About has established itself as one of the UK’s leading multi-channel garden retailers, selling live plants by mail-order via the internet and other channels. has their own nursery over in rural Lincolnshire, spanning across 5 acres!

They have a highly experienced and talented team over at the nursery who are busy packing and preparing for over 500,000 individual parcels this year - over 20,000 per week during the peak seasons

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Golden Barrel Cactus Grusonii
  • £9.99

Currently bang on trend with their own Instagram following, this golden barrel cactus is suitable for beginners and experienced indoor gardeners. Cacti have evolved for arid living - they are used to very little water, hot days and chilly nights, so are perfectly adapted to modern home living! Needing very little in the way of care, cacti are the ideal houseplant for everyone. Happy in a sandy compost, with plenty of light and a little water now and again, your cactus will thrive as it is built to conserve moisture. It will tolerate being dry and will explode into growth when watered correctly (just don't overwater them - they hate it and will curl up their toes!). If you want to do less and get more out of your plants, then these cacti are ideal as they are slow-growing, and this specimen is the perfect living sculpture for home decoration. Ideal to get kids interested in gardening, this cactus is ready to place anywhere you want, from windowsills to desks and shelves. Supplied as a single plant, ready to go on a windowsill near you now! Remember that cacti are prickly beggars - always wear protective clothing when handling.

Echeveria Succulent
  • £6.49

Currently one of the must-have plants for indoor gardeners, succulent plants are bang on trend for adults and kids alike. Perfect as a gift for those new to gardening who want to grow something, or as a way to introduce children to the wonderful world of plants, this collection of succulent plants is very forgiving and will tolerate more than the occasional bout of neglect. Succulents have evolved to survive with very little water, storing what they do get in their fleshy leaves, so are perfectly adapted to modern home living and are almost fuss-free! Needing very little in the way of care, these succulent plants are the ideal houseplant for anyone whether they're experts or complete novices. Happy in a sandy compost, with plenty of light and a little water now and again, your succulent collection will thrive. Remember also that these are indoor varieties and will not tolerate the cold. The perfect low-maintenance houseplant, succulents are tolerant of dry conditions and don't have to be watered that often - perfect if you tend to forget or don't have the time. Supplied as an established plant in a 15cm nursery pot.

Sempervivum Collection
  • £19.99

Sempervivums, the iconic houseleek, were the mainstay of 70's municipal borders and park displays, but today, they have worked their magic and are making a welcome return to our gardens, as people realise that they are a real multipurpose plant. Be part of this succulent revolution and buy your now - let yourself be won over by these fascinating, low-maintenance perennials. Sempervivums form rosettes of colourful, fleshy leaves and are low growing, making them extremely popular as a living carpet of green and an ideal candidate for green roofs and living walls - a welcome addition to any garden because of their colours and diversity of form. Also known as hen and chicks because the freely produced offsets gather around the mother plant in much the same way as chicks around a mother hen. Sempervivums are drought tolerant and will take a roothold in the narrowest of cracks - hence their common name, as they were once used to plug gaps in leaking roofs. Recommended as an ideal plant to spearhead the need to adapt our gardens to be more responsive to climate change. This resurgence in popularity has been driven in part by their undemanding nature - they're very much a 'plant-it-and-leave-it' type of plant - easy to grow and a doddle to maintain, fully winter hardy and produce multiple new plants every year. As a bonus during the summer, the mature rosettes throw out spikes topped with star shaped flowers which insects love, plus they produce offsets, or new plants, every season that are simple to separate and grow as new specimens. Really easy to grow and a favourite with kids, Sempervivums require a well-drained soil in full sun, tolerating drought when established. Supplied as a collection of 6 named plants, 1 of each variety. Please note that varieties may change throughout the year, depending on availability.

Chamaerops Humilis Fan Palm
  • £12.99

Transform your garden into a tropical paradise with this fantastically exotic Fan Palm! Chamaerops humilis (also known as the Dwarf Fan Palm) are the palms you will see growing all across the Mediterranean - and if ever there was a plant to give your garden a holiday feel, then this is it ! Despite their exotic good looks, fan palms are frost hardy to -5C! so will withstand frost but benefit from going undercover if the temperature drops too low. With their large round leaves that are cut into linear, fan-like segments growing abundantly in a round, compact bush, these Chamaerops humilis are perfect for pots on your patio, or they'll make a striking spectacle in a sunny border. Like all palms, Chamaerops are very easy to grow and love hot sunny weather plus they are drought tolerant when established so a great option for those who tend to forget to water now and again! Supplied as an established plant approx 50-60cm tall.

Lily Heartstrings
  • £1.99

Recent Lily breeding has created some huge and beautifully coloured Lilies and Lily 'Heartstrings' is one such introduction. Combining bright yellow with vibrant pink, this is a lily that demands attention. Lilies are one of the most graceful and beautiful of the garden bulbs and 'Heartstrings' is no exception - an Asiatic type lily, it's large and upright facing and produces around 5 flowers per plant. A little later flowering than other types, you can expect blooms at the end of June and into July from its sturdy 1.2m stems. Short and strong enough to grow in pots, yet tall enough to cut flowers each summer, this lily is versatile, reliable and very hardy. Plant en masse in large pots or in groups for maximum impact, or maybe just dot them round your garden to brighten up drab spots. Plant in spring, and they'll return year after year, getting bigger and bigger. Great value, easy to grow and truly stunning, they're worth a place in your garden. Supplied as a pack of 10 bulbs, ready for immediate planting.

Asiatic Hybrid Lily Avalon Sunset
  • £4.99

Recent Lily breeding has created some huge and beautifully coloured Lilies and Lily 'Avalon Sunset' is one such introduction. Combining bright yellow with subtle pink, this is a lily that demands attention. Lilies are one of the most graceful and beautiful of the garden bulbs and 'Avalon Sunset' is no exception - an Asiatic type lily, it's large and upright facing and produces around 5 flowers per plant. A little later flowering than other types, you can expect blooms at the end of June and into July from its sturdy 1.2m stems. Short and strong enough to grow in pots, yet tall enough to cut flowers each summer, this lily is versatile, reliable and very hardy. Plant en masse in large pots or in groups for maximum impact, or maybe just dot them round your garden to brighten up drab spots. Plant in spring, and they'll return year after year, getting bigger and bigger. Great value, easy to grow and truly stunning, they're worth a place in your garden. Supplied as a pack of 5 bulbs, ready for immediate planting.

Plumbago capensis 'Cape Leadwort'
  • £4.99

A superb summer patio plant, adding a tropical flavour to your garden or patio - their clear sky-blue flower clusters smother this informal, scrambling shrub, which works well in large pots with cane supports. Grow outside all summer, it will need winter protection, as can be damaged below 2C, but will regrow away from the base the following year when it warms up again. In warmer parts of the country, especially in sheltered towns, plumbago will grow as an herbaceous perennial, dying down to ground level before reshooting in late spring. The clusters of phlox-like flowers are subtly scented and will attract butterflies and hoverflies into your garden, making them a great plant for wildlife. Also known by its common name of Cape Leadwort, Plumbago is named from the Latin word plumbum, meaning lead, as it was believed to be a cure for lead poisoning. A great colour addition for summer long colour, and unusual too as it is seldom offered for sale. Supplied as an established plant in a 1.5L pot, ready to pot on.

Chionodoxa Woodland Mix
  • £9.99

One of the earliest flowering of the spring bulbs, Chionodoxa is a superb choice for naturalising and makes a fantastic display when planted en-masse. Lots of pretty, blue, star-shaped flowers appear in swathes in late winter, often when there is snow on the ground, hence its name.. Very versatile and easy to grow. Ideal for rocky borders. Flowers: Jan-Feb. Height: 15cm (6in) Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 75 bulbs, perfect for planting now.

Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff
  • £12.99

The original and still in many opinions the best dark-leaved Dahlia, which created the trend for current breeding programs. The fine, almost fern like foliage is a mahogany purple colour, setting off the stunningly bright electric red flowers, which blaze away in high Summer and well into the Autumn frosts. A stunning and much loved perennial for height and wow factor!  Makes a lovely cut bloom for a late summer vase.

Narcissus Jetfire
  • £3.99

Narcissus Jetfire is a fantastic variety of daffodil, and it is certainly obvious where its name comes from! Bright yellow petals burst from a fiery-orange central trumpet, creating a wonderful contrast against the deep green stems. A real British favourite, Daffodils blowing in the breeze are a true sign that spring is approaching! With their distinctive flowers and sweet scent, they are a must-have for any garden and have been for hundreds of years. Plant them in pots, containers or straight in the ground this autumn for a fantastic display next spring and for years to come! They also make a fabulous cut flower - not least for their wonderfully strong fragrance - so be sure to plant enough to fill your vases several times over. Plant them in groups of 6-10 for maximum impact, in full sun or semi-shade, either on their own or with other spring-flowering bulbs of different colours for an eye-catching display. Supplied as a pack of 15 bulbs, size 8/10 ready for planting in the autumn.

Narcissus Thalia
  • £3.99

One of the prettiest of daffodils, Narcissus 'Thalia' will add pleasing highlights to any garden in spring. Once a favourite of Victorian gardeners, the flowers emerge as a delicate greeny-white, maturing to bright creamy white as they open, contrasting beautifully against dark-green foliage. Sometimes known as 'Angel's Tears', this classic trumpet daffodil has multi-headed, downward-pointing blooms that will dance delightfully in a spring breeze. With stems of medium height, 'Thalia' is a versatile variety that will look great in the front of beds, borders and rock gardens, or in pots and containers.  Plant them in groups or drifts through grass or underplant deciduous trees and shrubs, where they will naturalise easily and reward with bigger and better displays each year. They also make a fabulous cut flower - not least for their wonderfully strong fragrance - so be sure to plant enough to fill your vases several times over. Supplied as a pack of 15 bulbs for planting in the autumn. Plant them in groups of 6-10 for maximum impact, in full sun or semi-shade, either on their own or with other spring-flowering bulbs of different colours for an eye-catching display.

Dwarf Daffodil Narccisus Tête-à-Tête
  • £3.99

Narcissus 'Tête-à-Tête' is one of the most popular miniature daffodil varieties and a real British favourite, producing masses of golden-yellow flowers from late February to April. With paler yellow petals and darker trumpets, and 3-5 flowers per stem, they will be a star performer in your garden in spring. 'Tête-à-Tête's' miniature status makes it an ideal choice for pots and containers and also perfect for planting in the front of beds and borders. Fully hardy and vigorous, the bulbs will naturalise easily if planted in the ground, yielding bigger and better clumps each year. For a natural look, throw a handful of bulbs onto a grassy area and then plant them where they fall. Having a deliciously sweet scent, it makes a superb cut flower, so be sure to plant enough to fill your vases many times over. Fully deserving of its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, 'Tête-à-Tête' is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience, so you can plant these bulbs with confidence that they will give stunning displays year after year. Supplied as a pack of 25 bulbs ready for immediate planting.  

Daffodil Replete
  • £3.99

Narcissus Replete is a gorgeous and eye-catching double flowering variety that produces large, creamy apricot coloured blooms with dark orange centres that can reach over 10cm across. A real British favourite, Daffodils blowing in the breeze are a true sign that spring is approaching! With their distinctive flowers and sweet scent, they are a must-have for any garden and have been for hundreds of years. Plant them in pots, containers or straight in the ground this autumn for a fantastic display next spring and for years to come! They also make a fabulous cut flower - not least for their wonderfully strong fragrance - so be sure to plant enough to fill your vases several times over. Plant them in groups of 6-10 for maximum impact, in full sun or semi-shade, either on their own or with other spring-flowering bulbs of different colours for an eye-catching display. Supplied as a pack of 12 bulbs, size 12/14 ready for planting in the autumn.

Daffodil Tahiti
  • £2.99

A strong and sturdy variety, Narcissus Tahiti produces wonderful, bright-yellow double blooms with fiery-orange centres each spring. A real British favourite, Daffodils blowing in the breeze are a true sign that spring is approaching! With their distinctive flowers and sweet scent, they are a must-have for any garden and have been for hundreds of years. Plant them in pots, containers or straight in the ground this autumn for a fantastic display next spring and for years to come! Plant them in groups of 6-10 for maximum impact, in full sun or semi-shade, either on their own or with other spring-flowering bulbs of different colours for an eye-catching display. They also make a fabulous cut flower - not least for their wonderfully strong fragrance - so be sure to plant enough to fill your vases several times over. Supplied as a pack of 12 bulbs, size 12/14 ready for planting in the autumn.

Daffodil Trumpet Yellow
  • £2.49

Bulbs such as Daffodils herald the arrival of spring and these bright bloomers are a must for everyone. With their distinctive trumpets, there are few flowers which are as instantly recognisable. Trumpet Yellow will bring bright yellow sunshine to your spring garden and your home! This abundant flowering variety will give you loads of vivid flowers. Plant them in groups of 6-10 for maximum impact, in full sun or semi-shade, either on their own or with other spring-flowering bulbs of different colours for an eye-catching display. Reliable and hardy, they are possibly the easiest plant to grow - just dig a hole, add the bulbs, cover them up and leave them alone! They'll grow almost anywhere too, even happy in light shade, but they do prefer a free-draining soil.Leave the bulbs in the ground after the flowers have died back, and they'll naturalise to reward you with bigger, better displays, each year for many years to come. They also make a fabulous cut flower - not least for their wonderfully strong fragrance - so be sure to plant enough to fill your vases several times over. Supplied as a pack of 12 bulbs, size 12/14 ready for planting on the autumn.

Daffodil White Lion
  • £3.99

A real British favourite, Daffodils blowing in the breeze are a true sign that spring is here and with their distinctive flowers and sweet scent they really are a must-have for any garden. Create beautiful spring displays with Narcissus 'White Lion'. The creamy, double flowers contrast perfectly on top of the gorgeous green foliage. A real showstopper, this variety of daffodil will really grab the attention of everyone who sees them. This luxurious bloom will also make incredibly beautiful cut flower displays. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Plant them in pots, containers or straight in the ground this autumn for a fantastic display next spring! They are very easy to grow, plant them in groups of 6-10 for maximum impact, in full sun or semi-shade, either on their own or with other spring-flowering bulbs of different colours for an eye-catching display.  Supplied as a collection of 10 bulbs, size 10/12 ready to plant in the autumn. Growing to a height of 50cm.

Miniature Daffodils
  • £9.99

Narcissi are essential for any spring garden, waving goodbye to winter and welcoming spring with their wonderfully bright trumpet flowers, and that's what this collection of a hundred miniature daffodils will do to perfection. This superb collection includes a mixture of shades and flower shapes that look amazing planted together and they're perfect for underplanting trees and shrubs or in natural looking drifts through borders and lawns. They're also fantastic for filling pots and window boxes and ideal cut flowers too. Their short stems make them particularly robust and able to withstand spring winds that can so often flatten taller varieties, so they'll always look perfect. Grow them in sun or partial shade in free draining soil and they'll naturalise, gradually multiplying over they years to give you more and more flowers. Nothing could be easier. Supplied as 100 bulbs, size 8/10, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 25 cm (10 in) and spread of 10 cm (4 in).

Tall Mixed Daffodils
  • £7.99

Bulbs such as Daffodils herald the arrival of spring and these bright bloomers are a must for everyone, with flowers from February until April. With their distinctive trumpets, there are few flowers which are as instantly recognisable. Perfect for pots, planters, beds and borders, and also make wonderful cut flower displays allowing you to enjoy them in your home too - especially as some are delightfully fragrant. Reliable and hardy, they're possibly the easiest plant to grow - you basically dig a hole, add the bulbs, cover them up and leave them alone! They'll grow almost anywhere too, even happy in light shade and prefer a free-draining soil. Leave the bulbs in the ground after the flowers have died back, and they'll reward you with bigger, better displays, each year for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 50 bulbs, size 12/14 ready to plant out in autumn.

Narcissi Paperwhites
  • £7.99

Paperwhites, Narcissus papyraceus, are natives of northern Africa and southern Europe where they grow wild in the stony, free draining soil. The tiny pure white flowers may only be 2 cm across but there could well be 15 of them on each stem, each one carrying an incredibly sweet, heady fragrance. What's more, there will often be two stems per bulb, so the blooms really will be abundant. In the UK climate they are best grown indoors and if planted in November they will be flowering throughout Christmas, just 6 to 8 weeks later if the temperature is around 21°C. They take longer if they're cooler. Plant them close together for maximum impact and choose a fairly deep pot, as they have deep roots. If planting outdoors, ensure good drainage in a sheltered spot to avoid frost pockets. Supplied as a pack of 10 bulbs, size 14/15 ready to plant in autumn and growing to a height of 50cm (20 in) and width of 10 cm (4 in).

Nerine Hybridisers Mix
  • £14.99

In an exciting range of new colours created just for us, many are not available to buy anywhere else, including some unique bicolours! With these rare hybrids being added to our range of Nerines, chances are you'll have something in your garden that no-one else has got. A distinctive bulb with a characteristic feminine beauty, no other flower is quite like a Nerine. Also known as Guernsey Lilies, this breathtakingly beautiful collection of stunning new Nerines will light up your autumn garden from September onwards in subtle shades of white, pastel pinks and reds. An invaluable plant for the garden border, potted displays and flower arrangements, Nerines add splashes of colour wherever they appear, and their long stems make them invaluable too as a cut flower, when not a lot is blooming in the garden. Unusually, some of the colours in this pretty, exotic collection have a subtle silver shimmer which really highlights their delicate petals and you can see instantly that this special range of Nerines has been bred with care and thought to give you something special both yourself and to give as a gift. Perfect for growing in a drift in flower beds and borders, you could also grow them in big patio pots, say 25-30cm diameter with 5 bulbs in.  They're also completely hardy and will easily withstand UK winters. In the garden, plant them about 5cm (2in) deep, and around 10cm (4in) apart. Growing to around 60cm (2ft) high x 20cm (8in) wide, these beauties will flower from September to October after their leaves have died back. We supply a collection of 10 mixed colour bulbs* chosen by our experts to give you lasting displays that will naturalise and get bigger and better every year. Don't forget that while the optimum time to plant is autum/winter, bulbs can still be planted now! *(Please note that we cannot guarantee the mixture of colours that you will receive)
