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Sweet Pepper 'Summer Salad' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.69

An original, hand-blended selection of hybrids, Sweet Pepper Summer Salad comprises black, yellow, green and orange fruited types. Chosen to ensure heavy yield of thick and thin walled varieties for stuffing, frying but primarily highly coloured salads

Chilli Pepper 'Cheyenne' F1 Hybrid (Hot)
  • £1.61

A compact, bushy, early ripening variety, Chili Pepper Cheyenne grows to a height of 45cm (18in). Ideal grown in growbags or containers, making an attractive feature on the patio. Chili Pepper Cheyenne produces masses of medium sized green, turning orange fruits throughout the summer

Chilli Pepper 'Krakatoa' F1 Hybrid (Hot)- Kew Collection Seeds
  • £2.99

Capsicum annuum. Compact 'ornamental edibleon the windowsill or outside in a sunny spot, producing masses of upright pale green, turning vivid red chillies throughout the summer. Chili Pepper Krakatoa makes an attractive and edible feature on a windowsill or sunny patio

Sweet Pepper 'Friggitello' F1 Hybrid - Vita Sementi® Italian Seeds
  • £1.61

Medium height plant, Peperone Friggitello has short internodes to provide a heavy crop of conical, slightly tapering fruits about 14cm in length. Peperone Friggitello produces thin-skinned, mid green fruits which are ideal for frying and are easily digested

Chilli Pepper 'Fuego' F1 Hybrid (Hot) - Vita Sementi® Italian Seeds
  • £2.99

A Cayenne type of hot pepper, Peperone Fuego has 15cm long, tapering fruits, which turn from green to fiery red. The compact, upright plant habit of Peperone Fuego produces fruits in abundance on short internodes. Pick regularly throughout the summer.

Chilli Pepper 'Loco' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.69

A stunning 'ornamental edible' for the windowsill, patio container or hanging basket. Compact habit with masses of eye-catching, small, oval purple fruits sitting above the foliage and turning red on maturity. From British breeding and suitable for indoor, outdoor or greenhouse growing. Just spicy enough to add a kick to your cooking.

Sweet Pepper 'Astor' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Early to set fruit and producing plentiful crops throughout the summer if grown in the greenhouse, Astor is a superb green-turning yellow grilling pepper. The sweet and crisp fruits grow up to 25cm (10in) in length and can also be grown in a sheltered site outdoors.

Sweet Pepper 'Lunchbox Mix' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.99

We've put together a mix of mini very sweet peppers. These heavy yielding plants are perfect for growing in containers or in a grow bag in the greenhouse. The 3x5cm, 30g fruits have a high sugar level for a natural sweet flavour and are a high source of vitamin C.

Sweet Pepper 'Thor' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.49

Long fruits of up to 25cm (10in) in length are produced in large quantities throughout the summer when grown in the greenhouse. Peppers turn a bright red colour as they ripen - try cutting them lengthways and grilling them on the barbeque.

Sweet Pepper 'Black Knight' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Fruits of this early-to-set, heavy-cropping pepper will start green and then turn an attractive deep purple as they ripen. Long fruits - 25cm (10in) - are delicious stuffed, roasted or grilled.

Chilli Pepper 'Vampire' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Dark foliage, purple stems, gothic purple flowers. Early fruiting 10cm purple fang shaped fruit ripening to a rich blood red.

Chilli Pepper 'Cayennetta' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.99

Up to 300 bayonet-shaped cayenne peppers per plant! Britishbred for its compact habit and ideal for baskets or containers, Cayennetta is an eye-catching 'ornamental edible' providing a non-stop supply of flavoursome fruits, ripening from green to red throughout the summer
