Description for Roses, Chrysanthemum and Lilies Funeral Spray not available
It will take more than words for me to describe the beauty of this bouquet. It is designed by our famous florist with different shades of pink roses, pink lilies, phlox and alstroemeria.
When it comes to cut flowers, these double oriental lilies are a true favourite. Boasting huge elegant blooms, a delightful scent and beautiful raspberry colouring this bouquet really makes a statement. What’s more, these lilies are pollen-free and 100% pet friendly, meaning you get to enjoy stunning lilies whilst keeping your beloved pet safe. Our florists assemble this gorgeous bouquet with the following beautiful blooms: 7 Pink Oriental Double Lilies
A classically beautiful bouquet of pretty pink roses and scented white lilies is a delight to receive. Finished with fragrant eucalyptus and greenbell foliage.
A delightful scented bouquet of white oriental lilies with soft pink sweet dolomiti roses and foliage. One of mum's favourites.
Sensational - Sensation Lilies; Fresh from the Lily Selection range are our stunning Sensation Lilies. This beautiful bouquet is excellent value for money at just £39.00. A gorgeous hand tied bouquet of fresh and vibrant oriental lilies, this fabulous floral arrangement has a delightful scent which will brighten and fragrance any room in the home or office. They arrive bud ready which means they will last a lot longer, as will your enjoyment of them. A bouquet of pretty pink lilies will always make for a pleasantly surprising and wonderfully unexpected gift to mark any special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary. These alluring oriental lilies could also be gifted to yourself as a way to brighten up your own surroundings! Show that special person in your life how important they are to you with the Sensation Lilies - beautiful lilies for only £39.00 including standard delivery to any address in the UK! Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £39.00! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not a box of delicious Lindt Chocolates, a cuddly teddy, a chic glass vase or a Handwritten Card to say thankyou. You may also be interested in... We also have a large selection arrangements containing lilies and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion.
Studies have found that having plants around the home and workplace can increase productivity. That makes this stylish Peace Lily plant perfect for the home office or desk, to help keep your brain on top form! FREE Lindor Mini Milk Chocolates, use code FREECHOCS FREE Delivery Perfect to bring serenity to any home Peace lilies are a top indoor air cleaning plant Featuring a spathy in a wood effect ceramic Product Dimensions:- Height 45cm (plant only 12cm) Width 35cm
The Serenity Lily Pad Cascade Water Feature has a unique design, and is perfect for placing near a garden seating area.
Create a stylish and relaxing space in your home or garden with this stunning purple calla lily water feature from Serenity.
Quite simple, Simply Lilies: Simple white scented lilies, crisp, fresh and arriving in bud ready to place in your own vase. Selected by our expert florists for their quality, these beautiful crisp and fresh flowers are stunning in their simplicity. They will look and smell amazing placed in any setting around the home or office. The Simply Lilies Bouquet is also fantastic as a gift for a loved one, be it a friend, relative or partner. Whether it's a birthday or anniversary, any special day will be made all the more special with this elegant bouquet of white lilies. Your fresh Simply Lilies can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £39.00! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card, a delicious box of Lindt Chocolates, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Simply Lilies bouquet. You may also be interested in... Our selection of arrangements containing lilies and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion.
FREE STANDARD DELIVERYThis beautiful bouquet of hand-tied flowers is a floral delight of pretty pink sweet avalanche roses, heavenly scented white lilies and vibrant eucalyptus with green bell. Why not add a box of chocolates to really make this gift extra special?Please note the bouquet pictured is the chic size and the vase is not included. Free delivery is not applicable to same day delivery in London.