Love is certainly in the air when this bouquet makes an appearance. And with beautiful pink roses and elegant Italian ruscus, it’s easy to see why. Treat your loved one today with Flowers and Plants Co.
Sometimes a bouquet is so perfect, we almost don’t want to let it go. The Freesia Fresca is one such bouquet. A selection of our best freesias and fragrant eucalyptus, it’s a fun-loving and fabulous bouquet.
Create memories to last a lifetime or indulge a loved one with this incredible bouquet. Italian ruscus and hot pink roses seem to exude a sense of la Dolce Vita – what could be sweeter?
Herald of the spring, tulips are a beautiful addition to the home any time of the year. Choose this bunch of bright yellow blooms and send them anywhere across the country with Flowers and Plants Co.
A little bit different to the classic variety, these parrot tulips have a two-toned colour and roughly textured petals. They’re the ideal pick-me-up or present for a family member. Reach out today with Flowers and Plants Co.
Give this bunch of red tulips as an anniversary gift or birthday present: it’s an all-round, great-looking embodiment of the sights and sounds of spring time. Get yours today.
Discover the new possibilities and dive into a world of floral couture with Flowers and Plants Co. Find peerless creations like this pink rose and ruscus bouquet, beautifully wrapped and delivered to your door 7 days a week.
Reclaim love today and treat your beau to a beautiful bouquet from Flowers and Plants Co. Let them delight in this classic combination of rose, ruscus and parvafolia eucalyptus – it’s a luxurious creation made especially for you.
Whatever you’re celebrating, do it the right way with the Rockabilly bouquet from Flowers and Plants Co. A seductive mix of Columbian red roses and parvafolia eucalyptus foliage, it the anniversary or birthday gift you’ve been looking for.
Exquisite Columbian roses and fresh ruscus foliage make for a bouquet of startling authenticity. Here at Flowers and Plants Co. we value originality, style and quality. This bouquet has all three in abundance.
Escape from the same old, same old and find something new with Flowers and Plants Co. Enjoy a bouquet that says ‘enough is enough’ to the status quo and gives you beauty and poise in equal measure. Discover the Ruby bouquet today.
Deliver a little bit of love directly to your friend’s doorstep. With Flowers and Plants Co. it’s simple to get a bouquet like this one brought to your home, right across the UK.
Craving a bit of floral therapy? Join Flowers and Plants Co. today and enjoy bouquets like this stunning alstroemeria arrangement delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK.
This elegant little indoor plant is native to South Africa, where it grows in soft clumps in steamy forests. With feathery light foliage it adds an attractive and elegant touch to any room indoors. Light and Water It’s accustomed to light levels ranging from partial shade to bright, indirect light. It thrives in dappled shade and can be acclimated to more light but keep it out of direct bright sunlight! Keeping an asparagus fern hydrated takes a little effort. This plant thrives on humidity. Indoor growing conditions can often be dry, especially due to winter heat. Mist the plant daily, focusing on the arching stems. If the plant appears to be turning brown and droopy, it likely needs more water. While the asparagus fern can dry out to the point of appearing dead, it likely isn't. Warmer, humid air and daily misting will help revive it. As it’s not keen on being touched very much, it’s a good plant for a shelf, where it won’t be bothered. Its beauty is best enjoyed from a comfortable distance.
Calathea ‘Freddie’ is known for its beautiful striped green foliage. Calatheas in the wild are found on tropical forest floors. Light and Water They can tolerate living in partial shade and make the perfect plant for filling in some of the shadier parts of your plant room! Too much direct sun burns the leaves and causes the beautiful leaf colors to fade. For best results, maintain a regular watering schedule and keep the soil damp, but never wet or saturated. This is not a drought tolerant indoor plant, however, the top of the soil should be allowed to dry out a little between waterings. Extended periods of dryness can result in brown leaf tips or edges. Overwatering will cause the plant to wilt and it will recover slowly. Like many tropical indoor plants, this plant prefers a spot with ample humidity. Brown edges on the leaves indicate the air is too dry. Mist the leaves twice per week with room temperature water.
Calathea lancifolia, or commonly known as Rattlesnake Plant is a wonderfully showy houseplant. It has upright, lance-shaped leaves with long wavy edges that form in clumps, spreading slowly over time. The leaves are variegated with dark green strokes on a pale green background. The undersides are a burgundy red and velvety to the touch. Light and Water As with most variegated plants, Calathea need plenty of diffused light however direct sunlight will cause the leaves to fade and lose their markings. They can tolerate some degree of shade, but the better the light conditions, the more you will be rewarded by fine foliage. Experiment in your home to find the perfect spot for your plant. Calathea must always be kept in damp soil, but definitely do not allow the plant to sit in water or in very wet soil. Think little and often as a watering policy. Avoid draughts and ensure the plant has reasonable ventilation. High humidity levels are a must. Stand on a wet pebble tray to improve humidity and mist frequently. Pop it in the shower room or kitchen from time to time to give an extra boost.
The stunning Calathea Medallion is arguably one of Mother Nature’s most beautiful creations. Its large, “medallion”-like leaves appear to be painted with brushstrokes of deep green and fuchsia tones, flourishing out into a bouquet of unmistakable, colorful foliage. The array of green colour throughout each leaf is stunning, which is then topped off by the deep purple underside. Also known as 'prayer plants', watch its leaves open and close at dawn and dusk. Plus, it's a mighty air purifier so it'll clean up any nasties from your room too. Light and Water As these plants are native to the rainforest, they need indirect light, warmth and humidity to grow well. If you're lacking humidity, you can replicate it by misting your plant once every few days with a spray bottle. Because of this, Medallions are massive fans of being placed in a bathroom where humidity is present on a consistent basis. Otherwise we suggest misting them often when in other rooms. This is not a drought tolerant indoor plant, but it is relatively forgiving if you forget to water it from time to time. Extended periods of dryness can result in brown leaf tips or edges.
A super hardy houseplant that is great for new plant parents. Pretty variegated green and yellow leaves, it will grow long vines so looks great on shelves or as a hanging plant. Light and Water This beautiful plant will tolerate a range of light conditions, including lower indirect light areas, but thrives in moderate sunlight and bright light indoors. So, experiment with different locations in your house and remember the paler it’s leaves the more light it needs. Bright light will help promote and enhance the beautiful yellow variegation in the leaves. A very hardy and easy to care for houseplant. In fact, it is almost impossible to kill it and will remain green even when kept in the dark. Water when you feel the top two inches of the soil is dry, if you see browning water more regularly. Let the soil dry out completely before watering again.