy, tropical leaves of the Monkey Leaf are what makes this plant a star, easily adding a lush, exotic feel to any room. Young leaves are solid, and as the plant matures, they begin to show the characteristic holes which make the leaf resemble a mask. Naturally a lazy climber, your plant will enjoy the support of a moss pole (not supplied) where you can push its aerial roots into the moss as they develop, helping to support it as it grows. A native of tropical rainforests, Monstera is a houseplant that's easy to keep happy - we recommend that you place it in bright but not direct sunlight indoors and mist the leaves regularly to provide humidity - plus they love a bit of a leaf-wipe now and again to remove dust and restore that glossy sheen. Supplied as an established plant in a 12cm pot, eventually reaching just H1m x W0.4m As with all houseplants, keep away from children and pets and take care when handling. Note Decorative pot in images is for display purposes only and is not supplied.

String of Beads (Senecio herreianus)
  • £19.99

Senecio herreianus, AKA the string-of-pearls or string-of-beads plant, is a trailing, succulent vine and one of the rising stars of social media sharing! Looking just like a string of green beads, its perfect for hanging baskets or cascading from shelves - the String of Beads appreciates room to trail and is perfectly photogenic. The pea-sized leaves (which allow for the storage of water while at the same time minimising water loss) are produced on trailing stems which can grow 60-90 cm (2-3 ft).  In its natural habitat, the stems trail on the ground, rooting where they touch and forming a dense mat. Each rounded leaf has a thin band of dark green tissue on the side known as an 'epidermal window' which allows light to enter and irradiate the inside of the leaf, effectively increasing the area for photosynthesis - a clever plant indeed. Senecio blooms during the summer with clusters of small white flowers with colourful stamens. The flowers last about a month and are said to smell like cinnamon and other spices to some people. Easy to grow and low maintenance, like most succulents the string of pearls will tolerate infrequent watering and just a few hours of direct sunlight every day. Good soil drainage is essential though to prevent problems and we recommend that you use a cactus mix when potting. Note Decorative pot in images is for display purposes only and is not supplied.

Houseplant Mix 3 Plants
  • £17.99

Inspired by a new Scandinavian lifestyle trend called 'umage' which encourages us all to put a little effort into improving our surroundings, this collection of three gorgeous houseplants will breathe new life into your home! Houseplants quite literally improve the quality of the air around you and studies (by NASA no less!) have shown that many plants can improve the atmosphere in your home by adding oxygen and removing toxins, so are a worthwhile addition - plus there's the added benefit that growing plants can help your general wellbeing making you feel happier and healthier! Ideal for beginners who want easy-to-grow, low maintenance plants, this collection is a great way to join the houseplant revolution and transform any living space into a greener and more pleasant place. Undemanding, robust and easy to care for, these indoor plants are tolerant of a range of conditions making them a cost-effective way to fill your home with greenery - ideal for both beginner and experienced gardeners alike. All plants are sent with a care guide to ensure that you get the most from your plants and we supply three mixed foliage plants in 12cm pots, which could include (although not guaranteed) such beauties as: Chaemaedorea elegans AGM - an award-winning palm with light green, feathery fronds. 1.5 x 1m Dracaena marginata AGM - the Dragon tree, is an evergreen shrub with a crown of long, sword-shaped, dark green leaves, finely edged with reddish-brown. 2.5 x 1.5m Fiscus elastica - the well-known rubber plant with large, glossy leaves. 2.5m x 1m Supplied as a collection of 3 established house plants, 1 of each variety in 12cm pots.
