About has established itself as one of the UK’s leading multi-channel garden retailers, selling live plants by mail-order via the internet and other channels. has their own nursery over in rural Lincolnshire, spanning across 5 acres!

They have a highly experienced and talented team over at the nursery who are busy packing and preparing for over 500,000 individual parcels this year - over 20,000 per week during the peak seasons

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Cosmos Apollo Mix
  • £9.99

Add that cottage garden feel to your borders and pots with Cosmos Apollo. It's very free flowering with extra large petals and is, quite simply, the best Cosmos on the market for patio containers giving a succession of pastel blooms in shades of white, blush, light and dark rose pink.  It's pollen rich centres are thronged by bees on warm sunny days as well. The stems of this new introduction are strong and compact meaning it will need little or no support in the border unlike other varieties. With it's delicate feathery foliage Apollo makes a lovely cut flower too. Supplied as a mix of 12 plug plants ready to grow on before planting out.

Rhubarb Sanvitos Early
  • £9.99

'Sanvitos Early' is an excellent early rhubarb variety and you can expect to pick fresh, juicy sticks from April each year. The dazzling, bright red stems not only look spectacular but have a lovely, balanced flavour that is much less acidic than many varieties, making it ideal for making scrumptious crumbles and jams. Rhubarb is very easy and incredibly rewarding to grow and perfect for gardeners of all abilities. Pick sparingly in the first year to allow your plants to establish, and you'll be rewarded with armfuls of delicious rhubarb to harvest year after year. Ideal in the vegetable garden, or grow your rhubarb in a large container. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready to plant out for cropping next season.

Tumbelina Petunia Crazy Ripple
  • £9.99

Tumbelina Petunias are the original and still the best double, trailing, fragrant petunias, and we're delighted to be able to bring you one of the newest and certainly one of the most unique. 'Crazy Ripple' is an absolute show stopper and will thrill you with its carnation-like flowers, each with masses of gorgeous magenta and lime-green bicolour petals. These layer upon each other in frilly waves, creating a perfect summer patio display - quite unlike any other available. With strong-growing garden performance and extra-large exquisitely ruffled bicolour blooms, plant them in hanging baskets, window boxes and patio containers where they will excel. Their gently trailing habit means they will tidily tumble over the edge of containers and trail for approx. 30cm (1ft), with flowers along the full length of the stems from late May to the first frosts. Really easy to grow, they need only a quick and occasional dead-heading to prolong displays. Supplied as 6 plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out.

Primula Belarina Buttercup
  • £9.99

A classic spring plant, with clean, compact, bright green leaves, Belarina primrose 'Buttercup' is a striking double-flowered primrose with lightly scented, double blossoms of golden-yellow, creating a sunny burst of colour in borders, pots and baskets. Bred in the UK, these fabulous, compact plants are smothered in clusters of delicately fragranced, double flowers which look like miniature roses. Fabulous wherever you plant them - in pots, containers, beds or baskets, in sun or semi shade - they really are an ideal, easy to grow garden plant. Easy to grow and low maintenance, the magnificent flowers don't set seed, so all the plant's energy goes into making more blooms. Perfectly hardy in the garden, they're perfect when combined with other perennials where they'll flower their socks off for months. Supplied as 3 jumbo plugs ready for potting up and growing on before planting out into their final flowering positions.

Cucumber Nimrod
  • £9.99

'Nimrod' is a delicious variety of mini cucumber that will provide you with small, delicious snack-sized, crisp, and refreshing fruits. Perfect for picking on a warm day in the garden! An all-female variety, 'Nimrod' will produce bright yellow flowers followed by a bountiful harvest of small, delicious snack sized cucumbers that have bumpy deep green skins that are unusually thin, with pale green flesh that is crisp and refreshing to eat. Perfect in salads and sandwiches, or sliced lengthways for crudités and dips, and of course plucked straight from the plant and eaten straight away, these are amazing cucumbers, and you'll love growing them as much as eating them. Pick often to encourage further fruiting and any surplus will be great for pickling. These little beauties are packed with nutrients and antioxidants - low in calories and a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as minerals and antioxidants. This variety is perfect for growing in a greenhouse and is a naturally trailing plant. Grow it up a support where it will reach approximately 3m in height and pick the tasty snack sized fruits regularly when they are young and tender. Ready to harvest June and October, picking regularly will help to encourage more fruits over a longer period. Supplied as 6 x plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out. Reaching a height of 3m and spread of 45cm.

Photinia Little Red Robin
  • £9.99

Photinia 'Little Red Robin' is a very popular, vigorous evergreen shrub, which boasts glossy, bright red leaves, which give a spectacular display in spring and summer. The leaves gradually change through a mix of oranges, purples and bronzes, maturing to deep dark green. The newest shoots retain a dark red glow all year. It produces clusters of small white flowers in spring, sometimes followed by red fruit - but it is the bright blood red spring foliage that really sets this hedging shrub apart. The colour is really intense and unusual, especially so early in the year, and being evergreen, has year round interest. A great and versatile choice for a low growing shrub for hedging, or as a stand alone plant. Grow in full sun for best red foliage colour and it will glow on those long summer nights. Whilst it will fade to darker green somewhat over winter, it retains a mix of red tones all year. Supplied as an established plant in a 2L pot, ready to plant.

Lavender Lavandula intermedia Grosso
  • £9.99

Lavender is a classic, hardy English perennial, and this much-loved cottage garden favourite will transform your garden with colour, incredible fragrance and plenty of flower power! A proven winner in UK gardens, Lavender 'Grosso' is perfect in beds, borders and containers and is also ideal for edging a path or for planting as a fragrant hedge or garden border where its magnificent scent will delight anyone who walks past! With masses of long, slender stems, that are topped with clusters of rich purple flowers it's the perfect solution to attract bees and other beneficial wildlife into your garden. In fact, the RHS have recommended 'Grosso' as a 'Plant for Pollinators' and makes an ideal companion plant if you grow your own fruit and veg. It'll stay compact too when clipped, reaching just 90cm (3ft) tall when left to its own devices, so won't take over your garden either. Very hardy, incredibly easy to grow and drought tolerant, a top growing tip is to clip lavender back lightly after the flowers have faded in late summer. Cut the stems back by a few inches, but not so far that the stems are bare of live foliage, and plants will then have time to produce new shoots before winter dormancy. The clippings can then be uses to make fragrant indoor displays and potpourri! This drought-tolerant plant will thrive in a sunny border, container, herb or gravel gardens. If you garden on heavy clay, it is worth adding some grit to improve drainage and to open the soil up. Space plants 90cm (3ft) apart, or if growing a hedge, 30cm (1ft) apart or, 45cm (18in) for larger cultivars. Lavender can be grown in large pots, 30-40cm (1ft-16in) diameter, using a multipurpose or loam-based compost such as JI No 3, with some extra coarse grit, (up to 30%), to improve drainage, along with some controlled release fertiliser granules. Supplied as super-sized plant in a 2L pot, ready to provide you with fast results for the minimum amount of effort. Your lavender plants will be delivered straight to your door in time to create fabulous and long-lasting displays - just plant them straight into your pots, hanging baskets or beds and borders and look forward to great displays with absolutely no fuss and no need to leave your house!

Lesser Periwinkle Vinca minor Gertrude Jekyll
  • £9.99

One of the very best white periwinkles, vinca minor 'Gertrude Jekyll' boasts striking snow-white, star-shaped flowers that are produced over many months from spring right through to the autumn. An invaluable plant for brightening dull corners of the garden this vigorous, low-growing evergreen perennial will thrive in sun or light shade in most soils. Its trailing stems root easily where they touch the ground, eventually forming a mat of glossy green leaves that act as a superb weed suppressant. A proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience periwinkles are easy to grow, hardy and very low maintenance - the perfect plant for any gardener who wants great results with very little effort. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as an established plant in a 2L pot, ready to plant straight out. H10cm x W100cm, with flowers April - September.

Hardy Osteospermum Sennen Sunrise
  • £9.99

A striking combination of pink petals suffused with white, this lavish osteospermum certainly has the WOW factor. Perfect for all manner of container displays and border planting, this is a variety that can't be missed! With abundant heads of bloom to fill your pots, the cheery pink blooms are highlighted by a dark indigo 'eye' made even more dazzling by its golden halo of pollen. This wonderful combination of colour makes the perfect summer combination and the daisy-like blooms of 'Banana Sennen Sunrise' are produced in profusion for months on end. Ideal for pots and borders, osteos are sun lovers, opening in response to the sun and grow best in moist, well-drained soil. Flowering from spring to autumn, the uniform, compact plants will tolerate light frost as well as heat and drought, plus being easy to grow and needing very little in the way of aftercare, they're the perfect variety for your garden. Supplied as 6 x jumbo plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out.

Fuchsia Deltas Sarah
  • £9.99

A sumptuous and stunning newcomer to our range of Hardy Fuchsias, Delta's Sarah (or Delta's Sara as it is also known) produces large, white and violet-blue flowers, which cascade from its branches throughout summer and into autumn. With a really unusual colour break of a lavender-blue to purple corolla, against purest white sepals, this bush fuchsia really stands out among other plants and makes a spectacular display in borders and patio containers year after yearDelta Sarah produces spectacular semi-double unusual coloured blue flowers, up to 6cm (2½in) in diameter, with superb weather resistance, so you really can't get a better hardy fuchsia! Compact and robust these hardy fuchsias are perfectly proportioned for patio containers or small borders so anyone can grow them even without a garden! Growing to around 1m (3ft), we supply a pack of 6 premium quality Jumbo Plugs, ready to be potted up and planted out when all danger of frost has passed.

Hibiscus syr. Woodbridge
  • £9.99

Bring a taste of paradise to your garden this year with this stunning, giant-flowered Hibiscus 'Woodbridge'. Large, bright pink blooms, shimmering faintly with lavender, cover this award-winning shrub from July - not stopping until all buds have opened, sometimes right into autumn. Fully hardy and easy to care for, 'Woodbridge' deserves a prominent place in any garden, where it will bring a colorful display when other plants are beginning to look tired. Grow it in a large pot or in your border for a lush, tropical feel. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, Hibiscus 'Woodbridge' will reach an approximate height of 2.5m. Large, bright pink blooms, shimmering faintly with lavender cover this award-winning shrub from July - not stopping stop until all buds have opened, sometimes right into autumn.

Fuchsia Genii
  • £9.99

Elegant and beautiful, fuchsias are a must-have for any gardener and this beautiful variety has unusual lime-green leaves. Flowering as early as June, hardy fuchsia Genii will come alive with an explosion of red and purple flowers hanging daintily from their stems like little ballerinas. Perfect for borders, pots & containers, Genii will provide structure and colour all summer long. This very hardy, reliable garden performer will thrive in your garden, coming back with bigger and better displays each year. Supplied as an established, 2L potted garden-ready hardy fuchsia, to be planted straight into its final position in the garden, or potted on into a decorative container.  

Pittosporum tenuifolium Tom Thumb
  • £9.99

Grown for its dramatic foliage, the marbled leaves of Pittosporum 'Tom Thumb' are carried on striking black stems. One of the hardiest pittosporums, it is perfect in a gravel garden or container to which its compact shape is ideally suited. A rounded evergreen, the deep purple, crinkled leaves will form a neat mound with very little effort on your part. Very much on trend to cut for indoor flower arrangements, its lighter new growth looks almost like a light green candle flame as it contrasts delightfully with the darker stems. Easy to grow, this is a plant fully deserving of its Award of Garden Merit, as accolade given out by the RHS to give you the assurance that his plant has been rigorously tested and declared garden worthy! Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot ready for immediate planting, 'Tom Thumb' will reach approx. 50cm x 50cm in 10 years.

Primula Prima Belarina Goldie
  • £9.99

Prima Belarina primrose 'Goldie' is a striking double-flowered primrose with lightly scented, double blossoms of golden-yellow, creating a sunny burst of colour in borders, pots and baskets. Bred in the UK, these fabulous, compact plants are smothered in clusters of delicately fragranced, double flowers which look like miniature roses. Fabulous wherever you plant them - in pots, containers, beds or baskets, in sun or semi shade - they really are an ideal, easy to grow garden plant. Easy to grow and low maintenance, the magnificent flowers don't set seed, so all the plant's energy goes into making more blooms. Perfectly hardy in the garden, they're perfect when combined with other perennials where they'll flower their socks off for months. Supplied as 3 jumbo plugs ready for potting up and growing on before planting out into their final flowering positions.

Primula Belarina Mixed
  • £9.99

Primula Belarina is and incredible range of vibrantly coloured primroses with clusters of large, lightly scented double flowers, creating a lovely bright splash of colour. These wonderful, compact plants have rosettes of beautifully textured leaves and are smothered in flowers between March and June and will look fabulous wherever you plant them. They're great in pots, containers, beds or baskets, in partial shade or sun - they really are easy to grow and bring the spring garden to life with their cheerful colours. Perfectly hardy in the garden, they're perfect when combined with other perennials and underneath trees and shrubs where they'll flower for months, gradually forming large clumps that can be divided every few years to give you more plants. Supplied as 3 plug plants ready for potting on or planting out, growing to a height and spread of 20 cm (8 in).

Marguerite Argyranthemum Lemon and Pink
  • £9.99

A new introduction and a worthy plant for your borders and pots this year, these bedding plants have been bred to perform really well in your garden and are ideal when grown in containers. With two different flower colours on the same plant, each one is smothered in both pastel pink and also yellow flowers, this Marguerite Daisy will flower its little heart out all summer and into autumn, filling your garden with dazzling, colour-changing blooms. Really easy to grow and ideal for beginner gardeners, the compact plants are well branched, meaning that you'll get plenty of flowers. Good for wildlife too as each daisy is held above the finely divided, feathery leaves, making them stand out even more, creating a mecca for butterflies and other pollinators. Supplied as 6 x plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out.

African Daisy Osteospermum Purple Sun
  • £9.99

A gorgeous combination of apricot and lilac, just like the colours of a twilight sky in summer, the daisy-like flowers of Osteospermum 'Purple Sun' will fill your garden with fiery colour. From spring to autumn, the uniform, compact plants make the perfect variety for garden borders, mass plantings and other container displays where their abundant heads of bloom will fill your pots much more than traditional varieties and will attract bees and butterflies into your garden. The wonderful combination of colours are the perfect summer combination and their daisy-like blooms are produced in profusion. Ideal for containers and borders, osteos are sun lovers and grow best in moist, well-drained soil. Easy to grow 'Purple Sun' will tolerate light frost as well as heat and drought and need very little in the way of aftercare.Supplied as 6 x plug plants, ready to pot up and grow on before planting out.

Primula Belarina Day-Glo Yellow
  • £9.99

New for 2021, Primula Belarina 'Day-Glo Yellow' is certainly appropriately named. This dazzling primrose has large, lightly fragranced double flowers in zingy yellow. These wonderful, compact plants have beautifully textured leaves in rosettes and are smothered in flowers between March and June. They will look fabulous wherever you plant them. They're great in pots, containers, beds or baskets, in partial shade or sun - they really are easy to grow and bring the spring garden to life with their cheerful colours. Perfectly hardy in the garden, they're perfect when combined with other perennials and underneath trees and shrubs where they'll flower for months, gradually forming large clumps that can be divided every few years to give you more plants. Supplied as 3 plug plants ready for potting on or planting out, growing to a height and spread of 20 cm (8 in).

Primula Belarina Cream
  • £9.99

The delicately scented flowers of Primula Belarina 'Cream' look almost as if they're made from tissue paper. Fully double and a beautiful buttery cream colour, they are utterly delightful. These wonderful, compact plants have rosettes of beautifully textured leaves and dense clusters of flowers between March and June and will look fabulous wherever you plant them. They're great in pots, containers, beds or baskets, in partial shade or sun - they really are easy to grow and bring the spring garden to life with their cheerful colours. Perfectly hardy in the garden, they're perfect when combined with other perennials and underneath trees and shrubs where they'll flower for months, gradually forming large clumps that can be divided every few years to give you more plants. Supplied as 3 plug plants ready for potting on or planting out, growing to a height and spread of 20 cm (8 in).

Primula Belarina Beaujolais
  • £9.99

Primula Belarina 'Beaujolais' is a real treat with scented double flowers in the most luxurious deep purple colour with a touch of white at the edge of each tightly packed petal. These decadent primroses are naturally compact and have beautifully textured leaves in rosettes and are smothered in flowers between March and June. They will look fabulous wherever you plant them. They're great in pots, containers, beds or baskets, in partial shade or sun - they really are easy to grow and bring the spring garden to life with their rich colours. Perfectly hardy in the garden, they're perfect when combined with other perennials and underneath trees and shrubs where they'll flower for months, gradually forming large clumps that can be divided every few years to give you more plants. Supplied as 3 plug plants ready for potting on or planting out, growing to a height and spread of 20 cm (8 in).
