The aptly named Summer Bouquet features an exuberant array of fresh seasonal stems including chrysanthemums, carnations, sunflowers and germini. The finished result is an instant mood-elevator and would be a magical gift for a birthday. Wrapped in gift-wrap and cellophane and then tied with a pink gros-grain ribbon, the Spring Bouquet is the perfect way to say thank you, good luck or get well soon. Or treat yourself to this delightful floral ensemble and bring some summery floral love to your own home. These wonderful flowers come inclusive of free next working day delivery. For a special touch, why not add a handwritten gift card to accompany your flowers?
A Vibrant Bouquet that is sure to deliver Summer Cheer: For a stunning bouquet of vibrant colours, choose the Summer Cheer Bouquet. At only £38.00 these beautiful flowers arrive ready to put straight into a vase - ideal for those who are not naturally green fingered. As with all of the beautiful bouquets in our Summer Flowers Range, you'll receive your flowers wrapped in a stylish florist's gift wrap and delivered in a special box to prevent damage to them in transit. A fresh and vibrant display, the Summer Cheer Bouquet includes golden germini, orange roses, and scented lilac freesia. Order today for next day flower delivery - The Summer Cheer Bouquet makes a great last minute gift and can be ordered for delivery 6 days a week, so there's no excuse for not purchasing this spectacular bouquet for a birthday or anniversary gift. For that personal and special touch, a handwritten greetings card, a chic vase, or a delicious box of Lindt Chocolates can accompany your Summer Cheer Bouquet.
A Sunburst of Vibrant Colours The Theirworld Bouquet by Clare Florist will bring sunshine to any setting. A colourful mix of germinis, chrysanthemums, lilies, sunflowers & soli, this beautiful and bountiful arrangement is perfect as a gift for any occasion. We are very pleased to support Theirworld by donating 10% of the sale price of every bouquet to the charity to help them with all the fantastic work they do helping disadvantaged children all around the world. The Theirworld bouquet is available with free next working day delivery across mainland UK (offshore and remote areas may be subject to a small delivery surcharge)
Alzheimer Scotland are a truly worthy cause. Dementia and Alzhiemer's Disease have a huge impact on the lives of thousands: not just those with dementia themselves, but also carers, nurses, families and friends. Alzhiemer Scotland are a charity who seek to help these people in dealing with the difficult challenges which dementia poses. To do our bit to help this charity, which is truly close to our hearts, we've created the Alzheimer Scotland bouquet. We'll donate 10% of the sale price of every one of these bouquets sold. And it's certainly a beautiful bouquet! Alzheimer Scotland's mission is to make sure no-one goes through dementia on their own. If you would like to speak to someone in confidence about dementia you can call Alzheimer Scotland's Freephone Dementia Helpline on 0808 808 3000. The Alzheimer Scotland Bouquet forms part of our exclusive Charity Bouquets Collection, a wonderful range of beautiful bouquets designed specifically to help charitable causes.
36 Romantic Red Roses to Show Your Devotion this Valentine's Day Looking for a spectacular arrangement of Valentine's Day flowers to wow your better half with? Look no further than the Obsession 36 Red Rose Bouquet, an expertly arranged bouquet of fresh red roses from Clare Florist. Whether you need to impress a crush or remind your spouse that they're still your one and only, this bouquet is perfect. Everything about this bouquet is designed to leave your special someone spellbound. Our luxurious Rose Bouquet contains 36 premium long-stem Red Roses, beautifully arranged to create a one-of-a-kind romantic surprise that is sure to impress. Pair it with a box of chocolates or a cuddly teddy bear for a gift she'll always remember. Each Obsession 36 Red Rose Bouquet bouquet will be hand-arranged by our team of talented professional florist with love, care and enthusiasm. 36 High Grade Red Roses tastefully arranged Arranged and hand tied by our expert florists with 40 years experience. Includes flower food & flower care instructions Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity Additional Options For that personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card, a chic glass vase, delectable chocolates or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied fresh bouquet. You may also be interested in... Check out our complete collection of rose bouquets and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion.
Relaxing Mixture of Floral Tones The Serene Dreams Bouquet is a sublime arrangement of soft toned flowers. Featuring crisp white roses, white freesia with accents of blue iris upon lush green foliage, this elegant bouquet will be a great highlight to the home. This charming arrangement has been hand arranged by our team of florists to create a surprise gift they'll be talking about for a long time. The bright white and blue blooms are perfectly complimented upon the green leaf backdrop, creating a stunning gift for birthdays, anniversaries or just because! Your fresh Serene Dreams Bouquet bouquet can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition, all for just £33.00!. We can even include a handwritten card with your flowers for a great finishing touch. Fresh white roses, blue iris and white freesia Arranged and hand tied by our expert florists with 40 years experience Includes flower food & flower care instructions Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card, a delicious box of Lindt Chocolates, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Serene Dreams Bouquet bouquet. You may also be interested in... Our large selection of arrangements containing freesia, roses and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion.
A Luxurious Bouquet, Perfect for any Occasion Our Splendour Yellow Freesia Bouquet is a luxurious affair indeed with at stems of vibrant yellow freesia flowers, carefully hand-tied by our team of expert florists. These gorgeous yellow freesia would make for a lovely surprise for mother's day, birthdays, congratulations, to say thank you, or any other special occasion. Freesia are renowned for their distinctive scent which will immediately greet you upon entering any room in which these flowers are placed. This bountiful and eye-catching deluxe flower bouquet is available for express delivery and will be delivered next working day as standard.The Splendour Yellow Freesia Bouquet comes packaged in our signature flower delivery box to ensure they reach you in utterly immaculate condition.
Stunning Cascade Bouquet now just £34.99 The Cascade Bouquet is a vibrant delight. See how the bold faces of these beautiful lilies peek curiously through their surrounds of lush green foliage, aided by bright pink roses and cheerful white freesia. It's an absolutely lovely combination, which anyone would be delighted to see appear at their door, whatever the occasion – or even if there isn't one! Like all of our bouquets, the Cascade comes expertly arranged and hand tied by our professional florists, meaning that it will arrive to you in immaculate condition, looking and smelling wonderful. The Cascade Bouquet is perfect as a get well soon bouquet, a decoration for parties and events or just as a treat to yourself to brighten up your own home. And if that wasn't enough to convince you, free next working day delivery is included with this bouquet for just £34.99!
A warm and friendly bouquet - Cerise Rosmeria There's a welcoming feel to this wonderful bouquet of warm pink roses and delicate alstroemeria. The soft feel and rich friendly colours make it incredibly appealing. Quite simply, it's the kind of bouquet of flowers which you always wish that somebody would buy for you! So make that wish come true - either by indulging in a Cerise Rosmeria Bouquet bouquet for yourself, or by ordering one for someone you know who has a love for flowers. The Cerise Rosmeria Bouquet will appeal to all kinds of flower lovers - with its alluring scent and vibrant colours, it makes a great dinner party gift or message of congratulations. And of course the gorgeous raspberry-coloured appearance of those pink-petalled roses also makes this bouquet wonderful as a romantic gift. When you order your Cerise Rosmeria Bouquet from Clare Florist, you can also take advantage of an array of additional options to make your flower delivery even more thoughtful. Why not adding a tasty box of chocolates - ideal for making the ultimate romantic statement! Another great option is our selection of tasteful handwritten cards - you choose the message to accompany your bouquet, meaning that even when you order flowers online, you can still make them every bit as personal as if you were handing them over in person. Premium grade cerise roses with cerise alstroemeria and fresh greenery Arranged and tied by hand by our expert florists with 40 years experience Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK with personal message included Perfect gift for Valentine's Day, Anniversaries or Birthdays 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Our fresh bouquets will last at least 7 days. Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity
Surprise Mum this Mother's Day The Sweet Mother's Day Bouquet is a luxurious gathering of Pink Roses, White Freesia and Pink Gerbera to surprise Mum with on Mother's day. Created by intermingling white and pink roses, white freesia, and pink gerbera with fresh greenery, this gorgeous floral ensemble will make for a Mother's Day gift to remember. Perfect as a table top display or simply to brighten up the home, the Sweet Mother's Day Bouquet is a thoughtful gift to show your mum you are thinking of them. The soothing tones combined with the sweet scent of the Roses and Freesia will be sure to bring a smile to your mums face. Each bouquet is hand-arranged and hand-tied to order by one of our team of skilled florists. Your flowers are then gift wrapped and tied with a perfectly pretty pink grosgrain ribbon before being secured in our specially designed flower delivery box. Gorgeous High Grade White & Pink Roses, White Freesia, Pink Gerbera, Gypsophila and Green Leaves presented in stylish florist wrap Arranged and hand tied by our expert florists with 40 years experience. Includes flower food & flower care instructions Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK 7 Day Freshness Guarantee - Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity Additional Options Want to spoil mum rotten this Mother's Day? Why not include a Handwritten Greetings Card, a box of Chocolates or a Teddy Bear as a special treat. The Sweet Mother's Day Bouquet is available for next day delivery to anywhere in the UK, 7 days a week.
A Luxurious Bouquet, Perfect for any Occasion Our Red Meadows Freesia Bouquet is sure to create a favourable impression on any occasion, whether it's for a birthday gift, anniversary, or any other special day. Packed full of pretty red freesia flowers, this eye-catching bouquet has been carefully hand-tied by our team of expert florists. Freesia are known for their alluring odour which will immediately greet you upon entering any room in which these flowers are placed. This sweet and vibrant luxury flower bouquet is available for express delivery and will be delivered next working day as standard. The Red Meadows Freesia Bouquet comes packaged in our signature flower delivery box to ensure they reach you in utterly immaculate condition. There is also the option to include a stylish glass vase, premium Lindt chocolates and a handwritten card for that extra-special personal touch!
A Bountiful Bouquet, Brimming with Cheer and Beauty Our White Whispers Freesia Bouquet forms part of our new range of deluxe freesia bouquets, expertly arranged and carefully tied by our experienced and professional florists. Instantly eye-catching, this premium flower bouquet would make for an unforgettable gift for a birthday party, anniversary, Valentine's Day, or any other special occasion. Freesia are known for their distinctive, lovely fragrance which will instantly capture your senses. This elegant and luxurious flower bouquet is available for express delivery and will be delivered next working day as standard. The White Whispers Freesia Bouquet comes packaged in our signature flower delivery box to ensure it reaches its intended recipient in pristine condition. There is also the option to include an eloquent glass vase, luxury Lily O'Brien's chocolates and a handwritten card for that extra-special personal touch!