Search found 482 items

Agapanthus 'Headbourne Hybrids'
  • £3.99

Free flowering with large round heads of true blue flowers growing into a thick established clump. Truly hardy. Bold, attractive bulbous plants for sheltered borders, tubs, containers etc. Elegant strap shaped leaves and bunches of blue flowers on 2-3ft long sterns. The dried seed head can be used for winter decoration. There is considerable evidence that these hybrids are really hardy in many parts of the British Isles, particularly where good drainage is possible. They flower freely in their second year and generally make very good garden plants, growing into a thick established clump. Flowers mid/late summer

Geranium 'Horizon Pink Meteor' F1 Hybrid
  • £4.49

Fabulous geranium which looks just as good in bud as in full flower. The large, bushy, free-flowering plants of Geranium Horizon Pink Meteor are perfect for borders and containers where the spectacular weather-resistant blooms will flower all summer long. Petals have shocking pink undersides with pure white uppers, attractively 'dustedwith pink in the centre and on the edges.

Verbascum phoeniceum (Hybrids)
  • £1.00

Slender spikes of various shades. Grows freely from seed and always much admired. Height: 60-90cm (2-3ft)

Helenium autumnale 'Sunshine Hybrids'
  • £1.00

A dazzling colour range of flowers, making a spectacular autumn display in perennial borders. Height: 60-120cm (2-4ft)

Wallflower 'Sunset Mixed' F1 Hybrid - Kew Collection Seeds
  • £1.49

The first ever F1 Hybrid Wallflower! Attractive dwarf, bushy uniform plants with hybrid vigour makes Sunset Mixed perfect for adding to autumn containers. A colourful range of flowers appear in early spring, filling the air with their delightful Wallflower fragrance. Height: 25-30cm (10-12in)

Bergenia cordifolia 'New Winter Flowering Hybrids'
  • £0.99

Description for Bergenia cordifolia 'New Winter Flowering Hybrids' not available

Foxglove 'Dalmatian Purple' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.79

Sow 'Dalmation', the fastest flowering foxglove from seed, and you'll be enjoying its stunning flowers in only 16 weeks! Well branched and compact, attractive dwarf plants produce good quality flower spikes in all three colours. Each flower trumpet sports the 'spots' that give Dalmation its name

Mimulus 'Calypso' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Description for Mimulus 'Calypso' F1 Hybrid not available

Wallflower 'Sugar Rush' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.99

Sugar Rush' completely turns conventional wallflower growing on its head! Not only does this unique hybrid starts to flower in the autumn just 10 weeks after sowing, but will flower again in the spring after deadheading. Just the job for adding vibrant colour - as well as a wonderful fragrance - to your garden in autumn as well as spring.

Gerbera jamesonii 'T&M Mixed' F2 Hybrid
  • £3.49

Fast growing and early to flower, this special T&M blend of large- bloomed gerbera make spectacular house plants. Perfect for the patio in summer and a sunny windowsill or glasshouse during the cooler months, they'll provide months of vibrant colour. The flowers are of the very best quality and make excellent cut flowers

Pansy 'Tasty Mixed' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.69

Like most Viola plants, the pretty flowers of Pansy 'Tasty Mixed' are perfectly edible. These hardy summer pansies have been specially selected for their flavoursome blooms which have a mild, sweet and peppery taste.

Sarracenia species 'New Hybrids Mixed'
  • £4.99

Strikingly attractive pitcher plants which give no outward hint of their unusual dietary habits! They attract insects with their enticing scent, alluring colours and the promise of a nectar-like secretion on the lip of the 'pitcher'. A slippery footing on the bloom's rim causes unsuspecting insects to fall inside the cavity of the flower which is filled with a liquid. There is no escape; the insects die and are digested by the plant, it is thought, as a means of augmenting inadequate nitrogen levels in the soil.
