Van Meuwen

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About Van Meuwen

Established as a producer of tulip and daffodil bulbs in 1973, Van Meuwen diversified into mail order in 1977.

Today Van Meuwen is a horticultural mail order specialist, working hard to ensure you receive the best quality plants and bulbs direct to your home. Their buyers are on a constant search for new and exclusive ideas from all parts of the world allowing them to bring you top quality and exciting products at affordable prices.

Their product range has expanded to include soft fruit, vegetables plants, fruit trees and potatoes. Free growing guides are provided with all varieties.

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We currently have 5972 products listed for Van Meuwen, that's 5972 opportunities for you to save money!

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Van Meuwen have 5972 products listed

Kale 'Scarlet'
  • £2.49

Highly decorative, dark green, red veined leaves which show more colour as colder weather approaches. Kale Scarlet can be eaten as a 'salad leaf'. Mature plants show excellent winter hardiness, supplying fresh winter greens when they can often be scarce. Long season of harvest. Kale Scarlet prefers a moist, rich, well-drained soil. Good source of Vitamins A, C, K and folate and provides 50% of the daily requirement in a single 80g portion

Chilli Pepper 'Heatwave' (Hot)
  • £4.49

Thanks to Columbus who is credited with discovering the cayenne pepper, gardeners and cooks can enjoy the pleasure of this mixture containing red, yellow and orange. Beautifully ornamental and offering a 'mind blowinghot flavour experience. Most suitable for greenhouse culture. (Capsicum annuum)

Pak Choi 'White' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.19

Pak Choi White F1 produces pure white, juicy stems. Ready to harvest in 30 days from sowing as 'baby leafor 45-70 days as semi-mature to full size heads. Earlier and later sowings of Pak Choi White F1 for 'baby leafcan be made under cloches or fleece

Pak Choi 'Green' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Pak Choi Green F1 produces vibrant apple green stems. Ready to harvest in 30 days from sowing as 'baby leafor 45-70 days as semi-mature to full size heads. Earlier and later sowings of Pak Choi Green F1 for 'baby leafcan be made under cloches or fleece

Beetroot 'Detroit 2 Crimson Globe'
  • £2.49

An improved Detroit with rich maroon colouring. Beetroot Detroit 2 Crimson Globe produces globe-shaped beet which are ideal for successional sowing

Chilli Pepper 'Joe's Long' (Hot)
  • £1.00

Chili Pepper Joe's Long produces unbelievably long, slender, cayenne-style fruits with strong pungency, excellent for hot sauces or for drying to make powders. Fruits ripen dark bottle-green to red. High yielding, Chili Pepper Joe's Long produces fruits up to 25cm (10 inches) long. Bushy plants for indoor or outdoor growing

Beetroot 'Albina Vereduna' (Globe)
  • £2.99

A true beetroot but white in colour. It means no smudging or bleeding. Beetroot Albina Vereduna is much more acceptable as a vegetable with fish or poultry and adds variety and flavour far exceeding red beetroot available today. The curved and wavy top leaf is a vegetable delicacy like spinach and high in vitamins

Lavender 'Munstead'
  • £2.99

Neat, dwarf variety, strongly fragrant producing a prolific quantity of deep blue flowers. Perfect for hedging and cut flowers and ideal for drying. Flowers summer. Height: 30-60cm (1-2ft).

Courgette 'Tricolour' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.99

This colourful mix contains three varieties of F1 Hybrid courgettes. These vigorous bushy plants each produce a generous crop of shiny, flavoursome, spherical fruits of either pale green, dark green or bright yellow that look fantastic on your plate. Harvest them at golf ball size to add raw to salads or wait until they are tennis ball sized stuffing and slicing. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 90cm (35).

Cabbage 'Tundra' F1 Hybrid (Winter Savoy)
  • £2.99

This RHS AGM variety produces solid, sweet, crisp heads that are ideal for winter salads. Winter Savoy Cabbage 'Tundra' is high yielding and particularly hardy, so it can be harvested right through the winter. Cabbages are easy to grow being perfectly suited to the British climate, and make a delicious and healthy side dish, as they are high in vitamins and low in calories. Height: 40cm (16). Spread: 60cm (24)

Courgette 'Partenon' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Extra early crops of excellent flavoured, dark green, slightly speckled cylindrical fruits. Courgette 'Partenon' has a parthenocarpic habit, meaning it has the ability to set fruit without pollination. So even when grown under glass or during poor summers when pollinating insects are scarce, you will have a plentiful harvest of succulent courgettes. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 90cm (35).

Cabbage 'Hispi' F1 Hybrid (Summer)
  • £3.99

An outstanding variety. Ideal for small gardens. Cabbage Hispi can be grown at virtually any season of the year and comes to maturity faster than cabbages specially created for specific seasons. Even autumn sown it will beat the earliest of the spring cabbages. Hispi is a pointed type, strong and uniform and with a beautifully sweet flavour. A Jan/Feb sowing fills the late spring gap in cropping. Bolt resistant. Andrew Tokely says: I always sow this cabbage in early March, and I harvest the first sweet and tender hearts by mid June. This is far quicker than traditional spring cabbage sown in the autumn and the flavour is miles better too

Cabbage 'Primo' (Summer)
  • £1.99

A well known variety, Cabbage Primo produces solid 'ball head' cabbage from June to August. Easy and productive.

Pansy 'Mello® 21' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Mello® 21 has twenty one different shades and bicolours from black through to white. The flowers are an excellent size without being too big, smooth, well rounded, firm and upward facing on compact plants, held clear of the small foliage. A true spring, summer and winter flowering bedding or container pansy. Combining both cold hardy and heat tolerant genetic lines, it features formula mixing of seed to ensure as near as possible a balance of all 21 colours.

Beetroot 'Rubidus' (Globe)
  • £2.99

Bolting is almost a thing of the past with this excellent globe beetroot! Detroit 6 : Rubidus will be ready to harvest over a week earlier than 'Boltardy', which it supersedes in all respects. Firm, smooth, deep red flesh without a hint of fibre, even when 125cm (5in) in diameter. Vigorous, high yields which are synonymous with F1 Hybrids

Shallot 'Figaro'
  • £2.99

Long, banana-shaped shallots from seed, as used by many celebrity chefs. Shallot 'Figaroproduces attractive, shiny, copper brown-skinned bulbs with crisp white flesh and a very distinct flavour. Sowing densities will determine the size of bulbs you harvest. Stores well for winter use in the kitchen

Gherkin 'Diamant' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.99

An early ripening and prolific cropping gherkin, producing short, firm fleshed, tasty fruits ideal for pickling, or used in salads. Has both downy and powdery mildew tolerance so the healthy plants produce fruits over a long season

Melon 'Edonis' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.59

Melon 'Edonis' is a productive variety that is very early to ripen particularly when grown under glass. The pale orange fleshed fruits weigh up to 600g (1 1/2lb) and can be harvested from midsummer onwards. The sweet flavoured fruits have a refreshing, delicate flavour and an attractive juicy appearance. This RHS AGM variety also has good resistance to fusarium wilt. Height and spread: 2m (6', 6). Melons require high temperatures and humidity. In all but the very warmest areas cultivation is most successful in a greenhouse, or under cover of a cold frame or cloche when growing melons in the UK

Kale 'Nero di Toscana'
  • £1.00

The fully grown plants of Kale Nero di Toscana have attractive dark green, deeply savoyed, strap-like leaves with traditional winter hardiness, making this a useful winter to spring vegetable at a time when fresh garden produce is scarce. Kale Nero di Toscana can also be grown as a baby salad leaf ingredient adding texture and a peppery taste to mixed salads

Carrot Fly Free Collection
  • £7.99

Carrot root fly is a troublesome pest but both Flyaway and Resistafly have partial carrot fly resistance, both contain low levels of chlorogenic acid, a chemical which the carrot fly larvae of needs to survive. This means that they appear to be unattractive to the fly and even if your crop is attacked the larvae will soon die after doing relatively little damage. Height: 30cm (12). Spread: 15cm (6). Collection comprises one pack each of: Carrot 'Resistafly' - A 'Nantes' type with good early vigour, a smooth skin and excellent core colour. The uniform 15cm (6) roots store particularly well. Carrot 'Flyaway' - A naturally very sweet tasting variety with smooth skinned, blunt ended roots and a good orange skin and root colour. Carrot 'Nantes 2' - This fast maturing selection is ideal for early sowings under glass in February for your first crop of the year.
