A gorgeous bouquet for anyone with a love for flowers. Combining fresh roses, asclepia, agapanthus, carnations and gerberas, this is a floral explosion of colour and texture. Enjoy yours with same day delivery in London.
Innovation is what we do. So it’s no surprise to find vegetables breaking into our floral collection. Made using cabbage florets, pure white roses, astantia and pittosporum foliage this bouquet is simple, stylish and refined - it’s perfect for sending to friends or family.
Get your groove on with the Soft Parade and enjoy flowers at their best. A mix of pink lisianthus, roses, carnations and alstroemeria, it’s all off set by lush green foliage and presented in the famous Flowers and Plants bag.
A smorgasbord of floral delight: blue agapanthus, freesias, roses, carnations and asclepia. It’s enough to get any flower enthusiast hot under the collar. Enjoy yours today with same day delivery.
Flashes of blue agapanthus, pink carnations and yellow roses make this bouquet stand out from the crowd. It’s a colour explosion and great as a get-well gift.
Inspire a loved one or just let a friend know you’re thinking of them with Flowers and Plants Co. We believe flowers have the power to go beyond words and communicate something more. So, no matter the distance, reach out with this bouquet of roses, gerberas and yellow solidago.
Like a wild summer meadow, this bouqet is bursting with fresh and fabulous blooms. You’ll find lisianthus, carnations, roses, asltroemeria and delicate daisies. Order your today and enjoy same day London delivery.
Chrysanthemums and roses dominate this luscious, hand-made bouquet. They’re some of our most popular and enduring blooms and we use them whenever we can. If they’re your favourites as well, why not treat yourself today?
Try something a little bit different today with this bouquet of snapdragons and funky gerberas. With a supporting cast of alstroemeria and yellow roses, it’s hard to find a better bouquet in our collection.
A great romantic gesture is always best with flowers. Tell your other half how much they mean to you with a bouquet from Flowers and Plants Co. Pink roses, bouvardia, pink lisianthus and foliage provide the perfect complement to a first date or dinner.
This bouquet is a sweet treat. Just look at those pink carnations, pink lisanthus and white roses! It’s a cacophony of pink tones with an earthy, green background to keep it all tied together.
Get the very best flowers delivered to your door. This box is a great place to start your floral journey and inspire a new passion.
You'll get a little bit of everything with this luxurious box. A mix of old favourites and hot, new flowers, this is the box for the florally curious.
Jump into the wonderful world of flowers with this subscription box from Flowers and Plants Co. Bright and always original.
A box for the floral aficionado, there's always something exciting and fresh to unwrap each week. Join the floral revolution today with Flowers and Plants Co.
Treat yourself to this wonderful box of flowers and revel in the floral magic. Sumptuous blooms from around the world are paired with fresh foliage. Order yours today.
Flower subscriptions the right way. Get only the very best with Flowers and Plants Co. and enjoy this deluxe box each week. It's floral couture delivered to your door.
The eternal sunflower. Our most popular summer bloom and the star of the season, these sunflowers have beautiful heads and petals, a shaped and slender grace we can’t get enough of. Send a bunch and bring a light into someone’s world.