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Sweet Potato Collection
  • £12.99

One of the most versatile vegetables, sweet potatoes have become exceedingly popular over the last decde thanks to their delicious flavour, ease of cooking and all the new and unique ways to create a storm in the kitchen - with a healthier twist on a normal white potato! With extra dietry fiber in a sweet potato compared to a normal potato, many of us are adding more and more sweet potato into our diets, and it's so easy to do. From typical mashing, boiling or baking, to chips, soups, curries and stews, there are so many wonderful dishes that are so easy to make - so why not grow your own supply and save yourself some pennies on expensive supermarket prices? This collection includes two vitamin-rich varieties, a purple and a red skin, that when grown by your own fair hands will add something a little special to your dishes. Included in this collection; Erato Orange - a typical orange-fleshed, red-skinned potatoErato White - a slighly more unusual looking white fleshed, purple skinned sweet potato Grow in hot conditions, preferably in a greenhouse or conservatory. Perfect for growing in pots, they'll grow to a maximum of approx. 30cm tall and with regular watering, the vigorous plants will develop large tubers in the summer and will be ready for harvest from September through to October. The tubers can even be harvested in the autumn and stored until you want to use them.

Orange and Lemon Tree Collection
  • £19.98

Grow your own delicious citrus fruit right here in the UK with this easy-grow Orange & Lemon Tree Collection. Mature plants will produce delicious fruits, and are winter hardy to -5C - that's right this pair of Orange and Lemon trees will grow and fruit perfectly in the UK! The sweetly-perfumed white flowers contrast beautifully against the deep green citrus-fragranced foliage, and the fruits smell simply divine - plus they're packed full of vitamin C, they're delicious and good for you too! Both of your trees arrive as young plants, 20-30cm tall including their 9cm pots, and are ready to grow on, making them a great value way to get your hands on a pair of superb citrus plants. You'll receive one of each variety: Lemon 'Citron' - Hardy down to -5C! - Sweetly scented blossom in late spring. - Full-size fruit from August onwards. - Perfect for drinks and cooking. Orange 'Calamondin', also known as 'Panama Orange'. - Hardy down to -5C! - An attractive dwarf orange, a cross of the tangy kumquat and more familiar zesty tangerine. - Packed full of vitamin C. Height to 150cm (60in). Grown from cuttings, these Citrus plants are reliable and will produce fruit.

Citrus Grove Collection, Orange, Lemon and Lime
  • £19.97

Grow your own delicious citrus fruit right here in the UK with this easy-grow Orange, Lemon and Lime Tree Collection. Mature plants will produce delicious fruits, and are winter hardy to -5C - that's right this trio of Orange, Lemon and Lime trees will grow and fruit perfectly in the UK! The sweetly-perfumed white flowers contrast beautifully against the deep green citrus-fragranced foliage, and the fruits smell simply divine - plus they're packed full of vitamin C, they're delicious and good for you too! Your trees arrive as young plants, 20-30cm tall including their 9cm pots, and are ready to grow on, making them a great value way to get your hands on these superb citrus plants. You'll receive 1 each of the following: Lemon 'Citron' - Hardy down to -5°C! - Sweetly scented blossom in late spring. - Full-size fruit from August onwards. - Perfect for drinks and cooking. Orange 'Calamondin', also known as 'Panama Orange'. - Hardy down to -5°C! - An attractive dwarf orange, a cross of the tangy kumquat and more familiar zesty tangerine. - Packed full of vitamin C. Height to 150cm (60in). Lime - this attractive green citrus produces characteristic green fruits and fragrant white blossom. Tolerant of temperatures down to 5°C, it will definitely need winter protection. Grown from cuttings, these Citrus plants are reliable and will produce fruit.

Broccoli Red Fire
  • £9.99

One of the most attractive brassicas you can grow, purple sprouting broccoli 'Red Fire' will crop in early spring when there is little else growing in the vegetable garden, producing densely packed clusters of deep purple buds above thick, tender stems and rich green leaves that are just as good to eat. 'Red Fire' makes a colourful and tasty ingredient whether prepared raw for salads or dips, or steamed, boiled or stir-fried. It makes great soup, too - an ideal way of using up any leftover stems and leaves. Excess crops will freeze well, so you can enjoy this versatile veg throughout the year, long after its season has finished. Although grown for its tasty purple spears, all parts of the plant are highly nutritious - a great source of fibre and protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. The leaves hold the highest levels of antioxidants and vitamins, and the stalks contain the most fibre - far too good to waste! Easy to grow, broccoli will thrive in an open, sunny position in fertile, well draining, moisture-retentive soil. Ideally, dig in some well-rotted manure into the growing site in the autumn before sowing. There is no need to dig over the soil too much immediately before planting as undisturbed soil offers a firm roothold for brassicas and will help them establish quickly and well. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence and look forward to an excellent crop. Supplied as 12 plug plants, ready to grow on or plant out, reaching a mature height of up to 90cm (3ft).

Early Brassica Collection
  • £9.99

A superb selection of the best brassicas for you to grow in your own garden to give you a delicious harvest of fresh and healthy greens including broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. All easy to grow, and little beats the satisfaction of growing your own tasty, succulent vegetables. You'll receive 4 plug plants of each, ready to pot on or plant out: Broccoli 'Marathon' an outstanding broccoli that will produce a reliable crop of densely packed heads from late summer right through autumn, with fine grained clusters of deep bluish-green buds of up to 15cm (6in) diameter on thick yet tender stems above rich green leaves that are just as good to eat. Great raw for salads or dips, or steamed, boiled or stir-fried. Reaching 90cm x 60cm. Cauliflower 'Clapton' awarded an RHS Award of Garden Merit, this is a versatile cauliflower variety maturing from late summer to early autumn with large, solid white heads that have an excellent flavour. 'Clapton' is vigorous and robust and the first cauliflower to be resistant to clubroot, a major breakthrough. Growing to 45cm x 60cm. Cabbage 'Caraflex' a superb pointed cabbage with leaves packed full of goodness, with those closest to the heart being particularly nutritious. Ready to harvest from June, 'Caralex' produces small, tender, crunchy heads with a mild flavour that's much sweeter than most cabbages and has earned it the RHS Award of Garden Merit. Growing to a height and spread of 30cm.

Runner Bean Collection
  • £10.98

We've brought together two of the finest, award winning runner beans that are guaranteed to give you excellent quality, bountiful harvests from July to October. Perfect served lightly steamed or boiled, these versatile and nutritious beans are a classic cooked vegetable and are heavy cropping varieties, producing armfuls of delicious, mouth-watering pods. Runner beans are highly nutritious and rich in vitamin C and a good source of fibre. Trim and blanch surplus crops to store in an airtight container or bag in the freezer. They will freeze well, retaining good flavour and texture when cooked from frozen. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence and look forward to a bumper harvest. Supplied as 12 plug plants 6 each of 'Moonlight' and 'Firestorm', ready for growing on or planting, including: 'Firestorm' is a cross between a runner bean and a French bean 'Firestorm', has the best of both and being self-fertile, you can rely on a bountiful harvest of top quality, fresh and tasty beans. With its bright scarlet flowers, it brings a splash or fiery colour to the vegetable plot and wouldn't look out of place in flower borders. A popular and reliable variety, the long, straight stringless beans have a scrumptious sweet flavour and firm texture and grow up to 25cm (10in) long, with plants reaching 2m (6½ft) tall. 'Moonlight' is the world's first ever self-pollinating white flowered runner bean. This breakthrough has meant that the flowers will set in almost any weather, guaranteeing a fantastic crop! The delicious stringless beans grow up to 25cm (10in) long and have a great texture and classic runner bean taste that grows to 3m (10ft).

Grafted Tomato Picolino F1
  • £9.99

Cherry tomatoes are just perfect for snacking on and adding to salads during summer, and with 'Picolino' you can be sure that you'll be picking them by the handful from July all the way through to October. Small and fabulously juicy, you won't be able to get enough of them! This top-performing cordon tomato has been created using a technique similar to that used with fruit trees for generations - grafting a variety onto a strong, disease resistant rootstock to get the best of both. The result is a bumper crop of tasty, juicy tomatoes. There are so many benefits to grafted plants, in particular that each plant can produce up to much, much more fruit, with more fruiting trusses per plant. These tomatoes begin to fruit earlier and continue for longer, from July until October with much higher yields than ordinary tomatoes! Excellent resistance to pests and disease, make grafted tomatoes so easy to grow even if you have no experience, these will thrive to provide you with an abundance of fresh, tasty tomatoes. Superb for growing outside, so you don't need to have a greenhouse to have masses of scrumptious tomatoes. They can also be grown in pots, perfect for small gardens, patios, or balconies. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready for planting and growing to 2m (6½ft).

Chilli Collection
  • £14.99

A zingy, tasty collection of delicious, flavour packed chilli peppers that pack a real punch. Chillies get hotter as they age, and their heat is measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). The higher the SHU, the hotter the chilli. Grown in pots in a warm, sunny spot such as a patio or porch, or indoors as a houseplant in a bright area, these superstars will produce wonderful chillies from July that are about 15-25cm long and delicious eaten raw, used in recipes or added to barbeque skewers to give them a blast of heat. They can also be added to oils and vinegar to create a chilli-laced infusion! Growing to about 60-90cm tall, these are perfect patio plants and are also wonderfully decorative with the deep green leaves and dazzling red chillies. Supplied as 3 established plants in 9cm pots plug plants including: Chilli 'Hot Burrito' - If you're a lover of hot chilli peppers that aren't too extreme, you'll really want to try the spicy kick of 'Hot Burrito'! With an SHU of 3000-6000, there will be plenty of heat, but no fire! Chilli 'Hot Fajita' - Juicy peppers that will give a fabulous hot chilli hit and the waxy skin means they store particularly well. A SHU of a mighty 70,000 means that 'Hot Fajita' will certainly make its presence felt, however you choose to eat it. Chilli 'Cayenne' - A really good all-round chilli, particularly in cooking, 'Cayenne', with its SHU of 30,000, is powerful enough to add a pungent kick to recipes but won't overwhelm the other flavours.

Pea Sugarsnap Zuccola
  • £2.99

Grow your own delicious mangetout with this superb new variety. 'Zuccola' produces heavy crops of small, firm pods that grow to 9cm long and contain eight or nine peas each. Wonderfully sweet and crisp, this is an outstanding sugarsnap, especially eaten young when picked fresh, straight from the plant so that you really enjoy the sweetness and the 'snap' when you bite into them. They also perfect for steaming and adding to stir fries, retaining their crispness and adding scrumptious crunchy texture to your cooking. Easy to grow and cropping over a long season from June to September, all you need to so is support the plants with twigs or sticks to help keep the pods off the ground. 'Zuccola' has excellent resistance to mildew, which can damage crops pea crops, especially later in the season. Supplied as 6 plug plants, ready to plant when the risk of frost has passed, growing to 75cm (2½ft) tall.

Outdoor Veg Collection
  • £12.99

A wonderful collection of some of the most popular garden vegetables, each one chosen to give you a reliable, bumper harvest of scrumptious courgettes, tomatoes and cucumbers over a long season. These are all easy to grow outdoors and they're also happy in a green house. Supplied as 12 plug plants, ready to plant out when the danger of frost has passed, including 4 each of the follow varieties: Courgette 'Defender' - an enduring favourite and holder of a coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, 'Defender' crops early and has a picking season that can be twice as long as other varieties, producing heavy crops of delicious and firm, mid-green courgettes.  Harvest time is from July right through to October and the fruits should be picked when they're 10-15cm long. The plants will grow to 45cm high and 90cm wide. Tomato 'Buffalosteak' - a wonderful variety that will give you large and delicious fruit, full of flavour with rich and meaty flesh over a long season. This top-performing cordon tomato has been created using a technique similar to that used with fruit trees for generations - grafting a variety onto a strong, disease resistant rootstock to get the best of both. The result is a bumper crop of tasty, juicy tomatoes! Cropping from July until October, provide a sturdy support as 'Buffalosteak' can grow to 2m tall. Snack Cucumber 'Nimrod' - will produce bright yellow flowers followed by a bountiful harvest of small, delicious snack sized cucumbers that have bumpy deep green skins that are unusually thin, with pale green flesh that is crisp and refreshing to eat. A naturally trailing plant, grow it up a support where it will reach 3m in height. Pick regularly when young and tender between June and October to encourage more fruits over a longer period.

Patio Vegetable Collection
  • £13.97

Enjoy a wonderful selection of delicious red vegetables with this patio collection! Easy to grow and with a long harvest period, you will be stocked up from the begging of summer all the way through to October! Supplied in this collection: 'Beluga Red' - A versatile variety that produces generous yields of deliciously sweet, glossy, bright red peppers. Green initially, they reach the peak of their colouring and nutrition from July until October. 'Tumbling Tom' - An ideal variety to get started growing your own tomatoes - so easy, they can be grown in hanging baskets, tubs, planters and even window boxes - you will get hundreds of small red cherry tomatoes from just one plant! 'Hot Burrito' - A small and compact plant that best when grown in a pot, positioned in a warm, sunny spot such as a patio or porch. It can also be grown indoors as a houseplant in a bright area. The 'Hot Burrito' will produce wonderful chillies from July that are about 15-25cm long. Supplied as 3 established plants in 9cm pots, ready to plant.

Tomato Collection
  • £14.99

Growing your own fruit and veg couldn't be easier and you can Enjoy an abundance of tasty and tangy tomatoes all summer long with this collection. These tasty fruits can be picked and eaten straight from the plant or used in your cooking. A fantastic source of vitamin C and antioxidants, what is better that home-grown, healthy tomatoes? Tomato Shirley: A cordon variety, they are a home-grower's favourite and a fantastic, versatile all-rounder, that will see you get bountiful crops of medium-sized, bright red, juicy fruits. Produced on large trusses, tomato Shirley will fruit most prolifically when side shoots are pinched out as this will encourage them to have an upright central stem. Whether grown in an unheated greenhouse or outdoors, your fruits will ripen from July onwards to give a continuous crop. Easy to grow and with excellent disease resistance, 'Shirley' has a lovely sweet, rich flavour perfect for salads, sandwiches, and sauces. Tomato Gardeners Delight: A cropping, super-sweet, large cherry tomato is a top choice for both the beginner and experienced vegetable grower. An indeterminate variety (needs support), it can be reliably grown in a greenhouse or outdoors, producing and abundance of long trailing vines that will be ready for cropping from early summer right into October. 'Gardener's Delight' will reward with super-sweet, richly flavoured fruits with red, glossy skins - perfect for salads and sandwiches as well as for cooking. Easy to grow, all they need is a sturdy support and some pinching out of sets to encourage a tall, upright central stem. Tomato Moneymaker: An extremely popular variety of tomato, 'Money Maker' is a favourite amongst home-grower's, producing heavy crops delicious, bright red, medium-sized fruits. Another cordon variety, they will also grow at their best when side shoots are pinched out. Each plant will then produce a succession of fruit-laden trusses that ripen from July to October providing a continuous crop. Easy to grow and with excellent disease resistance, they can be grown in either an unheated greenhouse or outdoors. 'Money Maker' is a great variety to grow and is very popular thanks to its heavy cropping, delicious flavour and uniformed fruits, a great choice for adding to your favourite dishes. Supplied as 12 x Plug Plants (4 of each variety), ready to grow on before planting out, reaching a height of 2m.
