Search found 1317 items

Rock Roses, Helianthemum Collection
  • £9.99

Perfect for filling gaps in beds and borders with masses of beautiful blousy flowers, these vigorous 'rock roses' are hardy, drought tolerant and ever so easy to grow. With just a little pruning after flowering in late spring/summer, they'll reward you with another flush of flowers in late summer. In an assortment of varieties and colours, the flowers really stand out against the evergreen shrubby silver-green foliage and will bring the bees, butterflies and other beneficial wildlife to your garden - great for aiding pollination of other plants in your garden! Ideal as a groundcover plant or for growing in sometimes problematic areas like rockeries, gravel areas or hot and dry borders, this helianthemum collection makes light work of hard areas. Supplied as 6 x plug plants, one of each variety ready grow on before planting out. Growing to 20cm (8in) x 30cm (12in).

Bright & Bold Gerbera Garvinea & Planter Collection
  • £24.99

The World's first Hardy Gerbera in a range of bright, zingy neon colours, the 'Garvinea' series was launched 3 years ago to great acclaim across Europe. Well, now they have got even better! The breeders in Holland who created them have developed an improved series with much bigger flowers, and even longer lasting performance called the 'Sweet Series'! Bringing popular florists gerbera flowers to a garden perennial, they give an amazing 7 months of colour from spring to autumn every year - not many plants can do that. Retaining the same benefits of being winter hardy to around -8C and flowering for several seasons of colour, their highly distinctive flowers simply keep coming - up to 50 on a 2-year-old plant. We love them potted up in these bright & bold planters - a mix of 4 rainbow colours, you can mix and match your plants to your planters and creating an eye-catching display for your patio. Highly distinctive with their 'ruler straight' stems and perfectly symmetrical, upward facing flower heads, Gerberas are also highly prized as a cut flower so are ideal for cutting at the stem and bringing indoors for beautiful displays in vases on the windowsill.

Grevillea Collection
  • £19.99

Grevillea is a stunning, exotic, evergreen shrub, which originates from Australia., and is ideal for adding something different and exciting to your garden! These fantastic shrubs have all year-round interest, and as they're frost hardy, will return to excite year after year! There also great for attracting vital wildlife to your garden, such as bees and butterflies. Varieties Included: rosmarinifolia Jenkinsii is an aromatic, vigorous, variety, with dark-green, Rosemary-like leaves, with clusters of pink and cream flowers from late winter to late summer. 'Mount Tamborintha' Dark green rosemary like foliage, and from winter into summer bears clusters of rose red exotic flowers. Juniperus Produces racemes of bright red flowers in summer and bright green needle-like leaves.

Abelia grandiflora Tricolour Charm (R)
  • £6.99

A long-flowering, semi-evergreen shrub that looks fabulous in a mixed border, Abelia 'Tricolour Charm' (R) has attractive, glossy, multi-coloured leaves and fragrant white flowers. Ideal for a cottage-style garden, this shrub is remarkable due to its tricolour foliage in shades of green, cream and pink, tinged with yellow in spring. Its perfumed white flowers appear from July and last well into September. Compact in habit, Tricolour Charm forms a neat shrub that is perfect for growing in a pot on the terrace or balcony in a sunny, sheltered position. Easy to grow and hardy to -12°C, it's best grown in the shelter of a wall or towards the back of a border to encourage it to hang on to its leaves. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready for immediate planting.

Dianthus Pinks Olivia Collection
  • £14.99

Highly scented,  two-toned flowers, each creamy white with bright burgundy banding held over a neat mound of green leaves make this a must-have plant for your garden. The showy flowers are great when used for fragrance in bouquets and cut-flower arrangements, they're also perfect in pots and containers, where their colour instantly brightens the dullest of areas. An evergreen perennial, dianthus are easy to grow, compact plants that are winter hardy and resistant to the UK weather and will bloom early in the season - often reblooming when the weather cools again in autumn. Bred to be neat and compact, they're wildlife friendly and popular with Butterflies! Supplied as a pack of 12 x Plug plants ready for potting up and growing on before planting out when risk of frost has passed.

Sedum Carpet Collection
  • £11.99

There are few plants easier to grow than Sedums - even the most novice gardener can get results. This gorgeous collection of low-growing, reliable succulents make an ideal choice for rockery planting, containers and borders., forming a carpet of colour. This mix of 6 perennial sedums has lovely evergreen foliage in a mixture of colours and as ground-cover plants they will grow almost anywhere - even between cracks in the pavement - and are tolerant of dry conditions. Through much of the year, the stems are short, semi-prostrate and densely clad in leaves. Then in the summer, the stems lengthen and grow more vertical, before producing a haze of pretty sprays of star-shaped flowers.During the winter or in times of drought, when other plants are fading, these plants will colour up even more, with their leaves turning bronze-red. Quickly covering bare patches in a border, stonecrops will spread to around 25-30cm and further, as each leaflet has the potential to make a new plant. Supplied as a collection of 12 established plug plants* in 6 labelled varieties for potting up. 2 of each variety. *Please note that varieties may change depending on sesonal availability.

Organic Fruit Bush Collection - 3 bushes
  • £12.99

If you've ever wanted to grow your own soft fruit but are not sure where to start, not sure what to grow or simply don't think you have enough space, then this Organic Berry Collection is a fantastic place to start! We've picked some of the best varieties to give you a complete selection, and bumper crops from this year onwards in a complete set - plus they're all thornless or have very few prickles so you can throw those gardening gloves away! Growing fruit is incredibly rewarding & surprisingly easy, and of course your home-grown fruit will taste simply delicious! Perfect for eating fresh, the possibilities are endless - turn them into jam, bake them into puddings, even make your own wine... Now is the perfect time to plant and all of the included varieties are perfect for the British climate which makes them incredibly easy to grow. All of these varieties will produce large crops on compact bushes, perfect for patio pots and containers - you don't even need a garden! Organically grown by expert nurserymen, these berries are rich in vitamins as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium so are a very healthy addition to your garden - true super fruits! Supplied as established plants in 12cm pots, ready for planting out, you'll get 1 each of; Organic Gooseberry 'Lady Sun', a nearly thornless, soft-skinned, yellow gooseberry, perfect for containers. H100cm x W60cm, Fruits July.Organic Blackberry 'Oregon Thornless', a versatile thornless blackberry with heavy crops of juicy, glossy black fruits from late summer. H250cm x H250cm, Fruits Aug - Sept.Organic Raspberry 'Autumn Amber', large, apricot-coloured berries with a gourmet flavour. H250cm x W60cm, Fruits Aug - Sept.

Mini Orchard Tree Collection
  • £89.94

An absolutely cracking collection of fruit trees to make your own mini orchard! Now you too can pick crops of premium variety eating apples, cherries, apricots, pears and plums direct from your very own 'Mini-Orchard' - from as early as next summer! At just a fraction of normal prices, our "commercial grower" quality trees are supplied bare root and are ready to plant now - quickly establishing and cropping exceedingly well. Their 'dwarf' roots restrict height, so you can pick your crops with no need for ladders! All are self-fertile, so your crops are guaranteed and all they need is a small sunny space in your garden, patio pots, or even a balcony. In this collection you will receive: Braeburn Apple Tree -The UK's most popular eating apple variety by far. Pick fresh from your tree by mid-October each season. 2m (6-7 ft) 'Victoria' Plum Tree AGM - Britain's best-loved and most popular award-winning garden plum variety. Sumptuous yellow-fleshed red-skinned fruits in late summer. 3.5-4m (11-12ft) 'Conference' Pear Tree AGM - Britain's best-loved and most recognised Pear fruit tree variety, Easy to grow for fresh, juicy pears in September and October. 3-3.5m (10-11ft) 'Stella' Cherry Tree AGM - If you only have space to grow one fruit tree, grow this one and get lovely blossom and sweet juicy cherries. The UK's favourite sweet cherry with bumper crops of super sweet, plump, juicy and aromatic fruit. 3m (10ft) 'Bramley' Apple tree - Considered the King of Cooking Apples by respected chefs and professional fruit growers! Bramley is a heavy cropper once established with high quality fruits that last well when stored. 2m (6-7 ft). Peach 'Redhaven' - A peach tree that will grow and thrive in UK conditions. Self fertile with yellow-fleshed fruits, you'll be delighted with its spring blossom too. 2m (6-7 ft) Supplied as a collection of 6 bare root trees, ready to plant.

Complete Currant Bush Collection - 3 bushes
  • £19.99

Blackcurrants, redcurrants and whitecurrants that have been allowed to ripen in the sun taste sensational and far superior to anything you can buy in supermarkets - perfect for eating fresh, adding to your favourite desserts or freezing for use at later date. These top quality, professional grade Uk-grown bushes in your collection will establish quickly and reward with your first fruit this summer, followed by crops that get larger and larger each year. Packed full of vitamins, minerals and requiring the minimum of care, these tasty superfruits are ideal for growing in beds or borders, or for planting in large pots that grace the patio. Blackcurrants and whitecurrants will fruit their socks off in a sunny position, while redcurrants are happy in sun or in a more shaded position they will even do well against a north facing wall or fence.  Varieties Included: Blackcurrant 'Ben Lomond' Redcurrant 'Rovada' Whitecurrant 'White Versailles'

Hardy Japanese Anemone Collection
  • £14.97

These stunning plants will light up your garden with breath-taking late displays! Perfect for beds and borders, they will produce an abundance of large, pretty flowers just when others in your garden are starting to fade. Each will rise above from the attractive foliage and open to show elegant, satin-like petals and a bright yellow contrasting centre.They will look brilliant in mixed or herbaceous borders, in any partly shaded area. Leave them in the ground over winter, under a good layer of mulch, and you will be rewarded with bigger, better displays for many years. Varieties included in this collection, two of which have been awarded the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit:Whirlwind - Graceful, pure-white flowers on long stems. Prinz Heinrich AGM - Incredibly vivid pink blooms Queen Charlotte AGM - Large light pink flowers.

Patio Clematis Collection x 4, BOULEVARD(R) Series
  • £24.96

It's incredible but true... these compact beauties really will produce a tower of striking star-shapes blooms continuously for 6 months - every year! The BOULEVARD(R) series of patio clematis has been bred specifically for a compact growing habit and a precocious flowering nature - so you can create a massive colour impact from a very limited space. Perfect for growing in small spaces, in pots and containers, so are ideal for modern gardens where space may be limited. The plants will never get out of hand and reach a mature height of around 1-1.5m (3-5ft), and as they flower all along the stem from the leaf axils, these splendid clematis are covered in blooms right from top to toe! They are perfect for growing in patio containers and large pots and are a 'must' for town gardens and balconies. Flowering repeatedly from early summer to late autumn, they form a glorious pillar of colour. Plants only require a minimum of annual maintenance - cut all stems back to 15cm (6in) in Feb/March- PLUS they are totally winter hardy too! Supplied as young plants in 10.5cm pots ready for growing on, these unique clematis are simply fantastic value for money. You'll receive one plant each of: Confetti (TM) Evipo036(N) - Dainty sprays of rose-pink, nodding bell-like flowers which are produced from midsummer to autumn. Perfect for growing in small spaces, in pots and containers, so is ideal for modern gardens where space may be limited. Nubia(TM) Evipo079(N) - A stunning combination of red petals and a darker centre makes Clematis 'Nubia' ideal for a sunny spot. Free-flowering and very hardy this clematis is perfect for accentuating pathways in a pot or planter. Olympia(TM) Evipo099(N) - A compact clematis that blooms all the way along its stems, resulting in a proliferation of large, rich purple-blue flowers from the ground upwards all summer and into late autumn. Samaritan Jo(TM) Evipo075(N) - With pretty silvery-pink star-shaped flowers outlined with a delicate tracery of light purple, the blooms are further accentuated with a beautiful crown of purple stamens topped with the clearest golden yellow - a real sight to behold!

Climbing Rose Collection
  • £19.99

Nothing beats the sight and scent of traditional English climbing roses draping from an archway or pergola, churning out flowers for 4 months through the summer, and producing a fabulous fragrance to waft through your garden on the breeze, especially on warm days. Climbing up to 4.5m, these roses are perfect for growing up trellises, arches, walls or fences. What's more, these beautiful roses will produce their first displays this summer to fill your garden with colour and fragrance. Easy to grow and maintain, you will get one each of : Dublin Bay - a sumptuous red double, very-free flowering and quite thorn free (to 2.5m) Golden Showers - bright sunshine yellow (to 4.5m) Zepherine Drouhin - vibrant pink (to 4.5m)
