About has established itself as one of the UK’s leading multi-channel garden retailers, selling live plants by mail-order via the internet and other channels. has their own nursery over in rural Lincolnshire, spanning across 5 acres!

They have a highly experienced and talented team over at the nursery who are busy packing and preparing for over 500,000 individual parcels this year - over 20,000 per week during the peak seasons

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Dutch Iris hollandica Mystic Beauty
  • £3.99

Dependable and easy to grow, the unusual colouring and stripes on this bulbous garden Iris will light up your garden! Iris 'Mystic Beauty' has large, 12cm (4-5in) blue flowers highlighted with a combination of bronze and butter-yellow stripes. The standard and fall petals are crisp and clean, making this iris the perfect specimen for the garden. With its strap-like, grey-green leaves and sturdy stems, it's impressive when planted in groups in beds and borders and is a superb addition to pots - it also makes a great cut flower giving you loads of blooms for your home. Supplied as a pack of 25 bulbs, plants will bloom in June and grows to approx. 45cm (18in).

Glory of the Sun Leucoryne Andes
  • £8.99

Also known as the glory-of-the-sun, Leucocoryne 'Andes' is a delicate beauty that will delight you with its cheery, primrose-like, bi-coloured blooms. The fragrant, funnel-shaped, rosy purple flowers have a distinctive, light purple-red centre and are produced on tall, graceful stems in June-July, emerging above narrow, grassy leaves. Fully deserving of its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that Leucocoryne is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come.Leucocoryne can be left to naturalise in soil that is warm and dry in summer and will benefit from a winter mulch as the bulbs are tender - or you can grow them in a pot of well-draining compost and move them into a frost-free area over winter. The brilliant flowers are around 2.5cm (1in) across and stand out both at the front of a sunny border or as cut flowers in a vase. Supplied as a pack of 25 bulbs, glory-of-the-sun will bloom in June-July and reach approx. H50cm x W10cm.

Early Flowering Short Tulip Mix
  • £6.99

A mix of wonderful shades and colours to brighten up any garden. Tulips are one of the most popular bulbs as they are perfect when planted with a mix of different colour variations to give vibrant spring colour to your garden, patio or decking. Their compact nature keeps them in neat form and means they won't topple over or takeover beds and borders. It also means they are fantastic for filling up pots and containers on the patio.This mix is the perfect all-in-one solution to adding a rainbow of colour to your garden ready to burst to life next spring. Tulips are easy to plant, grow and care for - maximum impact with minimum effort! Don't forget - they also make stunning cut flowers to brighten up the indoors as well as outdoors! Plant in the autumn for stunning spring displays.

Dogs Tooth Violet (Erythronium Pagoda)
  • £3.99

If you're looking for a plant a little more out of the ordinary, then the Erythronium, or Dog's Tooth Violet, fits the bill magically. Best flowering in partial shade, they thrive in a woodland setting, under shrubs or deciduous trees where their beautiful, nodding star-shaped flowers hang daintily above their delightful marbled foliage. Erythroniums flower from March to April, dying down by June, so they can be grown under deciduous trees that come into leaf from late spring, preferring summer shade and fertile, humus-rich soil that is neither too wet nor too dry. Their common name refers to the shape of the bulbs with resemble canine teeth and which are easily damaged and often break if disturbed, so take care if you're moving them - in fact they're better off left alone where they will happily multiply, gradually forming a large clump. This wonderful variety provides the brightest yellow flowers, each flower stem carrying 4 to 5 large canary yellow blooms, each with a brown ring in the centre. The marbled foliage on this variety is a lovely added bonus! Height 20cm (8 in). Supplied as a pack of 5 bulbs, ready to plant out in autumn. Growing to a height of 25cm and width of 15cm.

Candy Cane Sorrel (Oxalis versicolour)
  • £6.49

This native of South Africa is simply beautiful! You will see the raspberry ripple coloured, funnel shaped flowers appear soon after planting from November onwards. Perfect for the front of pots or borders. Grow them on pots on your decking, balconies or terraces - they really are a joy to behold and the flowers will make your garden a talking point! They're really easy to grow, and being so exotic looking, your friends and family will truly thing you are blessed with green fingers! Stunning when in full bloom, the flowers are even more striking when in bud, when the flowers are marked with vivid crimson-pink stripes, hence its more common name, the Candy Cane Sorrel. This delightful little plant is something uniquely special, with its bright white, funnel-shaped flowers edged with colour. Even when not in flower, this striped oxalis will continue to delight with its mound of green leaves which forms in spring, adding subtle texture and colour to your garden. Supplied as a pack of 10 bulbs, ready to be planted out in autumn.

Caribbean Lily Scilla peruviana
  • £6.99

Why not grow something unusual this year and give the Cuban Lily a chance to wow in your garden. Also known as the Portuguese Squill, Scilla peruviana is a glamorous Mediterranean bulb which is a firm favourite in the herbaceous borders of grand estates and gardens. This is an absolute show-stopper that will bring a touch of class to your own garden, whether in borders or on your decking or balcony in a favourite container. Looking much like a cross between a hyacinth and an allium, this bulbous perennial grows to 30cm tall, forming a rosette of narrowly lance-shaped dark green leaves which are semi evergreen, especially if winters are mild. The bulbs usually lose their foliage for a few months during the summer and then sprout new leaves in the autumn which last through winter and spring as long as the winter is on the mild side. The eye-catching, violet-blue flowers are of course the main attraction, each being a 1.5cm wide star, and carried in large, conical heads in early summer - perfect for bringing colour to beds, borders and patio pots when tulips have faded, and perennials are still gearing up. Supplied as 3 bulbs, size 16/18 ready to plant out in autumn. They will ideally be planted in well-drained soil, in full sun or partial shade.

Dwarf Gladiolus nanus lipstick mix
  • £6.99

A lovely mix of the more compact Gladioli species, which gets best results from planting in Autumn or early Winter, unlike the bolder and brasher cousins. Unlike them too, they have a lovely blended palette of pinks, reds, whites and blush colours, often weith the characteristic fuchsia pink lipstick marking on the petals, making them something quite different and unqiue. Forget big and bold showy Gladioli, these are understated beauties, plant them in groups of 5 or 10 mixed in to borders, for Summer colour. Good for cut flowers too, despite being shorter stemmed. Supplied as a pack of 50 mixed bulbs, size 7/8 ready to plant out in autumn.

Glamorous Gladioli
  • £9.99

Imagine tall spires of Gladioli in a sweet-shop confection of colours, bursting skywards in full Summer. They really are so simple to grow, each bulb primed to burst into life this Spring. Each bulb will give one sensational stem of flower this Summer, which can be cut for the house when in tight bud, or left to brighten your garden. Pretty hardy, they have survived the last 3 Winters in Martins garden, providing bigger and better displays the following year. Extremely easy and low maintenance, and yet very rewarding and at less than 10p each, incredible value for money too!! Supplied as a mixed pack of 100 bulbs in at least 8 colours, size 8/10 corms. Will reach 90-120cm tall. Flower July & August.

Mixed Fragrant Freesias
  • £9.99

One of the most attractive and sweetly fragrant summer flowering bulbs, this specially selected mixture will be supplied as heat-treated corms, which guarantees they will flower from the first season onwards. Supplied in a stunning array of bright colours, these will be perfect for growing in pots on your patio or planting in beds or borders. They will over-winter in mild winters, and produce bigger and better displays in future years. These beauties no longer need to be simply a treat, so grow your own, and you can enjoy bountiful crops to pick again and again, and at a fraction of even supermarket prices and at just pennies per bulb. They thrive in pots in warm spots, or in well-drained soil, they will flower in summer. Cut the flowers when tight in bud for maximum enjoyment and fragrance indoors, or leave them to provide a splash of colour outside.

Skyscraper Lily Conca dOr
  • £7.99

This collection comprises of 3 top sized bulbs,  the same as used by commercial flower growers in Holland - gorgeous soft lemon yellow. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees! In their first year they will reach up to 1.5m (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually! These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower delivers a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 3 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for the long-lasting displays in the vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow them to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years.

Skyscraper Lily Robina
  • £7.99

This collection comprises of 3 top sized bulbs, the same as used by commercial flower growers in Holland, of stunning pink coloured Robina. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees! In their first year they will reach up to 1.5m (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually! These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower delivers a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 3 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for the long-lasting displays in the vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow them to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years.

Fata Morgana Double-Flowered Asiatic Lily
  • £1.99

An exciting new introduction in lily breeding and a popular choice for those who have pets, these extraordinary flowers will give you all the colour and grace of traditional lilies but with reduced pollen. A new dimension in cut-flower plants, these easy to grow blooms are the perfect solution for lily lovers without the worry. 'Fata Morgana' is a wonderful, exotic 'Asiatic' lily variety that produces beautiful bright yellow blooms, each one with multiple petals! The exquisite flowers do not produce much pollen, which makes them perfect for cutting for vivid indoor flower displays. Weatherproof and rainproof - this lily was recognised by Which? Gardening's Lily Trials as Best Buy for rain-resistance. Supplied as a pack of 5 bulbs and growing to about 70cm tall, they flower in June and July and are perfect for growing in pots or dotting around your borders - and of course, they'll look brilliant in a vase!

Skyscraper Lily Matisse
  • £7.99

This collection comprises of 3 top sizes bulbs, the same as used by commercial flower growers in Holland, of gorgeous two-tone Lily 'Matisse'. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees! In their first year they will reach up to 1.2M (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually!  The really do reach for the Sky. These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower carried a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 3 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for the long-lasting displays in the vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow them to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years.

Carpet Lilies Hot Flame Mix
  • £9.99

Set your pots and borders alight this summer, with this colour mix of dwarf and compact Carpet Lilies. Naturally bred grow only to about 30cm tall, what they lack in height they make up for in sheer flower power - each bulb will give one strong stem with 3-5 flowers each in the first year and increasing year after year beyond that.They are great planted en-masse in beds and borders where they will smother the bare ground - ideal for filling in gaps and spaces where you really will create a carpet of hot summer colour. Alternatively, they'll look great planted in a group in a large pot, lighting up patios, terraces or even balconies.As always, lilies make a fabulous cut flowers - these brightly coloured beauties would make a great addition to a cut flower garden where their more compact height will sit well on windowsills in a vase.Easy to grow and maintain, these carpet lilies can be planted straight out between January and June and will reward you year after year with summer-long colour.  

Skyscraper Lily Salterello
  • £7.99

This collection comprises of 3 top-size bulbs of the colourful bold and bright orange/yellow 'Saltarello' - a premium variety widely used by commercial lily growers in Holland. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees. In their first year they will reach up to 1.2m (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 feet tall eventually. They really do reach for the Sky. These large-flowered beauties came about as a consequence of hybridisation between oriental and trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species' characteristics. Every flower carries a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem may carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 3 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for long-lasting displays in a vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow the plants to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years.

Skyscraper Lily Amarossi
  • £7.99

This collection comprises of 3 top-size bulbs, the same as used by commercial flower growers in Holland, of gorgeous deep wine red of 'Amarossi''. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees! In their first year they will reach up to 1.5m (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually! The really do reach for the sky. These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower carried a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 3 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for a long-lasting displays in a vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow the plants to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years.

Agapanthus africanus Blue African Lily
  • £12.99

There's nothing finer than a large Agapanthus in full flower at the height of summer, creating an eruption of brilliant blue. It's the perfect plant for an ornate container and with a little care will last a lifetime. Even before the 1m flower stems appear the bright green strap life leaves are a lovely sight and heighten the expectation of the blooms to come from mid summer. Agapanthus do best when their roots are restricted so don't be tempted to pot into too large a container - just a little wider than the nursery pot they arrive in will be fine. Place in a sunny spot and enjoy this African native in your garden over summer!

Ferraria crispa Starfish Iris
  • £9.99

This strange and fascinating member of the Iris family looks as though it would be at home in an aquarium! Growing from a small corm, flesh sword like leaves appear in early summer followed by the intricately beautiful fragrant flowers borne on 40cm stems. As a half hardy plant Ferraria is best grown in a pot - it like good drainage so mix 30% coarse sand with your compost.  Flowers appear in spring and early summer after which the pot can be left to dry as bulbs become dormant. At the end of summer lift and replant - you'll find the bulbs multiply from year to year so you'll soon have a plentiful crop of this rare beauty!

Hardy Garden Amaryllis Sonatini
  • £9.99

More commonly seen in ceramic pots and planters on windowsills and sideboards indoors, these new hardy Amaryllis can be planted straight into the ground or pots outdoors!Using cold resistant species, breeders in Holland have created a unique bulb resistant to the cooler climate of the UK that is fully winter hardy, so you can bring the joy of Amaryllis from the indoors, to the outdoors. 'Sonatini' produces classic, trumpet shaped blooms, protruding from tall, glossy green stems creating a colourful contrast. Flowering in a rainbow of shades, from bright primary colours to crisp whites and baby pinks, the 'Sonatini' mix is guaranteed to rejuvenate gardens tired by the winter.

Tulip Ice Cream
  • £4.99

Special and Unique! Its easy to see how this unusual tulip got the name 'Ice Cream'! The soft white inner bloom rises above the outer stawberry pink petals that have a hint of green, to look just like ice-cream in a cone. The petals are wonderfully ruffled and the flowers are so large that they have to be seen to be believed. The combination of white sitting on the pink and green cup is extraordinary! These sensational tulips will create an excellent display in your spring borders, containers on patios, really making your garden come to life! They are also excellent cut flowers and make stunning indoor displays. Supplied as 5 bulbs, size 11+ ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 40cm.
