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Chive Seeds
  • £3.99

Easy to grow, this long-lived herbaceous perennial, which is part of the onion family, is an essential addition to the herb garden. The edible leaves have a mild onion-like flavour and make an irresistible garnish for potatoes, omelettes, fish, salads, soups and many other dishes. The pinky purple, star-shaped flowers are also edible and are best picked just before opening to add a pretty and savoury highlight to your dishes. Chives can be grown indoors on your windowsill for year-round harvesting, although will grow more vigorously and achieve bigger plants when grown outdoors. As well as being a perfect choice for your vegetable beds, they can also make a great edging plant or provide some low-growing contrast in a mixed bed or border. They are equally happy growing in pots and containers. All they require is a moisture-retentive but well-drained fertile soil or compost in a sunny or semi-shaded position. The flowers produce nectar in abundance, so will attract bees, butterflies and other beneficial pollinators to your garden, with blooms appearing successively over a long season. In addition, this herb's slightly pungent aroma will repel insect pests such as carrot root fly, making it a great companion for vegetables or other herbs that are prone to infestation. Sow indoors all year for your windowsill or for planting out from May to June. Or sow outdoors from March to May, in beds or containers directly where they are to crop, where they can be cut for culinary use from late spring through to the first frosts of autumn. Plants will grow less vigorously through the winter, when they will die back somewhat, although it may be possible to still cut some leaves fresh for the kitchen. Supplied as a packet of 500 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors or outdoors in pots or directly into a bed or border. Grows to 40cm height by 30cm spread.

Squash (Butternut) Hawk F1 Seeds
  • £3.99

Specially bred for the British climate, Butternut squash 'Hawk F1' yields a good crop of yellow-orange, pear-shaped fruits with sweet, tasty yellow flesh. Fully deserving of its RHS Award of Garden Merit, this reliable variety will produce fruits of up to approximately 700g (1.5lb). Easy to grow from seed and quick to establish, this is a great choice for novice and experienced gardeners alike, as well as ideal for introducing children to gardening as they will see fast germination followed by a satisfying spectacle as the plants produce attractive, large flowers, and then squashes that noticeably increase in size day by day over the summer. A versatile vegetable that has grown in popularity over recent years, Butternut squash is great to cook in a variety of ways such as roasting or baking, or as an ingredient in soups, stews and curries. Packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it is a good source of fibre and low in calories - and it tastes great, too! Supplied as a packet of 10 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors in pots or outdoors directly into their cropping position. Sow indoors March to May in small pots or outdoors in May, directly where they are to flower. Plant 90cm (36in) apart in fertile, well-drained soil. All they require to thrive is a sunny position with plenty of space for them to spread out and a liquid feed applied ever 10-14 days once the fruits start to swell. Harvest from September to October.

Basil Sweet Seeds
  • £3.99

This 'Sweet' Basil is the classic, large-leaved variety that is most popularly used in cuisines all over the world. Native to tropical regions of central Africa and Southeast Asia, it is a tender, half-hardy annual when grown outdoors in Britain for summer cropping. Or it can be grown successfully indoors on your windowsill all through the year to ensure a continuous supply of fresh leaves for culinary use. A favourite herb particularly of Italian cooking, its sweet, aromatic leaves are a characteristic ingredient for many dishes from salads and garnishes to soups, casseroles, ragu, pizza, and pasta dishes - and superb for making fresh pesto. The flavour comes from the intense essential oils in the glossy green leaves that are at their best when eaten raw or added to hot dishes at the last minute. Growing your own 'Sweet' Basil from seed, whether indoors or outdoors, will reward you with neat, bushy and vigorous plants that can be cut just when you need a fresh bunch for your cooking - a much better solution than those frustrating supermarket pot herbs that barely last 2-3 weeks and are reluctant to grow back when cut. Sow all year round indoors into pots for your windowsill or for transplanting outdoors from May to July. Or sow outdoors from May to June; they will do best in pots or containers, but can be sown directly into a well-prepared bed or border. All they require is a sunny but sheltered position, in fertile, moist but well-drained soil or compost, then regular cutting to encourage new growth. Supplied as a packet of 450 (approx.) seeds ready to plant indoors or outdoors in their growing position. Mature plants can reach 30cm (12in) height and spread. Harvest indoors all year round or throughout the summer when grown outdoors.

Quick Fix Lawn Seed 500g 14sqm
  • £3.99

This Quick Fix Lawn Seed provides a combined seed and feed, employing a mix of dwarf perennial ryegrass and fertiliser. A great choice for speed of establishment and high resistance to wear. Under the right conditions there will be young grass in under a week and an established lawn within two months. Contains fertiliser so should not be used near watercourses.This 500g pack will cover up to 14 square metres.CAUTION: Please read all instructions carefully before handling, storing or opening, and take care when lifting heavy objects.

Shady Place Lawn Seed 250g 10sqm
  • £3.99

This lawn seed features a blend of shade tolerant grasses for an outstanding lawn even with only intermittent sunshine. For a fine and dense lawn even in areas of the garden which are habitually shaded by trees, hedges or buildings. Comprises the grass species; hard fescue, strong and slender creeping red fescue and browntop bent.This 250g pack will cover up to 10 square metres.CAUTION: Please read all instructions carefully before handling, storing or opening, and take care when lifting heavy objects.

Suet Blocks - Seeded (3 Pack)
  • £3.99

Description for Suet Blocks - Seeded (3 Pack) not available

Broccoli (Autumn) Green Calabrese Seeds
  • £3.99

One of the most rewarding and economical vegetables you can grow, Green Calabrese will crop from late summer right through autumn, producing densely packed clusters of deep bluish-green buds of up to 15cm (6in) diameter atop thick, tender stems and rich green leaves that are just as good to eat. Harvesting the broccoli heads will encourage further florets to grow lower down the stem - a great cut-and-come-again vegetable! With a milder, more subtle flavour than sprouting broccoli, 'Green Calabrese' makes a colourful and tasty ingredient whether prepared raw for salads or dips, or steamed, boiled or stir-fried. It makes great soup, too - an ideal way of using up any leftover stems and leaves. Excess crops will freeze well, so you can enjoy this versatile veg through the winter, long after its generous season has finished. Commonly regarded as a 'superfood', all parts of the plant are highly nutritious - a great source of fibre and protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. The leaves hold the highest levels of antioxidants and vitamins, and the stalks contain the most fibre - far too good to waste! Easy to grow, broccoli will thrive in an open, sunny position in fertile, well draining, moisture-retentive soil. Ideally, dig in some well-rotted manure into the growing site in the autumn before sowing. There is no need to dig over the soil too much immediately before planting as undisturbed soil offers a firm roothold for brassicas and will help them establish quickly and well. Successive sowing will extend the cropping season. Fast-growing, they will reach a mature height of up to 60cm (24in). Supplied as a packet of 200 (approx.) seeds ready to sow either indoors from March to May (for planting out May-June), or outdoors from March to May directly into their growing position. Harvest from September to November.

Cabbage Offenham 2 Seeds
  • £3.99

One of the most versatile cabbages you can grow, 'Offenham 2' is a favourite old variety that is guaranteed to give you plentiful supplies of super quality, tasty green heads over several months of the year. With two main cropping seasons, it can be picked young and tender as 'spring' greens or left to mature into larger, more compact cabbages, with pointed hearts set on a short, thick stalk. Sowing in the spring will yield young 'greens' from September onwards, maturing to 'hearted' cabbages into November. Summer sowings will produce 'greens' from early spring, leaving others to grow to 'hearted' cabbages that are ready from April to May. At whatever time you choose to harvest, the dark green leaves have a fabulously rich flavour, whether used raw in salads and coleslaw or traditionally steamed, boiled or braised. Hearty and healthy, they are packed full of vitamin C and antioxidants. There is little or no wastage - the outer leaves are as good to eat as those further in, and contain even greater concentrations of nutrients. These hardy cabbages will thrive in a sunny position in well-cultivated, moisture-retentive soil with good drainage, although are best not planted in soil that has been manured in the preceding 12 months. Supplied as a packet of 350 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors in a seed tray or outdoors in a seed bed. Grows to 25cm (10in) height and spread.

Butterfly Attracting Annuals Seed Mix
  • £3.99

Blended to appeal to butterflies, this Colourful mix is easy to grow and quick to flower from seed. A rich and varied combination of colourful annuals that will brighten up any spare patch of garden. All of the annual flowers are a great source of nectar, providing food for butterflies and other pollinating insects all summer long. Quick and easy to grow, this mix is ideal for creating a natural-looking meadow to attract pollinating insects into your garden. Perfect to get kids interested in gardening or for time-strapped gardeners who want results without the effort! A collection of hardy annuals, these wildflowers also make ideal flowers for cutting so you can bring colour into your home too either in a vase or as part of a mixed bouquet. Never before has it been so important to protect pollinators and this wildflower is ideal to encourage them into your garden. Invaluable for pollinating a whole range of plants and especially useful for kitchen gardens to enable the formation of many fruits and vegetables. This mixture of easy-to-grow, hardy annuals will flower the same year as sowing. Growing to 90cm (36in). Sow outdoors March to May, directly where they are to flower. Flowers June to October. Supplied as a pack of 0.5g, sufficient for 0.5sqm CAUTION: Harmful if eaten

Mixed Wildlife Attracting Annuals Seed Mix
  • £3.99

Blended to appeal to a wide range of insects, this colourful mix will attract wildlife including butterflies and bees, who feed on the pollen, and will also produce seed heads to providing food for wild birds. Quick and easy to grow, this mix is ideal for creating a natural-looking meadow to attract pollinating insects into your garden. Perfect to get kids interested in gardening or for time-strapped gardeners who want results without the effort! A collection of hardy and half-hardy annuals, these wildflowers also make ideal flowers for cutting so you can bring colour into your home too either in a vase or as part of a mixed bouquet. Never before has it been so important to protect pollinators such as bees, and this wildflower mix is ideal to encourage them into your garden. Bees are invaluable for pollinating a whole range of plants and especially useful for kitchen gardens to enable the formation of many fruits and vegetables. Take a look at our bee book for more details on these fascinating insects. This dazzling mix of some of our best-known annual flowers will give your garden a bright show of colour. The mix contains a selection of these varieties*: Aster - Callistephus chinensisBorage - Borago officinalisCalifornian Poppy - Eschscholzia californicaCanary Grass - Phalaris canariensisCoreopsis - Coreopsis tinctoriaCorn Cockle - Agrostemma milasCorn Marigold - Chrysanthemum segetumCornflower - Centaurea cyanusCrimson Clover - Trifolium incarnatumDill - Anethum graveolensField Poppy - Papaver rhoeasFlax - Linum usitatissimumGilia - Gilia capitataLarkspur - Delphinium ajacis & Delphinium consolidaLavender - Lavandula angustifoliaOregano - Origanum vulgarePhacelia - Phacelia tanacetifoliaPhlox - Phlox drummondiiPurple Viper's Bugloss - Echium plantagineumVetch - Vicia sp.Yellow Mustard - Sinapis hirtaZinnia - Zinnia elegans *NB, due to seasonal availability, we cannot guarantee all varieties will be included in each individual packet. Growing to 120cm (48in). Sow outdoors, March-May directly where they are to flower. Flowers June - October. Supplied as 0.5g seed to cover up to 0.5sqm. Native grown seed not taken from the wild CAUTION: Harmful if eaten

Dwarf French Bean Ferrari Seeds
  • £3.99

A top-quality variety that matures quickly, 'Ferrari' gives reliably high yields of slender, straight and stringless round pods that have superb taste and texture - far superior to any shop-bought bean. This worthy recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit is easy to grow, with good resistance to disease such as Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV), Halo Blight and Anthracnose, so is a great choice for gardeners of any experience. Being a dwarf type bean, it is ideal for growing in containers, as well as in beds and borders, producing compact, bushy plants that don't need staking. The succulent beans have a rich green colour and an excellent flavour and are a great source of fibre and vitamins A and C. If not left too long on the vine, the beans are stringless, so for best flavour and texture, pick them when they reach 15cm (6in) in length. They are best harvested in one picking, as soon as they are ready; if you have more than you can eat, they will keep well and are also good for freezing. For early harvests, sow from April, indoors or outdoors under cloches, or outdoors from May to July directly into their cropping position. The plants are fast-growing, and produce attractive white flowers followed by the pods. The pods will be ready for picking 12 weeks after sowing, with plentiful crops over a short period (about 2 weeks). Regular sowings every couple of weeks or so will extend the cropping season through to autumn. For best results, grow in a sunny, sheltered position. These beans will thrive in fertile, moist but well-draining soil, so dig in some well-rotted manure before sowing in a bed or use good-quality compost in a container. Supplied as a pack of 100 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors into individual pots or outdoors into their cropping position. Grows up to 60cm (24in). Successional sowing will produce harvests from June to October.

Parsley Giant of Italy Seeds
  • £3.99

Herbs are one of the easiest plants to grow - you don't even need a garden! Just a few in pots on the patio or windowsill, or sown directly into your garden beds, will allow you to add that little extra to a dish. Growing your own parsley from seed, whether indoors or outdoors, will reward you with vigorous plants that can be cut just when you need a fresh bunch for your cooking - a much better solution than those frustrating supermarket pot herbs that barely last 2-3 weeks. 'Giant of Italy' is considered one of the very best flat-leaf parsley varieties, producing robust plants with sturdy upright stems bearing large, dark green leaves. Having a terrific sweet and pungent taste when used raw, it also retains its rich, strong flavour in cooked dishes - much better than its curly leafed cousin. The preferred choice of many professional cooks, this versatile, aromatic herb can be used in an endless variety of savoury dishes such as soups, stews and pasta, as well as added raw to salads and sandwiches; it also makes a tasty garnish that will rarely be left on the plate. Highly nutritious, parsley is packed full of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, being an excellent source of iron and vitamin C, as well as many other nutrients. Used as a medicinal herb for centuries, it is said to aid digestion, clear the skin and even to freshen the breath if chewed after eating strongly flavoured foods. This tall-growing variety will continue to produce fresh new leaves many times after being cut. The best flavour is in the young leaves and regular harvesting will promote the new growth. Grown outside, it will also attract beneficial insects to your garden. Being a hardy biennial, it will set seed in its second year, although it is best grown as an annual, although if grown in a sheltered, well-drained position, plants can be protected over winter with mulch or cloches to produce new growth in the spring. Supplied as a packet of 500 (approx.) seeds ready to plant indoors or outdoors in their growing position. Sow indoors all year round or outdoors from March to July, directly where they are to crop in containers or in the ground. Harvest all year round indoors or outdoors from May.
