Crepe Myrtle, or Lagerstroemia indica is a wonderful large shrub that is often seen on the continent, and now we can bring it to UK, where it's sure to make a dramatic impact. This crepe Myrtle will light up your garden with its incredible crimson red blooms that will smother it in summer and autumn, attracting bees and butterflies into your garden to feast on the fabulous flowers. The large and frilly eye-catching blooms contrast effortlessly against this crepe Myrtle's gorgeous black foliage. Your Lagerstroemia will put on a spectacular show for most of the year and will really grab the attention of everyone who sees it. Hardy to -5°C, therefore it'll need some protection during the coldest winters, and it can be grown in a large pot to make sheltering it easier. Supplied as an established plant in a 17cm pot, ready to plant. Growing to 5m (16ft).
Finding great specimen trees for smaller gardens or limited spaces, such as patios, can be a challenge, but we think we've cracked it for you here! The stunning 'Flamingo Willow', or Salix integra 'Hakuro-nishiki' to give it it's correct botanical name, produces a stunning spring and summer ritual, bursting forth from bare branches, often with catkins on, into a mass of amazing creamy pink variegated and tipped new shoots, set against white mottled and marbled leaves, keeping that lovely contrast all summer. It is really hardy and easy to grow, simply hack it back to shape in late autumn, it is great in large pots as a feature plant, but needs to be grown where you can see it's delicate colours. It's not fussy at all for soil conditions, but do not let it dry out. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, approx. 80-90cm tall, shaped standard head.
A truly dramatic garden plant, a close relative of borage, it produces the most spectacular tall flower spikes seemingly from nowhere in summer. Despite its common name of 'Pride of Madeira', it is hardy in the UK down to -5C or so, particularly where it is drier in winter. It is biennial, so needs one cold winter after germination to flower - so these plants will flower in their first year and beyond. Once your echium has established and flowered, it will self-seed prolifically and, unless we have a really harsh winter, you will never have to plant another as you will always have plenty of seedlings! E. candicans will grow to around 1m (3ft) in its first year, then in its second, it produces its magnificent flower - in milder areas the plants keep growing all year around and, after a frost-free winter, you will see enormous flower spikes. Expect flowering spikes in July or later. Although plants are hardy when kept dry, leaves can still be damaged by frost and cold winds, and the cold will kill plants that are in wet ground, so protect plants over winter with fleece or similar product. A common sight in Cornwall as well, Echiums are best grown in very well drained soils, or in large pots with plenty of sand or grit for drainage. When it does grow in spring, keep it well watered between May and August as it grows quickly. Echiums self-seed over a small area, and once these seedlings have germinated and over-wintered, they too may flower away, and a little colony will appear. Truly spectacular and one of the best plants that you can grow to attract pollinating insects into your garden.
Also known as Heavenly or Sacred Bamboo, Nandina will bring a bright flash of dazzling colour to your borders or patio pots, making it invaluable in winter when there's little colour around. Not unlike a colourful version of our own native holly, Nandina 'Twilight' has a bushy, upright habit with toothpick-straight stems, making it an excellent candidate for containers - and this particular variety has beautiful variegated leaves that give off a sultry pink glow. Being evergreen, Nandina retains its foliage throughout the year and the colours take on deeper and more saturated hues as the temperature dips. A true multi-season feature plant, in spring, new leaves emerge flushed with pink, green and cream; then in summer, small creamy white flowers are followed by green berries, before the leaves develop more colour and the berries turn sealing-wax red - just superb! Really easy to grow - just plant it and enjoy a spectrum of delightful colours through the seasons. Supplied as an established plant in a 3-litre pot, ready to plant.
Grevillea is a stunning, exotic, evergreen shrub, which originates from Australia., and is ideal for adding something different and exciting to your garden! These fantastic shrubs have all year-round interest, and as they're frost hardy, will return to excite year after year! There also great for attracting vital wildlife to your garden, such as bees and butterflies. Varieties Included: rosmarinifolia Jenkinsii is an aromatic, vigorous, variety, with dark-green, Rosemary-like leaves, with clusters of pink and cream flowers from late winter to late summer. 'Mount Tamborintha' Dark green rosemary like foliage, and from winter into summer bears clusters of rose red exotic flowers. Juniperus Produces racemes of bright red flowers in summer and bright green needle-like leaves.
Surprisingly, good white roses are hard to find but 'Iceberg' is quite simply one of the very best roses ever bred.A floribunda rose, it produces wave upon wave of gorgeous clusters of medium-sized, lightly double, pure-white flowers in a wonderful contrast against its dark-green, glossy foliage. Purest white, sometimes with a tinge of blush pink in the heat, it has a light sweet fragrance it keeps on going all summer, and well into the short nights of autumn. Repeat flowering, vigorous and very easy to grow, 'Iceberg' has won stacks of awards since it was first bred over half a century ago and is still as popular as ever. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Floribunda Roses produce large clusters of flowers, creating a gorgeous effect in your garden which lasts over many seasons - few other plants can do that for you! Perhaps due to the number of flowers, floribunda roses don't usually have much scent, and if they do it's generally light. That said, more fragrant varieties are being bred all the time. The good news for new gardeners or those with very little time on their hands, is that as they are generally hardy, more robust and more disease resistant than other rose types, they really are one of the easiest types to grow and perfect for most garden situations, including containers for the more compact types. A great garden rose and an absolute must-have for any rose lover! Supplied as a freshly potted, professional quality plant in a 3L pot, growing to a height of 1.2m.
Quince 'Vranja' is a fantastic tree that will provide all round interest and produces abundant crops of highly-fragrant, golden fruits, ready for picking each October. Breathtaking pink blossom literally covers this gorgeous quince in the spring, followed quickly by the richly-flavoured fruit, which has an incredible perfume that will fill your garden. Their intense, tart flavour makes them perfect for cooking and making delicious quince jelly! Supplied as a bare-root tree, ready to plant, this relatively rare but easy to grow beauty will give you great pleasure for many years to come.
There's nothing finer than a large Agapanthus in full flower at the height of summer, creating an eruption of brilliant blue. Its the perfect plant for an ornate container and with a little care will last a lifetime. Even before the 1m flower stems appear the bright green strap life leaves are a lovely sight and heighten the expectation of the blooms to come from mid summer. Unlike smaller specimens which can take a year or two to flower, these fully mature specimens are will give a good display this summer. Agapanthus do best when their roots are restricted so don't be tempted to pot into too large a container - just a little wider than the nursery pot they arrive in will be fine. Place in a sunny spot and enjoy this African native in your garden over summer!
Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream' is a striking acer which boasts an ever-changing spectacle of colour throughout the year. Fully hardy even in the coldest winters, Acer Orange Dream will explode with incredible colour in spring with bright orange new growth.The stunning, ever-changing foliage of this Japanese maple changes colour throughout the year, producing an amazing variety of tones at different seasons, bright orange in spring, greenish in summer and orange yellow in the autumn.Even in winter, when it loses its leaves, Orange Dream continued to thrill with its interesting, bright green bark. This beautiful and highly desirable Acer shrub is slow growing and difficult to propagate so can often be very expensive, so we're delighted to be able to bring this garden gem to you. A great specimen shrub this Japanese Maple is slow growing and easy to maintain, ideal for small gardens or large containers so anyone can grow it even where space and time is limited.Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come.Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, Acer 'Orange Dream' will grow to around 3m over 20 years, often smaller if restricted in a container. plants are dormant in winter, so no leaves from approx. October until March.
One of the brightest and most dazzling of cordylines available, Cordyline 'Salsa' is a new and exciting colour variation that will create a wonderfully exotic effect in your own garden. Perfect for adding a modern twist to any patio, terrace and even balcony displays, this stunning cordyline plant will provide instant impact in even the most compact of spaces with its weeping red and pink leaves. A breeding breakthrough not only in colour but also habit, Cordyline 'Salsa' can reach up to 2m (6ft) forming a bright clump of leaves. Relatively compact, it's great for growing in a pot too. Evergreen and hardy to -6°C, this cordylines look fantastic all year-round, adding colour to your garden when all else begins to fade. We do suggest though using frost protection fleeces or wrapping or bring your plant into a garage or porch during the coldest winters. Supplied as an established plant in a 17cm pot, re-pot your Cordyline right away into a larger, decorative planter and place by a doorway, gateway, pathway or on the patios or decking for a show-stopping display in minutes (and they look even better in pairs!).
A wonderful feature tree for home gardens, the Salix 'Kilmarnock' is a beautiful dwarf tree with waterfalls of dark-green leaves smothered in golden catkins in the spring. Forming a dome-shape, like a beautiful waterfall centrepiece, the long stems hang and gently wave in the breeze throughout the year, whilst bright-golden furry catkins liven things up in the spring time. Ideal for growing in the ground or in containers that can be moved into position on a patio, terrace or even a balcony, this dwarf tree will stay compact and neat but bring a real unique feature to even the smallest of gardens. A stunning solution to creating instant impact in a small space, this weeping willow will create a real talking point next spring!Supplied as a grafted standard tree, approx. 70cm tall in a 17cm pot, ready to plant out.
Otherwise known as 'Glory Flower', 'Pink Diamond' is an easy-care choice for summer interest in your garden borders or in pots on your patio. Large clusters of deep-pink flowers emerge in high summer from dark red buds, set off against large, heart-shaped, soft green leaves, each with a subtle cream variegation. Flowering from August to September, the fragrant blooms are a magnet for bees and butterflies. Compact at about 1.2m (4ft) height and spread, it is tailor-made for larger pots as well as smaller garden borders and shrubberies, in sun or partial shade. This half-hardy, deciduous shrub is easy to care for, requiring only a little trimming in the autumn to keep it tidy. It will require protection from the worst of the winter weather, so mulch around the base of the plant if in the ground, or move container-grown plants to a conservatory or greenhouse during the winter. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, ready to plant.
We are still completely blown away by this, when we stumbled across this new concept of fruiting Cherry trees one drizzly winter's day in Northern Holland in 2016. It is revolutionising commercial Cherry cropping. This is simply a completely new way to grow cherries, one which were it not for the persistence of an enthusiastic breeder may never have seen the light of day. It is simply the first bush cherry, as opposed to a tree, so forms a nice neat clump of many fruiting branches right from the base - and as a result does not get too tall, and makes picking really easy - as well as netting from pesky birds. It still has fabulous sweet flavour to rival market leading 'Stella', it yields well, and is 100% self-fertile, and has the iconic spring cherry blossom too - so makes the perfect garden cherry. If pruned hard each summer, it can be kept very compact, and can even produce big crops of fruit. Be one of the first to see what all the excitement is about...
Sempervivums, the iconic houseleek, are making a welcome return to our gardens, as more and more people are becoming enthralled by this stunning succulent plant.. These simple plants are ideal for any level of gardener; easy to grow and a doddle to maintain. These collectable Chick Charms® each come with their own colourful, individual information tag, making them the horticultural version of a collectable charm bracelet. This year's must-have has got to be the extraordinary 'Gold Nugget' with fiery orange tips to its golden yellow leaves - sure to be in demand, so don't miss your opportunity to get your hands on one! Sempervivums form rosettes of colourful, fleshy leaves and are low growing, making them a welcome addition to any garden because of their colours and diversity of form. Also known as 'Hen and Chicks' because the freely produced offsets gather around the mother plant in much the same way as chicks around a mother hen. Sempervivums are drought tolerant and will take a roothold in the narrowest of cracks - hence their common name, as they were once used to plug gaps in leaking roofs. Really easy to grow and a favourite with kids, Sempervivums require a well-drained soil in full sun, tolerating drought when established. Please note that leaf colour is dependant on temperature and light, so may vary in intensity throughout the year. Supplied as a collection of 6 plants*, 1 each of: Appletini - Emerald green with chocolate tipsBerry Blues - Silver-Blue that can flush pink/purpleKey Lime Kiss - Bright greenGold Nugget - The most unusual form ever! Flame orange tipped yellow leavesMint Marvel - Green with red tipsPlum Parfait - Plum with a hint of green *Varieties may vary depending on availability caused by factors outside of our control.
Photinia 'Chico' is a compact, evergreen shrub, which boasts glossy, bronzed foliage, which provides your garden with a spectacular display in spring and summer. The leaves gradually change through a mix of oranges, reds, and bronzes, eventually maturing to a gorgeous and glossy green. This slow growing shrub will only reach a height of around 40cm, making it perfect for creating low and informal hedging. Or for filling spaces in your mixed border, which will provide you with year-long interest thanks to its evergreen foliage. 'Chico' is a relatively hardy shrub and will withstand the British weather, however it will thrive when planted in a sheltered areas of the garden to protect it from strong winds. Supplied as an established plant in a 17cm pot, ready to plant, growing to an eventual height of 40cm.
Transition the seasons from winter to spring with bold and bright colour year after year! The canary-yellow blooms of the Flowering Mimosa bush are a spectacular sight from January to April every year. Hundreds of bobbly yellow blooms smother the branches of the Mimosa bush in a lemon haze, almost hiding the stunning grey green filigree foliage that makes this tree a handsome year-round feature in the garden. The eye-catching pom-pom blooms not only look a picture but carry a heavenly fragrance and provide a valuable nectar source for friendly insects that emerge in milder weather, altogether a super bush to own! Widely seen across southern Europe, this variety will thrive outdoors in most of the UK too and is a great plant for conservatories or sunny corners of a room indoors in regions prone to severe frost. It's a great choice for a large container too producing a unique feature.Winter Hardy down to -5, will need protecting in very cold winters. Supplied as an established plant in a 15cm pot, ready to plant out.
Well known for their ability to cascade with free flowering exuberance from window boxes and hanging baskets, trailing Geraniums are a must-have for every summer garden display, and the 'Decora' varieties are the most popular type across the UK and Europe. This collection of trailing ivy-leaf Geraniums all have wonderfully bright, single flowers and are incredibly prolific, producing a non-stop torrent of colourful blooms from May until the frosts arrive in the autumn. Geraniums will thrive in any warm, sun-drenched location and are tolerant of drought, perfect for those long hot summers, and you'll be rewarded to an even better show if you occasionally feed with a high potash plant food and deadhead faded flowers by cutting the whole stem off at its base. Supplied as 24 plug plants, ready to grow on before planting out. reaching a height of 30cm (1ft) and trailing up to 1m (3ft), including: 'Decora Red' x 12 - Vivid red with a darker centre, trailing to 60cm (2ft). 'Decora Pink' x 6 - Bright pink with a splash of red in the centre, trailing to 60cm (2ft). 'Ville de Rheinberg' x 6 - White with magenta edges, trailing to over 1m (3ft).
This extra wide Mud Stopper Radcliffe doormat features an elaborate design with a wrought iron look and will look particularly elegant at your front door. The extra width makes it perfect for double doors, or as a runner when laid length ways. Made form hard wearing black rubber with a non-slip underside, not only will it trap dirt the shoes of a busy household, but it's incredibly durable and easy to keep clean too. Measuring 45cm (1½ft) x 1.2m (4ft). This product is supplied and delivered by one of our carefully selected and trusted retail partners. A telephone number must be left at the point of ordering so that this order may be processed.
Flowering for several months, Viola Teardrops is incredibly prolific and will produce masses of dainty flowers in a mix of gorgeous and eye-catching colours. Ideal for ground cover and hanging baskets in time they will cascade over the edge for a stunning displays that start in September and last all the way through to March.
Also known as the flax lily, Phormium tenax 'Sundowner' is a robust, fully hardy evergreen which forms a dense clump of sword-like leaves - a really great plant for adding a bit of a statement to your garden. Stunning in a border and stylish in a container, this phormium plant has particularly striking, bronze-green leaves striped with red and pink, and is a compact form - meaning that it won't overshadow everything in your garden plus you can grow it in a pot! Phormiums prefer a hot dry site (although will tolerate partial shade) and make a great candidate for a Mediterranean garden or a gravel garden where their upright leaves make a great foil for many other coloured plants. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Easy to grow, phormium 'Sundowner' needs virtually no maintenance - it may even reward you with spikes of yellow flowers in late summer. Ultimately growing to around 1.5m, we supply well-established plant in a 3L pot ready for immediate planting.