Bright and cheerful is the theme for this bouquet! Soft pastel tones in the lisianthus combine with these beautiful two toned pink roses to make this gorgeous bouquet. We've finished this with some of our favourite fillers of the season, veronicas and hypericum berries, with interspersed blue-grey eucalyptus to create a truly stunning bouquet.
The exotic Ornamental Fig, Ficus benjamina is a houseplant that's currently bang on trend and on everyone's wish list. and adds a distinctive, tropical feel to your home. The glossy, rich green leaves are held on top of the stems, and over time, the slender branches will begin to weep, softening the plant and making a definite talking point. Not just a pretty face, Ficus is well known for helping keep the air in your home clean as it filters out pollutants keeping it fresh and clean - according to NASA, weeping figs fight formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, found in furniture, fireplace smoke, and common household products. Very easy to care for, once you have found the perfect place for your ficus, you can more or less leave it alone and let it do its 'thing' as long as it's kept out of draughts. Supplied as an established plant 90cm tall in a 21cm pot. Please note that the decorative pot is not included, see 'as supplied' photo.
Artificial plants are a fantastic alternative to real flowers and living plants. This Fern Airplant will make a fabulous addition to your home and add an exotic feel to any room. Perfect for displaying in your home office or bathroom, it features three stems, each with beautiful foliage in a soft green tone. Complete with a grey and white pattered pot, this fern is a must have. The best thing about this artificial beauty is that it requires absolutely no maintenance. You don't have to worry about remembering to water it because it can't die! Supplied as 1 x artificial plant, 33cm tall in a decorative pot.
Vibrant blooms, including red roses and white anthuriums, meets rich foliage including a monstera leaf and umbrella fern. Approximate Product Dimensions: Length: 70cm, Width: 30cm, Height: 20cm.
A fragrant spray of vibrant tropical tones and blooms including protea, stocks and germini. Approximate Product Dimensions: Standard: Length 90cm. Width 40cm. Height 30cm. Large: Length 120cm. Width 40cm. Height 30cm. Extra large: Length 150cm. Width 40cm. Height 30cm.