Search found 240 items

Broccoli 'Belstar' F1 Hybrid (Calabrese)
  • £2.99

Excellent flavoured, well domed, small beaded heads of good colour. Broccoli Belstar F1 keeps in good condition for a long time, producing plenty of side shoots once the centre head is cut. Plant in succession for summer-autumn harvesting. Andrew Tokely says: I always sow this broccoli early in the year and harvest large tasty heads before they can be attacked by caterpillars. Once the main head is cut, I give the plants a good watering, so over the following weeks and months a secondary crop of tasty smaller spears are produced making this a very worthwhile crop

Spring Onion 'White Star'
  • £2.99

Add a powerful punch to salads and stir fries with the golf ball sized bulbs of Spring Onion ?White Star?. The rounded, white bulbs have a superb flavour and fabulous, crisp texture. When sown successionally throughout the summer, these onions produce excellent yields.

Courgette Patio Star
  • £2.99

'Patio Star' is definitely appropriately named! This fast growing, heavy cropping courgette will crop all summer long with regular harvesting. It's neat and compact habit makes it ideal for growing in pots or containers as well as in the vegetable garden. The glossy dark green skins are very thin, which makes these corgettes idea for cooking whole. For the best flavour, harvest as baby courgettes at about 10-15cm (4-6in) long. If not eaten immediately, they will keep well for a few days stored in the fridge. The bright yellow flowers are also edible, use them as soon after picking as possible for best results. Try adding them to salads for extra colour and interest. These easy to grow, attractive plants look great in the garden or on the patio, with their exotic looking flowers and temptingly tactile fruit drawing you eye. Supplied as 6 plug plants, ready to grow on and plant out when the risk of frost has passed.

Microgreens Mustard 'Red Carpet'
  • £2.99

Microgreens Mustard 'Red Carpet' will bring a spicy punch to your wraps, sandwiches and salads. These peppery little shoots are topped with dark purple foliage and packed with pungent, mustard flavour.

Artichoke 'Imperial Star'
  • £2.99

Not only an impressive cropper but also an ornamental feature, you can grow tall and upright Artichoke ?Imperial Star? in rows on the allotments or as a dual purpose feature at the back of a sunny border. The flower buds are large and flavoursome, held above tall study stems during summer.

Microgreens Mustard 'Red Lace'
  • £2.99

These colourful shoots deliver on both looks and flavour! Microgreens Mustard 'Red Lace' boast white stems with contrasting maroon-purple leaves. As you would expect from a mustard, the taste is peppery, though not overpowering.

Microgreens Mustard 'Wasabina Improved'
  • £2.99

Microgreens Mustard 'Wasabina Improved' is ideal for adding a spicy kick to stir fries! The peppery shoots of this oriental mustard are topped with bright green leaves that add a nutritious and flavoursome bite to sandwiches, wraps and salads.

Morning Glory 'Star Of Yelta'
  • £2.99

A stunning and very striking garden plant which can be used as a climber or ground cover subject. The large flower buds open to royal a deep purple, silk-like, 7cm (3in) bloom with rich red vein markings, forming a star from the very centre to the petal tips. You can also grow it in a container where it will cascade over the side, and if supported, will climb to form a dome. Flowers summer. Climber to approximately 180cm (6ft)

Aster 'Starlight Mixed'
  • £2.99

One of the best dwarf Asters! Intriguing spider-like flowers smother compact basal branched plants in attractive shades of blue, purple, scarlet and rose. Early to flower, adding a colourful display to borders or patio containers over a long flowering period. Height: 20cm (8in)

Phlox 'Popstars'
  • £2.99

Despite their small stature, these star performers have been bred to take centre stage in the garden, bringing the X Factor to your summer borders. Phlox 'Popstars Mixed' is one of the most talked about plants in the growing industry, and is sure to be a talking point among home gardeners too! The blooms may be less than the size of a penny, but their serrated edging, star shape and marbled colouring make each one a mini work of art! Free-flowering in a wonderful array of colours, these easy to grow hardy annual plants are a must for borders and cottage gardens.

Phlox 'Sugar Stars Mixed'
  • £2.99

The easy to route to summer colour. Simply scatter the seed in any sunny border for months of colour. The perfect floral option for sunny borders, coping well in dry spells. The sheer variety of purple-starry blooms make each stem a standout specimen.

Marigold 'Starfire'
  • £2.79

Dwarf, compact and neat plants. The flowers in a rich colour range are produced in abundance superb for bedding, edging and containers. Flowers early summer to frost. Height 15-20cm (6-8in).
