Van Meuwen

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About Van Meuwen

Established as a producer of tulip and daffodil bulbs in 1973, Van Meuwen diversified into mail order in 1977.

Today Van Meuwen is a horticultural mail order specialist, working hard to ensure you receive the best quality plants and bulbs direct to your home. Their buyers are on a constant search for new and exclusive ideas from all parts of the world allowing them to bring you top quality and exciting products at affordable prices.

Their product range has expanded to include soft fruit, vegetables plants, fruit trees and potatoes. Free growing guides are provided with all varieties.

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We currently have 5972 products listed for Van Meuwen, that's 5972 opportunities for you to save money!

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Van Meuwen have 5972 products listed

Climbing Bean 'Selma Zebra' - Heritage
  • £1.00

This highly decorative French Bean makes a fabulous talking point in the vegetable garden, or even in your flower borders. Climbing Bean 'Selma Zebra' is a T&M reintroduction from 30 years ago, and still as eye catching as ever. The unusual marbled pods are particularly early to mature in July and continue to set pods throughout the summer. These tasty beans turn green when cooked. Height: 180cm (70). Spread: 30cm (12)

  • £2.29

This hardy perennial herb is easy to grow and adds leafy texture and a tart flavour to a mixed leaf salad. Young sorrel leaves are used extensively in French cuisine, being particularly flavoursome in fish dishes, soups, stews and sauces. Height and spread: 30cm (12).

Cucumber 'Masterpiece'
  • £1.00

Outdoor typeCucumber 'Masterpiece' is an early and reliable British selection for outdoor cultivation. This RHS AGM variety produces heavy crops of dark green skinned, slightly spined, 20cm (8) cucumbers. The crisp white flesh is tender and perfect for summer salads. Height: 3m (9'). Spread: 45cm (18)

Dwarf Bean 'Sonesta'
  • £2.99

Dwarf Bean 'Sonesta' is an early maturing variety producing waxy yellow beans on compact plants. The colourful pods are slender, straight and stringless, reaching up to 13cm (5) long. This variety is resistant to Bean Mosaic Virus and Anthracnose. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 30cm (12)

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bavaria'
  • £12.99

A striking bicolour, mophead variety, with blue petals frosted with white edges. This eye-catching hardy shrub makes a striking focal point for patio pots and borders where it provides a long season of interest.

Beetroot 'Kestrel' F1 Hybrid (Globe)
  • £1.00

Smooth, round, dark red skinned roots with a superb dark flesh colour and increased sugar levels. Beetroot Kestrel is delicious cooked or eaten raw, used as 'baby beetsor when mature. Good resistance to bolting. Seeds are in the RHS Vegetable Collection

Cucumber 'Carmen' F1 Hybrid
  • £4.99

Greenhouse typeCucumber 'Carmen' is a unique variety with resistance to all known strains of powdery mildew, scab and leaf-spot, making it ideal for organic gardeners. The fruits are produced in abundance, from 50 to 100 per plant, and have a mild flavour with no bitter after taste. This climbing RHS AGM variety is easy to train in the greenhouse and its fruits are excellent for exhibition. Height: 3m (9'). Spread: 45cm (18)

Spring Onion 'Lilia' (Red Onion)
  • £2.49

A dual purpose Italian variety with a pungent flavour. Spring Onion Lilia is best grown as a salad onion with nice, dark green leaves and a shiny, intense red inner core. Onion Lilia can also be grown as a maincrop, storing bulb onion. When fully mature it shows off its defined red and white inner rings

Pennisetum villosum 'Cream Falls'
  • £3.23

One of the easiest and most visually stunning grasses to grow. Brilliant white, rabbit-tail spikes are produced in abundance from bushy, clump-forming deciduous plants. Eye-catching and early to flower in borders or large containers. Quick to flower, often used as a Annual. Height 45-50cm (18-20in) Cut back old foliage in spring as new growth appears in the centres of plants

Squash 'Potimarron' (Winter)
  • £3.29

Trailing. A famous French heirloom, the name of Squash Potimarron derives from potiron (pumpkin) and marron (chestnut). Squash Potimarron is one of the very best for baking and roasting, fruits reach 125-175 kilos (3-4lbs) in weight with an aromatic chestnut like taste. Good for storage.

Squash 'Turk's Turban' (Winter)
  • £1.00

Trailing. Stunning colour of fruit with a distinctive shape, each fruit of Squash Turk's Turban has its own cap on top making it a popular choice for ornamental autumn displays. Fruits have an excellent flavour for roasting, baking, as a steamed vegetable or used in soups.

Jasminum officinale
  • £11.99

Dainty white star shaped flowers with a superb perfume! The twining stems of the common Jasmine just love to climb and will quickly cover fences, trellis or tree stumps. Grow Jasmine in sunny borders or containers near doors and windows to fully appreciate its wonderful fragrance.

Pea 'Misty' (First Early)
  • £2.99

First EarlyPea Misty is an outstanding variety, producing a heavy crop of 7-8cm (3-3.5 inch) blunt pods, borne mainly in pairs against bright green foliage, filled with succulent tasty peas. Pea Misty flowers and sets pods over a very long cropping period.

Lettuce 'Arctic King' (Butterhead)
  • £2.99

A fine lettuce known for its exceptional cold resistance and bred solely for autumn sowings. Lettuce Arctic King is a large lettuce, light green in colour, with tasty, crinkled leaves

Pansy 'Karma Blue Butterfly' F1 Hybrid
  • £4.19

A totally unique Pansy! Spectacular flowers in an unusual colour combination, which are reminiscent of a tropical butterfly with electric blue wings and a hint of bronze going through to a golden splash in the center of each bloom. Sure to create an eye-catching display in spring or summer flowering borders or containers. A Hardy Perennial often used as a Half Hardy Annual. Height: 15-20cm (6-8in).

Viola x williamsiana 'Sweeties'
  • £2.99

The best ever dwarf Viola for containers! A unique mixture of small, attractive bicoloured flowers resembling tiny sweets. Compact plants are smothered in masses of flowers over a very long period, making it ideal for summer or winter flowering bedding displays.

Lettuce 'Tom Thumb' (Butterhead)
  • £2.29

A fabulous tiny Butterhead lettuce that is perfectly proportioned for individual salads. Remarkably quick maturing, Lettuce 'Tom Thumb' produces solid heads of deliciously soft and juicy leaves that can be grown just 15cm (6) apart. Its tiny size and good vigour make this an ideal variety for early crops under cloches for the earliest harvests. Sow successively for an ongoing supply throughout summer. Height and spread: 15cm (6)

Mimosa nuttallii 'Pink Sparkles'
  • £1.00

An unusual hardy species of this sensitive plant. Lax arching stems with small thorns (briers), and very sensitive leaves that fold when touched are then graced by attractive pink puffball-like flowers during the summer, attracting beneficial insects to the garden. Height: 30-60cm (12-24in)

Corn Salad 'Cavallo'
  • £0.99

Corn Salad Cavallo keeps on producing a mass of fresh flavoured, deep green 'lamb's lettuceleaves. A late summer sowing will guarantee winter salads.

Chilli Pepper 'Naga Jolokia' (Very hot)
  • £3.99

Officially recognised as the world's hottest chilli pepper, measured at just over one million scoville heat units (SHU). Extensively cultivated in Assam region of India. Best grown in a container under glass as needs a long growing season. Fruits pale lime green turning an orangey red. Use sparingly and with care
