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Dwarf French Bean Ferrari Seeds
  • £3.99

A top-quality variety that matures quickly, 'Ferrari' gives reliably high yields of slender, straight and stringless round pods that have superb taste and texture - far superior to any shop-bought bean. This worthy recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit is easy to grow, with good resistance to disease such as Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV), Halo Blight and Anthracnose, so is a great choice for gardeners of any experience. Being a dwarf type bean, it is ideal for growing in containers, as well as in beds and borders, producing compact, bushy plants that don't need staking. The succulent beans have a rich green colour and an excellent flavour and are a great source of fibre and vitamins A and C. If not left too long on the vine, the beans are stringless, so for best flavour and texture, pick them when they reach 15cm (6in) in length. They are best harvested in one picking, as soon as they are ready; if you have more than you can eat, they will keep well and are also good for freezing. For early harvests, sow from April, indoors or outdoors under cloches, or outdoors from May to July directly into their cropping position. The plants are fast-growing, and produce attractive white flowers followed by the pods. The pods will be ready for picking 12 weeks after sowing, with plentiful crops over a short period (about 2 weeks). Regular sowings every couple of weeks or so will extend the cropping season through to autumn. For best results, grow in a sunny, sheltered position. These beans will thrive in fertile, moist but well-draining soil, so dig in some well-rotted manure before sowing in a bed or use good-quality compost in a container. Supplied as a pack of 100 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors into individual pots or outdoors into their cropping position. Grows up to 60cm (24in). Successional sowing will produce harvests from June to October.

Parsley Giant of Italy Seeds
  • £3.99

Herbs are one of the easiest plants to grow - you don't even need a garden! Just a few in pots on the patio or windowsill, or sown directly into your garden beds, will allow you to add that little extra to a dish. Growing your own parsley from seed, whether indoors or outdoors, will reward you with vigorous plants that can be cut just when you need a fresh bunch for your cooking - a much better solution than those frustrating supermarket pot herbs that barely last 2-3 weeks. 'Giant of Italy' is considered one of the very best flat-leaf parsley varieties, producing robust plants with sturdy upright stems bearing large, dark green leaves. Having a terrific sweet and pungent taste when used raw, it also retains its rich, strong flavour in cooked dishes - much better than its curly leafed cousin. The preferred choice of many professional cooks, this versatile, aromatic herb can be used in an endless variety of savoury dishes such as soups, stews and pasta, as well as added raw to salads and sandwiches; it also makes a tasty garnish that will rarely be left on the plate. Highly nutritious, parsley is packed full of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, being an excellent source of iron and vitamin C, as well as many other nutrients. Used as a medicinal herb for centuries, it is said to aid digestion, clear the skin and even to freshen the breath if chewed after eating strongly flavoured foods. This tall-growing variety will continue to produce fresh new leaves many times after being cut. The best flavour is in the young leaves and regular harvesting will promote the new growth. Grown outside, it will also attract beneficial insects to your garden. Being a hardy biennial, it will set seed in its second year, although it is best grown as an annual, although if grown in a sheltered, well-drained position, plants can be protected over winter with mulch or cloches to produce new growth in the spring. Supplied as a packet of 500 (approx.) seeds ready to plant indoors or outdoors in their growing position. Sow indoors all year round or outdoors from March to July, directly where they are to crop in containers or in the ground. Harvest all year round indoors or outdoors from May.

Chive Seeds
  • £3.99

Easy to grow, this long-lived herbaceous perennial, which is part of the onion family, is an essential addition to the herb garden. The edible leaves have a mild onion-like flavour and make an irresistible garnish for potatoes, omelettes, fish, salads, soups and many other dishes. The pinky purple, star-shaped flowers are also edible and are best picked just before opening to add a pretty and savoury highlight to your dishes. Chives can be grown indoors on your windowsill for year-round harvesting, although will grow more vigorously and achieve bigger plants when grown outdoors. As well as being a perfect choice for your vegetable beds, they can also make a great edging plant or provide some low-growing contrast in a mixed bed or border. They are equally happy growing in pots and containers. All they require is a moisture-retentive but well-drained fertile soil or compost in a sunny or semi-shaded position. The flowers produce nectar in abundance, so will attract bees, butterflies and other beneficial pollinators to your garden, with blooms appearing successively over a long season. In addition, this herb's slightly pungent aroma will repel insect pests such as carrot root fly, making it a great companion for vegetables or other herbs that are prone to infestation. Sow indoors all year for your windowsill or for planting out from May to June. Or sow outdoors from March to May, in beds or containers directly where they are to crop, where they can be cut for culinary use from late spring through to the first frosts of autumn. Plants will grow less vigorously through the winter, when they will die back somewhat, although it may be possible to still cut some leaves fresh for the kitchen. Supplied as a packet of 500 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors or outdoors in pots or directly into a bed or border. Grows to 40cm height by 30cm spread.

Cucumber Socrates F1 Seeds
  • £3.99

This fast-growing and vigorous variety produces plentiful crops of bitter-free mini cucumbers. An 'all female' type, they are best grown in a greenhouse or tunnel, where seedless fruits can be produced if kept free from pollinators. 'All female' F1 hybrids give the surest results, producing almost all female flowers, virtually eliminating the need to remove male flowers (male flowers are generally only produced when plants become stressed). A worthy recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, this is an easy-to-grow, long-standing favourite of vegetable growers and is frequently recommended by the gardening press and consumer groups as one of the best tasting cucumbers. Its high resistance to disease extends the growing season as the plants are less susceptible to powdery mildew, which can be prevalent towards the end of summer and into autumn, when light levels are lower. The dark green, thin-skinned fruits are best cut when about 18cm (7in) long and have a pleasing nutty flavour that is far superior to shop-bought cucumbers. As well as being super fresh and juicy when picked straight from the garden, these little beauties are packed with nutrients and antioxidants - they are a good source of vitamins K, B and C, as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds ready to sow indoors from February to May. Plant out May to June into fertile, moisture-retentive but well draining soil in a greenhouse bed or tunnel, or into good quality compost in containers or growbags for growing under cover. Harvest from July to October (cooler-grown crops from August).

Mixed Lettuce Leaves Seeds
  • £3.99

Growing your own lettuce is so simple, and this mix of quality seeds gives fast results - either sown in the ground or in containers. It's an easy and environmentally friendly way of ensuring a constant supply of fresh, tasty salad leaves all through the summer - much cheaper and less wasteful than expensive bagged lettuce you buy in the supermarket. This superb mixed lettuce selection will produce a variety of different shapes, colours and textures throughout the season. The packet includes equal seed quantities of: Catalogna, Cocarde, Curled Red American, Grand Rapids, Red salad bowl, Rossa di Trento. Varieties grow at different rates, giving a different salad mix at every cut. Succulent and as fresh as you can get directly from your garden, these salad leaves are a good source of minerals and vitamins A and C; their flavour and goodness easily outclass shop-bought lettuce. Sow outdoors from May to August, where they are to crop, in fertile, moisture-retentive soil in a sunny or semi-shaded position. Harvest from April to October, picking a few leaves from each plant; this will stimulate further growth of new, young leaves and allow you to keep cutting up to 4 times. Or pull the lettuces whole once they have reached full maturity. Supplied as a packet of 775 (approx.) seeds ready to sow outdoors in their cropping position. Grows to 30cm by 30cm.

Sweet Corn Swift F1 Seeds
  • £3.99

A very early Xtra-Tender© variety, 'Swift F1' has been specifically bred to give very sweet and succulent cobs. Quick to grow from seed, the vigorous plants produce good-sized cobs of up to 20cm long, with golden-yellow kernels that have a mouth-wateringly rich flavour. A worthy recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, 'Swift F1' is easy to grow and a reliably good cropper - a great choice for beginner and experienced gardeners alike. It is also one of the best crops for getting children interested in gardening as the seeds germinate soon after sowing, grow to an impressive size and produce delicious corn cobs that they will relish. Cobs can be cooked whole - simply remove the husks and boil the cobs for a few minutes, roast in the oven or wrap them in foil for the barbeque. They can also be eaten raw; just strip off the kernels with a sharp knife and add them to salads for an extra sweet crunch. Sweetcorn is rich in fibre and a good source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The cobs are best eaten soon after picking but will keep for a few days in the fridge and they freeze well. Sweetcorn thrives in a sunny position. Sow indoors March to May for planting out in May to June; or sow the seeds outdoors in May, directly into their cropping position in well-cultivated, fertile soil. Flowers will appear approximately 8 weeks after sowing and mature cobs can be picked after 16 weeks - or pick for baby corn 1 to 2 days after the silks emerge, when the ear is up to 10cm (4in) long. Supplied as a packet of 35 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors or outdoors in their growing position. Grows to a height of up to 200cm (79in) and spread up to 45cm (18in).

Climbing Bean Blue Lake Seeds
  • £3.99

Dating back to the late 19th century, this heirloom variety is justly popular for its flavour and its heavy crops of round, stringless pods. With consistently good results over a long cropping season, this prolific climbing French bean produces clusters of fleshy pods that have a superior texture and taste and are rich in vitamins and fibre. As well as being easy to grow, 'Blue Lake' makes an attractive feature whether grown in the veg garden or nestled amongst herbaceous plants in your beds and borders. They look particularly good when grown up a trellis or 'wigwam' of canes, not least for their pretty white flowers. Plant them with sweet peas for a pleasing contrast of colours. 'Blue Lake' is generally grown as a green bean for cooking. In fact, they should not be eaten raw as they contain toxins that are destroyed in the cooking process. The pods are best picked young to increase yields, and steamed or boiled rapidly to make the best of their flavour and texture, as well as to retain the most nutrients. Inside the rich green pods are white seeds or beans, which can be harvested from pods that are left to mature for longer on the plant. They can then be dried and stored to be used as haricot beans in soups and stews. This climbing bean will thrive in neutral, humus-rich, moisture-retentive but well-drained soil in a sunny position. Sow the seeds indoors from April to May to plant out May to June; or sow outdoors from May to July, directly where they are to crop. Harvest from July to October. Supplied as a pack of 100 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors into individual pots or outdoors directly into their cropping position. Grows to 180cm height x 45cm spread.

Brussels Sprout Brodie F1 Seeds
  • £3.99

Regularly voted top of the list in supermarket tasting panels, 'Brodie F1' is one of the best varieties of Brussels sprouts you can grow. Exceptionally mild, and sweeter than most other varieties, there isn't a hint of bitterness or peppery flavour. It's easy to see why it has been given the RHS Award of Garden Merit. Easy to grow and reliable, this long-harvesting type has good resistance to mildew so you can be sure they will stay fresh on the plant for months. The buttons can be picked long into January or even February in optimal weather conditions. Growing your own veg is the most satisfying way of bringing top-quality, super healthy food to your plate - at a fraction of the cost of supermarket produce. Brussels sprouts are highly nutritious, too, being an excellent source of vitamins A, B and C - and with freshness you can't beat when picked straight from your garden. 'Brodie F1' will thrive in a sunny or semi-shaded position in well-cultivated, fertile, moist but well-draining soil. Sow indoors in a tray of compost from February to April for planting out in May; or outdoors from March to April, directly into a seed bed, border or raised bed. Harvest from November to January. Successive sowings will extend the cropping period. Supplied as a packet of 40 (approx.) seeds ready to sow indoors in a seed tray or outdoors directly into their cropping position. Grows to 70cm height x 45cm spread.

Salad Rocket Seeds
  • £3.99

Once a simple wild leaf, rocket has been in cultivation for centuries in its native Mediterranean countries and is now one of the most popular fresh culinary ingredients used in British kitchens today. A satisfying and easy crop to grow, it is quick to germinate and gives masses of fresh green leaves over a long season. Its distinctive peppery flavour adds an extra dimension to salads and many other hot and cold dishes, and the dark green, frilly leaves make a pretty garnish that is so tasty it is rarely left on the plate! Also highly nutritious, rocket is rich in potassium and vitamin C. Growing your own rocket is a much cheaper alternative to buying those supermarket bags, as well as being kinder to the environment and far less wasteful as you only need pick what you are going to use - the perfect 'cut-and-come-again' garden veg! Equally happy in containers as well as in the ground, rocket thrives in well-cultivated, moist but free-draining soil in a warm and sunny position, although it will benefit from some shade during very hot days to retain optimum flavour and texture. Successional sowings will give continuous crops over a long season. Leaves will be ready to harvest 6-7 weeks after sowing, or even from 2 weeks onwards for baby leaves. Supplied as a packet of 750 (approx.) seeds ready to sow outdoors from May to August, directly into the soil or container where they are to crop. Harvest from May to October, picking a few leaves from each plant so they will carry on growing. Late sowings will crop into winter if protected by cloches or horticultural fleece.

Runner Bean Polestar (Stringless) Seeds
  • £3.99

An exceptional variety that is early to crop and has a long picking season, 'Polestar' produces high yields of smooth runner bean pods that have a sweet flavour and crisp, fleshy texture. If not left too long on the vine, these beans are stringless, so for best taste and texture, pick when they reach 15-20cm (6-8in) in length. A reliable and long-standing favourite of vegetable growers, this heavy cropping variety will produce plenty of delicious fresh beans for your plate and plenty more for the freezer. Versatile and nutritious, they are a classic cooked veg, but the young beans also taste great raw - try shredding or slicing them into a salad or using as a baton for dips. For best results, sow the seeds indoors in pots from April to May for transplanting outside in May to June; or sow from April to May outdoors, directly into their cropping position. To get the growing season off to an earlier start, sow them in containers in your greenhouse. The plants produce pretty red flowers, which are very attractive to bees and other beneficial insects. Grow alongside sweet peas as these will draw in more insects that will help pollinate the runner beans and produce an even bigger crop. As well as 'Polestar' being a rewarding bean to grow, the beans are highly nutritious as they are rich in vitamin C and a good source of fibre. Trim and blanch surplus crops to store in an airtight container or bag in the freezer. They will freeze well, retaining good flavour and texture when cooked from frozen. Supplied as a packet of 50 (approx.) seeds ready to plant indoors in individual pots or outdoors in their growing position. Being deep-rooted, runner beans will thrive in well-dug, fertile, moisture-retentive but well-draining soil, in a sunny and sheltered position. Successive sowings every 2-3 weeks will achieve an extended cropping. Beans will be ready to harvest from July to October, 12-16 weeks after sowing.

Broad Bean Vicia faba Masterpiece Green Longpod Seeds
  • £3.99

A reliable and popular, high-yielding variety, 'Masterpiece Green Longpod' is considered by many to be the best broad bean you can grow. The seeds are quick to germinate, either indoors in pots or outdoors planted directly into their cropping position, generating vigorous plants that will provide plenty of fresh, tasty beans for your plate - and plenty more for the freezer. True to its name, this variety produces particularly long, regularly formed pods, each containing 6 to 8 juicy beans. Harvesting from June onwards, the younger you pick them, the more tender the beans will be; or leave them to mature a while longer if you prefer larger beans. You can even cook the young pods whole; just top and tail them, and then gently steam to retain the best of their flavour and texture. If you harvest more beans than you can eat, just blanch them and put into an airtight container or bag, then store in your freezer until required. They will retain their shape and texture well and be just as delicious cooked from frozen. Being a worthy recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure of good-quality, plentiful crops that are easy and rewarding to grow. Sow indoors from February to April for planting out from April to May, or sow outdoors from February to May, in a sunny position directly where they are to crop, 60cm (24in) apart in well-drained, fertile soil. Harvest from June to August. Supplied as a packet of 45 (approx.) seeds ready to plant indoors in individual pots or outdoors in their cropping position. Grows to 1.2m (48in) by 30cm (12in) spread.

Basil Sweet Seeds
  • £3.99

This 'Sweet' Basil is the classic, large-leaved variety that is most popularly used in cuisines all over the world. Native to tropical regions of central Africa and Southeast Asia, it is a tender, half-hardy annual when grown outdoors in Britain for summer cropping. Or it can be grown successfully indoors on your windowsill all through the year to ensure a continuous supply of fresh leaves for culinary use. A favourite herb particularly of Italian cooking, its sweet, aromatic leaves are a characteristic ingredient for many dishes from salads and garnishes to soups, casseroles, ragu, pizza, and pasta dishes - and superb for making fresh pesto. The flavour comes from the intense essential oils in the glossy green leaves that are at their best when eaten raw or added to hot dishes at the last minute. Growing your own 'Sweet' Basil from seed, whether indoors or outdoors, will reward you with neat, bushy and vigorous plants that can be cut just when you need a fresh bunch for your cooking - a much better solution than those frustrating supermarket pot herbs that barely last 2-3 weeks and are reluctant to grow back when cut. Sow all year round indoors into pots for your windowsill or for transplanting outdoors from May to July. Or sow outdoors from May to June; they will do best in pots or containers, but can be sown directly into a well-prepared bed or border. All they require is a sunny but sheltered position, in fertile, moist but well-drained soil or compost, then regular cutting to encourage new growth. Supplied as a packet of 450 (approx.) seeds ready to plant indoors or outdoors in their growing position. Mature plants can reach 30cm (12in) height and spread. Harvest indoors all year round or throughout the summer when grown outdoors.
