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Radish Scarlet Globe Seeds
  • £3.99

A classic salad radish with crisp round roots of bright scarlet with moist, white flesh and a superbly sweet and mild flavour. Not only do they taste good, these nutritious beauties are an excellent source of vitamin C and potassium. A winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, this reliable and fast-growing variety is an ideal choice for the novice and experienced gardener alike - and great for encouraging children to garden as they will be rewarded with quick results. Easy to grow, 'Scarlet Globe' can be harvested within 4-6 weeks of sowing direct into their cropping position. Suitable for container growing as well as beds and borders, they like a sunny, sheltered position in well-drained, fertile soil, although will grow well in poorer soils too. They make an excellent 'marker' crop between rows of slower growing veg such as potatoes, peas, parsnip and onion, to be harvested before the main crop fills the space. Supplied as a packet of 700 (approx.) seeds ready to sow outdoors from February to September directly into their cropping position.

Courgette All Green Bush Seeds
  • £3.99

A classic courgette, 'All Green Bush' is a reliable, quick-growing and high-yielding variety that will crop all summer long with regular harvesting. One plant will typically produce 6-10 fruits. Its compact habit makes it ideal for growing in pots or containers, or the seeds can be planted directly in the ground where they are to crop. The dark skins are tender so are great when cooked whole. For the best flavour, harvest as baby courgettes at about 10-15cm (4-6in) long. If not eaten immediately, they will keep well for a few days stored in the fridge. Alternatively, allow one or two fruits to remain longer on the plant to form marrows, which are just lovely when crammed with vegetable or meat stuffings and baked in the oven. Courgette flowers can also be eaten; use them as soon after picking as possible for best results. Try them stuffed with herbs and soft cheese, then dipped in batter and quickly fried, or wilt them in hot olive oil to add to risottos and other savoury dishes. Quick to mature and easy to care for, this is a great little vegetable to get children interested in gardening - as well as for anyone who just can't wait to eat the fruits of their labours in the garden! Supplied as a packet of 20 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors in pots or outdoors direct into growing position. Sow indoors March to May for planting out in May to June; or sow outdoors April to May directly into growing position in full sun, 60cm (24in) apart, in fertile, well-drained soil.

Sweet Pea Galaxy Seeds
  • £3.99

Sweet Peas have always been amongst a garden lovers favourite flowers, and this 'Galaxy' is no different. Early flowering inlusciou s colours from reds to pinks to blues from late spring through to autumn, they'll produce a fabulous succession of beautifully fragrant stems that just keep on coming the more they're cut, so your vases can be as full as your garden with these prolific, long lasting star performers. Once planted out, provide a sturdy support such a cane wigwam or decorative obelisk that the plants can cling to as they grow upwards. A hardy annual, reaching 180cm (6ft), flowering from May to October. Supplied as a pack of approx. 35 seeds.

Spinach Samish F1 Seeds
  • £3.99

Small-leaved, very tender spinach for salads and cooking, 'Samish F1' has good mildew resistance and is moderately winter hardy so is ideal for late season cropping. Grow as a baby leaf vegetable under glass throughout the winter to extend the season. Believed to be of Persian origin, spinach has long been a favourite as a tasty and versatile green leafy vegetable to be eaten cooked or raw. This 'savoy' or 'curly leaf' spinach has dark green, slightly crinkly leaves that have a crisp texture and a rich green, slightly bitter flavour, which makes it well suited to cooking. It is also great when added raw to salads to add an unusual and distinctive note. Highly nutritious, it is an excellent source of folate and vitamins A and C. A great choice for gardeners, 'Samish F1' has great resistance to cold and disease so is a good choice for early and regular sowing to ensure a long harvest. It thrives in well-drained, fertile soil, so adding composted manure to the ground before planting will give it an extra boost. A sunny position is ideal although it will also grow well in light shade. Supplied as a packet of 200 (approx.) seeds ready to sow outdoors in their growing position. Sow outdoors from March to September, 30cm (12in) apart in rows, in moist but well-drained fertile soil. Harvest from May to October, or through the winter if grown under glass.

Kale Dwarf Green Curled Seeds
  • £3.99

One of the easiest vegetables to grow, this ultra-hardy, compact kale variety will provide you with highly nutritious, tasty leaves from September through to March. A British culinary favourite since the mid-19th century, curly kale has had a resurgence in popularity in recent years. This dwarf variety has attractive, dark green, densely frilled leaves that have an extremely sweet taste with no bitterness. It's highly nutritious too, being rich in vitamins and antioxidants. A versatile ingredient in the kitchen, it is superb when steamed or stir-fried to retain nutrients and texture and the young leaves make a tasty raw addition to salads. Resilient, vigorous and sturdy, this dwarf kale's habit will tolerate exposed positions and most soil types; it does exceptionally well in poor soils where other vegetables might struggle, although is equally happy in well-drained, fertile soils. This is a vegetable that positively thrives over winter in Britain, so is a good cut-and-come-again option for continuous harvesting over a long season. Leaves are especially sweet and tasty when picked young from the plant. If left to flower, the yellow blooms will attract wildlife to your garden, being a great source of nectar and pollen. Supplied as a packet of approx. 275 seeds ready to sow indoors in a seed tray, or outdoors in their growing position. Plant 45cm (18in) apart June to August and harvest from September onwards through to early spring.

Nasturtium Alaska Salmon Orange Seeds
  • £3.99

Beautiful five-petalled, softly coloured blooms and intricately marbled leaves are what make this nasturtium a superb choice to complement any garden scheme. The pretty salmon-orange flowers have darker veins flushing from their centres and stand above foliage that forms attractive, globe-shaped mounds. A winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, 'Alaska Salmon Orange' is noted for its reliability and good performance. This hardy annual is easy to grow and versatile, with a long flowering season from early June until the first frosts in October. They look fabulous when trained up a trellis or fence, tumbling out of window boxes and containers, or cascading over the sides of hanging baskets. Plant them as groundcover in a mixed border or rock garden, where they will add pleasing interest amid other flowers and foliage. They also look great as a cut flower in a natural arrangement. A worthy addition to a kitchen garden, nasturtiums are loved by bees and butterflies, so are good for pollination. They will attract hover flies, which prey on aphids, so make a great companion for brassicas, pumpkins, radish, tomato and potatoes - even roses - to help control pests. When they die back they will replenish the soil, adding nutrients and minerals to help other plants thrive. Being native to South and Central America, which were known as the Indies, the flowers were once commonly called 'Indian cresses'. Indeed, the leaves and flowers are edible, with a pleasant, slightly peppery flavour reminiscent of watercress. Mix them into your salads and garnishes for a pop of extra colour and flavour, or add last minute to a stir-fry. They are rich in vitamin C, too. Supplied as a packet of 25 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors in pots, from February to March, or outdoors from April to June directly where they are to grow. Nasturtiums will flower most prolifically in a sunny position in free-draining soil. They are drought tolerant but appreciate an occasional watering in warm weather. Regular dead-heading will encourage continuous flowering.

Dwarf French Bean Ferrari Seeds
  • £3.99

A top-quality variety that matures quickly, 'Ferrari' gives reliably high yields of slender, straight and stringless round pods that have superb taste and texture - far superior to any shop-bought bean. This worthy recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit is easy to grow, with good resistance to disease such as Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV), Halo Blight and Anthracnose, so is a great choice for gardeners of any experience. Being a dwarf type bean, it is ideal for growing in containers, as well as in beds and borders, producing compact, bushy plants that don't need staking. The succulent beans have a rich green colour and an excellent flavour and are a great source of fibre and vitamins A and C. If not left too long on the vine, the beans are stringless, so for best flavour and texture, pick them when they reach 15cm (6in) in length. They are best harvested in one picking, as soon as they are ready; if you have more than you can eat, they will keep well and are also good for freezing. For early harvests, sow from April, indoors or outdoors under cloches, or outdoors from May to July directly into their cropping position. The plants are fast-growing, and produce attractive white flowers followed by the pods. The pods will be ready for picking 12 weeks after sowing, with plentiful crops over a short period (about 2 weeks). Regular sowings every couple of weeks or so will extend the cropping season through to autumn. For best results, grow in a sunny, sheltered position. These beans will thrive in fertile, moist but well-draining soil, so dig in some well-rotted manure before sowing in a bed or use good-quality compost in a container. Supplied as a pack of 100 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors into individual pots or outdoors into their cropping position. Grows up to 60cm (24in). Successional sowing will produce harvests from June to October.

Cabbage Offenham 2 Seeds
  • £3.99

One of the most versatile cabbages you can grow, 'Offenham 2' is a favourite old variety that is guaranteed to give you plentiful supplies of super quality, tasty green heads over several months of the year. With two main cropping seasons, it can be picked young and tender as 'spring' greens or left to mature into larger, more compact cabbages, with pointed hearts set on a short, thick stalk. Sowing in the spring will yield young 'greens' from September onwards, maturing to 'hearted' cabbages into November. Summer sowings will produce 'greens' from early spring, leaving others to grow to 'hearted' cabbages that are ready from April to May. At whatever time you choose to harvest, the dark green leaves have a fabulously rich flavour, whether used raw in salads and coleslaw or traditionally steamed, boiled or braised. Hearty and healthy, they are packed full of vitamin C and antioxidants. There is little or no wastage - the outer leaves are as good to eat as those further in, and contain even greater concentrations of nutrients. These hardy cabbages will thrive in a sunny position in well-cultivated, moisture-retentive soil with good drainage, although are best not planted in soil that has been manured in the preceding 12 months. Supplied as a packet of 350 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors in a seed tray or outdoors in a seed bed. Grows to 25cm (10in) height and spread.

Sunflower Titan Seeds
  • £3.99

True to its name, this giant among sunflowers is one of the tallest you can grow, with huge, long-lasting daisy-shaped blooms measuring up to 60cm (24in) across and reaching a height of up to 360cm (144in). Having the best record-breaking potential, this heirloom variety is the obvious choice for nurturing children's interest in gardening as well as for indulging your competitive streak - even if just to impress the neighbours as the enormous flowers stand tall well above fence height! Originating in North and South America, sunflowers were worshipped by the ancient Incas as a symbol of their sun god. They reached Europe by the sixteenth century, since when they have been grown in abundance by generations of gardeners and commercial growers for their impressive proportions as well as their highly nutritious seeds and oil. Capable of bringing a touch of sunshine to your garden even when days are dull, they are brimming with optimism and the joys of summer. With enormous dark hearts fringed by glorious bright yellow petals, the flowers soak up the sun and redistribute its goodness in the form of large seeds, which you can roast and eat as a snack, scatter over salads or use in your baking - but don't forget to save some for the birds! When the flowers have reached their peak, hang them up to dry naturally and they will provide a welcome autumn and winter buffet for our feathered friends. However tall they grow, the sturdy, slightly prickly upright stems shouldn't need staking, even in exposed positions, although for peace of mind you may want to provide some support, particularly if you are growing for a competition. The immature flowerheads will follow the sun through the day but once the petals have opened, the flowers will remain facing one direction Supplied as a packet of 25 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors or outdoors. For best results, sow the seeds outdoors, directly into their flowering position, to allow the roots to establish firmly with uninterrupted growth. Choose a sunny, sheltered spot with well-draining soil. If necessary, add plenty of well-rotted manure or compost to the ground before planting. Sow from March to May either indoors for planting out in June to July, or outdoors directly into their growing position. These hardy annuals will flower from June to September, in the same year as sowing.

Rainbow Garden Seed Shaker Box
  • £3.99

This special mix of flower seeds will create a natural wildlife habitat in your garden and provide colourful displays throughout the summer. Blended with a natural bran seed carrier to help the seeds spread more evenly and effectively. Non-toxic, and straightforward for any level of expertise. For meadows, beds, borders and window boxes. Ideally sow in late March to early April, when there's little risk of frost.CAUTION: Please read all instructions carefully before handling, storing or opening.

Butterfly & Bee Seed Shaker Box
  • £3.99

This special mix of flower seeds will create a natural wildlife habitat in your garden and provide colourful displays throughout the summer. Blended with a natural bran seed carrier to help the seeds spread more evenly and effectively. Non-toxic, and straightforward for any level of expertise. For meadows, beds, borders and window boxes. Ideally sow in late March to early April, when there's little risk of frost.CAUTION: Please read all instructions carefully before handling, storing or opening.

Summer Sunshine Seed Shaker Box
  • £3.99

This special mix of flower seeds will create a natural wildlife habitat in your garden and provide colourful displays throughout the summer. Blended with a natural bran seed carrier to help the seeds spread more evenly and effectively. Non-toxic, and straightforward for any level of expertise. For meadows, beds, borders and window boxes. Ideally sow in late March to early April, when there's little risk of frost.CAUTION: Please read all instructions carefully before handling, storing or opening.
