Variety - Chrysanthemums

39 products found for Chrysanthemums

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Information on Chrysanthemums


Chrysanthemums were first cultivated in China back in the 15th Century.

Chrysanthemums were introduced into the Western world during the 17th Century by Swedish botanist Karl Linnaeus in 1753. It was he who coined the name 'Chrysanthemum' by combining the two Greek words 'chrysos' and 'anthemon' to mean 'gold flower'.

Scientific Name: Chrysanthemum

Family: Asteraceae

Availability: All year round

Search found 39 Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum carinatum 'Polar Star'
  • £1.00

An easy to grow showy annual with unusual tricolour flowers, where each white bloom has an intriguing inner yellow halo surrounding a central darker cushion. Perfect for adding height and interest to borders, as well as making a long lasting cut flower

Chrysanthemum coronarium 'Primrose Gem'
  • £0.99

Neat dome shaped plants with ferny foliage and 1-1.5 in gorgeous primrose 'buttonswith a golden eye. Flowers summer. Height 30-45cm (12-18in).

Chrysanthemum x koreanum 'Fanfare Improved' F1 Hybrid
  • £0.99

The cooler it is the earlier it blooms continuing till hard frost. Double pom-pom, 3in flowers on semi-dwarf plants. Magnificent cut flower
